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Example sentences for "equalise"

Lexicographically close words:
equably; equal; equaled; equaling; equalisation; equalised; equalising; equalitarian; equalitie; equalities
  1. If a party is limited to five guns=, seven ladies is the average number invited, the hostess relying upon a neighbour or a neighbour's son to equalise the balance at the dinner-table.

  2. Though they have no tendency to equalise powers of achievement, they tend to produce an artificial equality of expectation.

  3. If we make the necessary reduction in the case of Vega, and also equalise the distance at which the candle was placed, we find the following result:-- Observer.

  4. The teeth of the cogged wheel are usually made the thickest, so as to somewhat equalise the strength of the teeth on the two wheels.

  5. The flesh side of the leather is then pared with the moon-knife, or in the shaving machine, to equalise the thickness.

  6. The skins are then taken down, damped in dry parts, folded over, laid in piles to equalise the moisture, and finally smoothed out and stretched again by hand or machine.

  7. That betting on fair odds, the chances of each bettor will, in the long run, so equalise themselves that neither can win nor lose, in an infinite number of bets.

  8. The chances,' some will say, 'are bound to equalise themselves in the long run, and then one can neither win nor lose.

  9. The same principle has been applied to relieve and equalise the strain on ships' cables, especially where several boats are towing one vessel; and as a projectile force.

  10. They are lastly washed in clean water, and passed through a polished hole in a piece of brass to smooth and equalise their surface; after which they are twisted, and sorted, according to the purposes for which they are intended.

  11. Finally, we have ornaments expressing the endeavor to equalise the executive and inventive,--endeavor which is Renaissance and revolutionary, and destructive of all noble architecture.

  12. The use of the abacus is eminently to equalise the pressure over the surface of the bell, so that the weight may not by any accident be directed exclusively upon its edges.

  13. It is the business of the administration to equalise the attractions of the trades, so that the lightest trades have the longest hours, while an arduous trade, such as mining, has very short hours.

  14. La loi ne saurait égaliser les hommes malgré la nature=--The law cannot equalise men in spite of nature.

  15. The law cannot equalise men in spite of nature.

  16. Will you equalise the franchise, and admit us, in proportion to our numbers, into your Senate, and let us try there for redress?

  17. I believe that the operation of the free navigation system will be what you anticipate, to a great extent at least, and that it will tend materially to equalise prices on the two sides of the line.

  18. Under these conditions it was not easy to equalise the receipts and expenditure of the island treasury; and the difficulty was not diminished by the necessity of satisfying critics at home.

  19. Inequality rules throughout Nature, and it seems as little possible to equalise the fortunes, as it is to equalise the bodily and mental powers, of men.

  20. In destroying the colouring matter in ferns this also is invaluable; added to the chlorine it gives a solidity to the bleached fronds, and appears to equalise the action of the chlorine.

  21. The problem before them was to equalise their respective burdens, so that there would be equality of burden between them, or, in other words, to reduce the value of the article sold to terms of money.

  22. Hence it is necessary to equalise thing with thing, so that the one person should pay back to the other just so much as he has become richer out of that which belonged to the other.

  23. This is not in keeping with the theory of bimetallism as developed to-day, according to which the transition from one coin to the other would only be made at the point of equation, and the substituted metal would equalise that displaced.

  24. The step actually and finally adopted, however, by the proclamation of 1611, did not equalise the exchange for more than a twelvemonth.

  25. On these bank rates are based the operations of the modern bullion dealers or arbitragists, which serve to equalise or economise the distribution of the precious metals all over the world.

  26. A system which should equalise the advantages of the energetic and the helpless would begin by demoralising, and would very soon lead to an unprecedented intensification of the struggle for existence.

  27. A similar difference of progression is visible in the means, which differ most in spring and autumn, and tend to equalise themselves in winter and in summer.

  28. A little water is then sprinkled over all to equalise the surface.

  29. I did all that I could to equalise the pressure, and prevent vibration as much as possible.

  30. For there were no railways then to convey the fish to England, and thus equalise the price for all classes of the community.

  31. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "equalise" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.