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Example sentences for "envisioned"

Lexicographically close words:
envisage; envisaged; envisages; envisaging; envision; envoie; envoy; envoya; envoye; envoyer
  1. Shoghi Effendi, however, envisioned the country assuming an “active and decisive part .

  2. There is nothing in existence—nothing indeed envisioned by any group of people —that in any way resembles this achievement.

  3. These diagrams illustrate how the moon may be envisioned as a clockface, constantly oriented with six o'clock nearest the horizon and completely independent of the rotation of the moon's topographic features.

  4. For one thing, I have come to doubt seriously the rigidity of the coastal hiatus as I envisioned it in 1945.

  5. During his earlier years, when the supreme confidence of youth was still with him, Leoh had envisioned himself as helping mankind to spread his colonies and civilizations throughout the galaxy.

  6. Leoh envisioned it as a device to enable men to rid themselves of hostility and tension safely.

  7. The reforms would perhaps have a greater impact on the secondary system than the other levels, as they envisioned a completely unified secondary school system in which professional and general education would be fused.

  8. The druid notched these events onto trunks that lead to deeper wood - envisioned - silence, incantation; the God found within the stone.

  9. Down the stretch of years, past many an intervening milepost, it always stood clearly envisioned to its sons and daughters both natural and adopted.

  10. It must be remembered that Sun Yat-sen saw a nation while the majority of his compatriots still envisioned the serene, indestructible society of the Confucians.

  11. Li declares that Sun envisioned immediate redistribution but ultimate socialization, but does not cite his source for this.

  12. He envisioned the computer and how it would work, how people would approach it and work with it.

  13. It's exactly how I had envisioned it, but better," William said.

  14. This was the part he had envisioned from the moment he had laid eyes on the striking bed.

  15. As vividly as the living truth, Jerry Markham envisioned himself sauntering down the sidewalk.

  16. So she might not wait but there were others; he'd envisioned himself fighting them off with a club after his successful return.

  17. On the way he made verbal arrangements for the enterprise he'd envisioned so swiftly.

  18. At least the possibilities of stun-guns were envisioned in their childish games.

  19. He envisioned much more for the now £5,000 investment than the disparagingly reported return of a "fire shovell and tonges and a little barre of iron made by a bloomery.

  20. This was envisioned as a place of refuge in the event that enemy attack would force an evacuation of Jamestown.

  21. In these mysterious marine sanctuaries, I envisioned hosts of unknown animals, and this underwater boat seemed to be a blood relation of theirs: living, breathing, just as fearsome .

  22. How painfully the hours passed, as I sometimes envisioned myself safe on shore with my companions, or, despite my better judgment, as I sometimes wished that some unforeseen circumstances would prevent Ned Land from carrying out his plans.

  23. So this way of living began to seem simple and natural to us, and we no longer envisioned a different lifestyle on the surface of the planet earth, when something happened to remind us of our strange circumstances.

  24. He had envisioned the whole scene over and over.

  25. Southern planters envisioned the end of slavery on which their wealth was based.

  26. He had envisioned a grass-roots black power movement a quarter of a century before it became popular.

  27. Anthropological literature used to suggest that skin color in some groups was a possible indication of Mongoloid influences or that the thin, straight lips common in another group could be envisioned as a Caucasoid feature.

  28. I could not, however, deny my family their renewed hope by objecting to travel to Greece; I envisioned an image of boundless joy which my health would generate among the family and circulate through the homes of friends.

  29. I envisioned a woman with a white stick drooping out of the corner of her mouth and an old man sucking pathetically on the smoking stub of his cigarette.

  30. I branded the magnificence into my mind so I could later return to the mountains in envisioned thoughts.

  31. At the close of the war, Mr. Nelson envisioned the continuance of this work on a scale far exceeding the conventional idea of church missionary work.

  32. Frank Nelson was impatient of such, for he ventured upon a scale more broad than that envisioned by the average parson or layman.

  33. The development of the amphibian tractor and improved fire support also had removed the need for the light assault units envisioned by Holland Smith at the beginning of the war.

  34. These political objectives are generally those envisioned in the major and lesser regional conflict scenarios (MRC & LRC).

  35. Does Rapid Dominance apply only or mostly to the high end of the spectrum, involving more traditional applications of force to achieve political objectives as envisioned in the MRC and LRC scenarios?

  36. They will be effective in the future, even when applied in limited ways that do not reflect the more encompassing impact envisioned by Rapid Dominance.

  37. What are the key elements to apply Rapid Dominance for each envisioned threat?

  38. Does Rapid Dominance apply only or mostly to the high end of the conflict spectrum involving more traditional applications of force to achieve political objectives, as envisioned in the MRC and LRC scenarios?

  39. These political objectives are generally those envisioned in the major and lower regional conflict scenarios (MRC & LRC).

  40. Skinner envisioned a widespread distribution of Negroes throughout the Coast Guard's seagoing vessels.

  41. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "envisioned" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.