When that any came for to present his petition, the porter that was at the entrie made a great noise, in manner of an o.
At the entrie in the first court, there were many souldiers armed, and had hargubushes and lances, and in a very good order.
Austen had manie times attempted the entrie into that kingdome, and yet neuer could obtaine their desire.
The entrie of the Spaniards into the cittie of Aucheo, and how the vizroy did entertaine and receiue them.
At the entrie thereof, there were manie armed souldiers readie to fight, who, when they came within hargubush-shoote, did salute them in verie good order.
Also it hath continually foure wardes, to wit, for the land entrie one, for the sea entrie another, and two other wardes.
Island called Saseno, which is in the entrie to Valona, and the wind prosperous.
Limbones lie in the mouth or entrie of the Bay of Manilla vnder 14.
From the point aforesayde, wee sailed West for the space of eighteene leagues to the point or entrie of the chanell, which runneth in betweene that Iland and the Iland of Lucon.
All the coast that stretcheth from the entrie of the chanel to the point of El capo del Spirito santo, is not very faire.
Amonges otheris thare came two Gray Frearis, and standing in the entrie of the kirk doore, thei made some whispering to such as came in.
The entrie thairof was pleasing yneuch, but as thei proceaded, all that took that way, eyther lost thare horse, or ellis thame selfis and horse boith.
All the Citizens came out to receiue him and the lady Marques his wife: his entrie into the cittie was a day of great pleasure among them.
And also theentrie could not be but very daungerous, for the great multitude of enimies that filled vp the streates.
Anent his admission and re-entrie to the Ministrie within this Realme, it was ansuered, That could not be granted till the memorie of his former offence were more deeply buried, and some particular Kirks within the Realme made request for him.
And, further, That his entrie in the Ministrie of England, hee being excommunicated and unreconciled to the Kirk, hath grievously offended them.
And viewinge it they coulde not perceiue anye entrie at all.
The bredth or entrie of the mouth hereof (as I take it) is by estimation two miles from shore to shore.
He repaired also (as Henrie Bradshaw saith) the citie of Caerleon now called Chester, which (as in the same Bradshaw appeareth) was built before Brutus entrie into this land by a giant named Leon Gauer.
It hath but one gate orentrie thereat, which is shut with piles, stakes, and barres.
Marie, which is distant from Cape Raz 19 leagues, and is on the Eastside of the great bay of Placentia almost at the entrie thereof.
And when he had knocked at yͤ entrie doore, a maid came forth to harken, named =Rhode=.
We shewed before how =Athanagoras= commanded the bones which were digged vp in the entrie of his house at Athens, to bee orderly buried againe.
The next daie, the two queenes made theirentrie and were receiued with like solemnities, as their husbands were the day before.
After that we had passed many small villages, we fortuned to come to one Britunis house, where at our first entrie they began to hurle themselves hither and thither, as though they were mad.
Sidenote: Knights made by the earle of Buckingham at his entrie into France.
His counsellors met me without the gates, and at the entrie of the gates, his footmen and guard were placed on both sides of my horse, and so brought me to the kings palace.
Thus speaking at the entrie of the chariot seate, he went vp, and being set downe, the gouernour of the chariot made fast the seate.
To be short, their entrie into Sauonne, was so royal and triumphant, as if the Emperor himself would haue receiued the honour of such estate, and pompe.
Anent the entrie of Ministers to the ministrie: The Assembly thinks expedient that the act holden at St. Andrews, April 24.
Act for the present Entrie of the new erected Presbyterie at Biggar.
That all Ministers or Intrants presented to Kirks, be tryed before their admission, if they be qualified for the places to which they are presented, besides the ordinary tryalls of Expectants before their entrie to the Ministerie.
And suchlike ordaines, that hereafter none be admitted to the publike exercise, before they be tried according to the tryal appointed for Expectants, at their entrie to the Ministerie in the late Assembly at Glasgow, in the 24.
This is clear by the registers of the Assembly, 1608, in the entrie thereof.
Anent the entrie and conversation of Ministers: It is expedient that the act of Assembly holden at Edinburgh, March 24.
And moreouer, certeine letters were made and deliuered vnto Chester, Shrewesburie, and to other places for to let mine entrie into the same.
But to returne to the affaires of king Henrie, who in the moneth of Nouember remooued from Rone to Pontoise, and so to saint Denis, to the intent to make his entrie into Paris, and there to be sacred king of France.
And on the morow being thursdaie, and the eleuenth of Aprill, king Edward quietlie made his entrie into the citie with his power, hauing fiue hundred smokie gunners marching foremost, being strangers, of such as he had brought ouer with him.
Edwards vse, so as he might haue free passage and entrie into the same at his pleasure.
The inhabitants of Winchelsie onelie made countenance to resist him, but prince Edward with valiant assaults entred the towne, in which entrie much guiltie bloud was spilt, but yet the multitude by commandement of prince Edward was spared.
And on the day of the Purification of our ladie, the two kings with their queenes and a great number of noble personages made their entrie and passage into the citie of London.
Some put the blame in such moonks of the abbeie as were strangers, as though they should prepare this entrie for the enimie: but howsoeuer it was, the king got the towne out of his enimies hands.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "entrie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.