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Example sentences for "enormously"

Lexicographically close words:
enorme; enormes; enormities; enormity; enormous; enough; enounced; enow; enquere; enquire
  1. The swiftness with which the waves of light are propagated through the ether, is however enormously greater than that with which the waves of sound pass through the air.

  2. Everywhere enormously long polished black cannon thrust their supple bodies out of turrets.

  3. It has been enormously increased as a result of the experience gained during the recent fighting, in which it was established that infantry or cavalry without absolutely dominating gun protection were hopelessly weak.

  4. That of the enormously fat man looked like a pea on a drum.

  5. It was also fully aware that the leakages to Germany, instead of diminishing, increased so enormously as to create a scandal which it could hardly hope to hide from the British public.

  6. An enormously long row of carts full of wounded men had stopped in the street.

  7. Can the French be so enormously superior to us that when we had surrounded them with superior forces we could not beat them?

  8. He was enormously tall, handsome, amiable as Frenchmen are, and was, as all Moscow said, an extraordinarily clever doctor.

  9. He imagined himself as an enormously tall, powerful man who was throwing cannon balls at the French with both hands.

  10. It is Asiatic in scenery altogether: enormously high mountains, running up some of them ten thousand feet, with narrow valleys at their bases, through which streams sometimes trickle along.

  11. Do we not see that banking capital and bank paper are enormously increasing?

  12. While the scope of the law was enormously extended, its experimental foundation was even smaller than with Richter.

  13. There is a very common idea that Russian nobles are as a rule enormously rich.

  14. At the same time the absence of free discussion between the contending parties renders the task of the judge enormously difficult.

  15. Agriculture would become more scientific, trade and industry would be rapidly developed, and the material, intellectual, and moral condition of the peasantry would be enormously improved.

  16. The most common complaint made against it is that it has enormously increased the rates.

  17. You see, the boat was running free before the wind, and there was scarcely any appreciable motion, though she was going at a good speed, for her mainsail was enormously large and the breeze was brisk.

  18. She had hammered at it for some time, but the skull was so enormously thick, that she made no impression upon it.

  19. Instead of white flowers which the female palm has at this season, the male has enormously long broad hard pods, but also contains flowers.

  20. I am, therefore, still of the same opinion as before expressed, that the sufferings of these people, who travel in Sahara, are enormously increased from their want of sufficient food and clothing.

  21. He was enormously popular as a bandmaster, and composed or arranged a large variety of pieces for orchestra.

  22. And it is certain too that England gained enormously by being able to do so.

  23. Scotland must needs have gained enormously in all material respects by incorporation with her more advanced neighbour.

  24. It also destroys all ground for the charge against king John of wasteful folly in attacking his enemy strongly posted, when that enemy had no choice, unless he would starve or surrender, but to attack an enormously superior force.

  25. All that can fairly be concluded is that the line is enormously more effective for those who can bear the strain.

  26. The average luxury is enormously increased even in my experience; what were once considered refinements and fopperies are now called necessary comforts.

  27. The result of universal suffrage will be enormously in favour of the desire expressed by one man.

  28. You will be placed in diplomacy; effloresce into an ambassador, a minister,--and ministers nowadays have opportunities to become enormously rich.

  29. Louvier then became an ardent democrat, and recruited the fortune he had impaired by the aforesaid marriage, launched into colossal speculations, and became enormously rich.

  30. The next minute he was convex one side, concave the other, while directly after he seemed to have been furnished with an enormously huge bun upon his shoulders.

  31. Of course I did; and I took it for granted that Mr Jeffrey Lynn would come and share the burden of my enormously increasing work.

  32. It should be added that those dramatic literatures which freely admit of a mixture of the serious with the comic element thereby enormously increase the opportunities of varied characterization.

  33. Again, there are reasons for suspecting that the processes of evolution in our Sun, and in other stars as well, may be enormously prolonged through the influence of energy within the atoms or molecules of matter composing them.

  34. What the conditions within the Earth and Moon were in the distant past is uncertain, but these bodies probably passed through viscous stages which endured through enormously long periods of time.

  35. The insurance investments in Europe have been enormously depleted in worth, a reduction in market value estimated at 50 per cent.

  36. The moral quality, or zeal to accomplish, or energy directed toward intellectual operations stands enormously above that of the average individual.

  37. All such investigations are enormously difficult, and many questionable assumptions must be made if we seek to go back to the Moon's origin, or forward to its ultimate destiny.

  38. He finds it to be enormously rapid; no motions in the solar system approach it in magnitude.

  39. The chances for the collision of a rapidly traveling star with an enormously extended nebulous cloud are vastly greater, and the apparent mildness of the phenomenon observed is in better harmony with expectation.

  40. We can all reduce enormously our troubles and vexations by bringing to bear upon them the two Stoic formulas.

  41. They take us out of our local and temporal situation, and let us live in other days and other lands, in other customs and costumes; and so enormously widen the world of experience we imaginatively make our own.

  42. In both countries the number of men with immense fortunes, absolutely at their own disposal, has enormously increased, and the character of their expenditure has become a matter of real national importance.

  43. With different characters the same temptation, operating under the same external circumstances, has enormously different strength, and very few men can fully realise the strength of a passion which they have never themselves experienced.

  44. Among the special pleasures of the enormously rich the collecting passion is conspicuous, and of course a very rich man can carry it into departments which men of moderate fortune can hardly touch.

  45. They clearly saw the complete delusion of the common assertions that the more millionaires there are in a country the more paupers will multiply, and that society is dividing between the enormously rich and the abjectly poor.

  46. In the great lottery of life, men who have observed them all may be doomed to illness, weak vitality, and early death, but they at least add enormously to the chances of a strong and full life.

  47. If even at this late hour Lord Milner would frankly acknowledge his error, I believe he would enormously enhance his reputation in the eyes of the whole Empire.

  48. He made for the factory in which he worked, and he knew that he had only a few minutes in which to conceal this enormously valuable prize, which would otherwise be found on him when he was searched.

  49. Instead of being ruined, my good sir, you will find that your reputation has been enormously enhanced.

  50. The same significance belongs to the enormously developed caeca of these birds (cf.

  51. Forms with enormously developed sacculated caeca, coiled spirally, with or without additional convolutions of the proximal colon; the terminal portion of the caecal pouch diminishes in caliber to form a pointed appendage.

  52. On the other hand in some forms the number of pyloric appendices is enormously increased, while their caliber diminishes.

  53. The enormously elongated caeca of the African ostrich contain a spiral fold of the mucous membrane in the interior (Fig.

  54. This colic modification is found in its highest degree of development in the ruminant Ungulates, whose caecal pouch proper is also enormously developed.

  55. He was a jovial-faced short man, and from having lived a life of ease on shore he had grown enormously fat.

  56. The nutrition present in two plants of the same species, even in two samples of the exact same variety of vegetable raised from the same packet of seed can vary enormously depending on where the plants were grown.

  57. Earthworm populations will vary enormously according to climate and native soil fertility.

  58. Some said that there were too many such personages, and the price of wood would be enormously increased by such a custom; moreover, it would be absurd to see our ancestors in their urns in the procession at Longchamps.

  59. I have often produced effects of this nature, a sort of animal magnetism which becomes enormously powerful when the relations are reciprocally precise.

  60. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "enormously" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    exceedingly; full; immensely; tremendously; vastly