Wherefore, with all diligence he sent foorth Peter Landoise his cheefe treasuror, commanding him to intercept and slaie the earle of Richmond, in all hast possible, as before you haue heard.
Which letters the French king gladlie receiued, and thankefullie accepted, as the cheefe instrument to bring the constable to his death; which he escaped no long season after, such is the end of dissemblers.
The duke of Excester, and the earle of Oxenford, with other the cheefe capteins, aduertised that king Edwards foreriders had beene afore the towne in the euening, supposed verelie that he and his whole armie were comming towards them.
And their cheefe comander which came hither last, called Adam Westerwood, sett my life at sale, offering 50 R.
I am enformed that Chinas and Japons have byn at Miaco before Ingo Dono, Lord Cheefe Justice of Japon, to complaine of the theevery of the Hollanders; and he asked them whether the English did not the lyke, which they said no.
Whaw of Nangasaque be dead, whoe was a cheefe dealer hearin, yet his brother, Capt.
I sent Mr. Osterwick to Taccamon Dono, cheefe justice, to demand restetution of the silver spoone of the recever, although he denid the recept thereof, otherwais to proceed against hym by order of justice.
And one day a greate man envited hym to dyner, and sent his cheefe page to conduct hym, he being sonne to a greate man.
I need not to name them, but refer it to the cheefe comanders them selves.
And one James Martyn, accused by som to be the author of this mischeefe, he being a Scotsman, and fownd to be a cheefe bellows blower or sterrer up of all mutanies heretofore.
The cheefe mornar was a woaman, all in white, with her haire hanging downe her back and her face covered, and a strange attire upon her head like a rownd stoole.
News is now com to towne that themperour will retire hym selfe into the ould howse his father kept at Edo, and that his sonn (a littell boy of 10 or 12 yeares ould) shall remeane in the cheefe fortresse with the councell to adminester justice.
Soe at his retorne he said the cheefe occation was for that I spoke ill of their comanders or generalls of the Indies, wishing me to 68 refrayne my tong, or else to take heed of my selfe.
There came ij gentlemen in company with her sonne, one of them the cheefe bongew under Frushma Tay, king of the cuntrey, whoe is a man of greater revenues then the King of Xaxma.
Sayer to Nangasaque, and soe from thence to goe for Bantam or any other place where the English fleete is, to geve the precedent and cheefe comanders to understand thereof, etc.
I was the Cheefe that rais'd him to the Crowne, And Ile beCheefe to bring him downe againe: Not that I pitty Henries misery, But seeke Reuenge on Edwards mockery.
Iohn Littester and othercheefe capteins were taken aliue.
And the said Iohn Tiler tooke vpon him to be their cheefe capteine, naming himselfe Iacke Straw.
And sir, now yée be in the cheefe place of your realme, and in the place of your coronation, order your selfe now therefore wiselie and like a king.
My deerest Lord, blest to be most accurst, Rich onely to be wretched; thy great Fortunes Are made thy cheefe Afflictions.
In which number there were not manie of the English: but yet among other, Walter Lacie the brother of Gilbert Lacie, one of their cheefe capteines is remembered to be one.
The conduct of this dolorous funerall was committed to sir William Philip, treasuror of the kings houshold, and to sir William Porter, his cheefe caruer, and others.
Sidenote: The duke of Burgognie cheefe dooer in France.
Their cheefe paiments consist of a great quantitie of meale, which is verie plentifull among them, sowed vp in shéepes skins.
Westsaxons, he was of him ouercome in battell at Wilbasdowne, where he lost two of his dukes or cheefe capteins, beside other people.
So that the prince is so termed of the Latine word Princeps, sith he is (as I may call him) the cheefe or principall next the king.
Peter at Westminster there to receiue his diademe; Hubert the archbishop of Canturburie being cheefein authoritie and honour, both for his age and calling, spake these words or the like in substance before the whole assemblie, as followeth.
In the principall cities of the shyres be foure cheefe Louteas, before whom are brought all matters of the inferiour townes throughout the whole realme.
Moreouer (as in the fortie foure yeare of this king yee haue heard) he was the cheefe procurer and setter forward of the dissention that rose in the armie, which vnder the leading of sir Robert Knolles was sent into France.
Sir Robert Knols came from such lands as he had in Britaine, to serue the prince now in these warres of Gascoigne, and was by him made cheefe gouernor of all his men of warre, who bare himselfe right worthilie in that charge.
Their cheefe leaders were Englishmen and Gascoignes subiects to the king of England.
The bishop with certeine knights and capteins were taken and had their liues granted, though the bishop was in great danger to haue lost his head, bicause he was a cheefe dooer in yeelding the citie before vnto the Frenchmen.
The commons also declared whom they tooke and judged to be cheefe causer of this disorder, as the duke of Lancaster, & the L.
John de Curcie lord cheefe iustice of Ireland discomfiting a power of Irishmen, [Sidenote: The citie of Dun taken.
Also the same yeare died the lord cheefe iustice of Ireland, Robert earle of Striguill otherwise Chepstow, then was William Fitzaldelme ordeined lord cheefe iustice in his place, [Sidenote: R.
Pikes and extraordinarie Veliti of the cheefe maine battayles.
Upon it they show all readynes to imbrace his love, and carry towards him in all frendlyness, and called him to counsell with them in all cheefe affairs, as y^e other, without any distrust at all.
There were ninetéene in all executed in one place and other, and the heads of the cheefe conspirators were set on polles ouer London bridge, to the terror of others.
There were slaine about 60, and among them as cheefe sir Robert Berengueuill, the lord of Quercus, Morell de Saucuses, the lord Courbet de Rempeupret, and others.
Manie of the citizens which were knowne to be cheefe enimies vnto the king of England, were apprehended and sent into England.
After this, the said constable brought the people neere adioining vnder subiection, partlie moued by the example of the cheefe and head citie of all the countrie, and partlie induced therevnto by bribes and large gifts.
Sidenote: The declaration of the lord cheefe iustice.
The Bonaventure, a ship royall, Cheefe Admirall then of the fleete, Sir Frauncis Drake, cheefe Generall, As by desertes he was most meete.
He had bene a cheefe sticler in y^e former faction among y^e perticulers, and an intelligencer to those in England.
Rassdall, one of his cheefe partners, and accounted their marchant, to bring another parte of them to Verginia likewise, intending to put them of ther as he had done y^e rest.
After these things, in Feb: a messenger came from John Sanders, who was left cheefe over M^r.
This Arthur Peach was y^e cheefe of them, and y^e ring leader of all y^e rest.
Thus I have breefly touched some cheefe things in his leters, and shall now returne to their procceeding with him.
Amongst other was one Walter Culpepper reckoned for the cheefe of them that defended the castell against the king.
The Irishmen being put in great feare herewith, assembled togither, and ioined themselues with such Englishmen as laie there in garrisons, ouer the which the lord Iohn Bermingham as deputie had the cheefe charge.
Their cheefe request was that it might please his highnesse to put from him the Spensers, whose counsell they knew to be greatlie against his honour, and hereof not to faile if he tendered the quiet of his realme.
The lord Roger Mortimer returned againe into England, and Alexander Bicnor was made cheefe iustice of Ireland.
Sidenote: The cheefe cause of the variance betwixt ye lords and the Sp[=e]sers.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cheefe" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.