Myers, the celebrated investigator of Psychic Phenomena; and Sir Oliver Lodge, the eminent English scientist.
Any one who wishes to learn something of the power stored within him, will do well to read the Law of Psychic Phenomena.
If there be psychic phenomena, there must be fraudulent psychic phenomena.
We seek a dynamic conception of psychic phenomena.
This must, of course, be a question only of twitching, like spasmodic reactions, a question only of psychic phenomena such as follow directly upon somatic stimulation.
Rhythmic Breathing has been known to occultists of all ages as one of the important adjuncts of Psychic Phenomena, and its use in bringing about Rapport Relations is thoroughly understood by all Practical Occultists.
Stead, the well-known London editor and investigator of Psychic Phenomena, discovered this method while he was experimenting along the lines of Automatic Writing from disembodied souls.
This is a fact well known to investigators of psychic phenomena, and such people laugh at the crude "muscle reading" theories, for they have disproved them repeatedly in actual careful experiments.
It is from “The Law of Psychic Phenomena,†by T.
In offering this scientific proof, I have purposely omitted (except in a few instances) all mention of occult or psychic phenomena occurring in India, and have confined myself to instances occurring in Western lands to Western persons.
But though we have occasional instances of astral feeling, in certain phases of psychic phenomena, we have practically no manifestation of astral smelling or tasting, although the astral senses are there ready for use.
They had become known to the now large circle of intelligent people who make a study of psychic phenomena, and among them, just because she was an "amateur," she was much in request.
The student of Psychic Phenomena is aware of the wonderful phenomena classified under the head of Telepathy; Thought Transference; Mental Influence; Suggestion; Hypnotism, etc.
The beholder of this ghost had never seen anything of the sort before, and was, if anything, a disbeliever in psychic phenomena.
The subtlety of the Hindoo mind has been such as to leave no phase of mental or psychic phenomena uninvestigated.
When he comes to broad groups of psychic phenomena, or pathological symptoms, the sounding board of Rational Volition is cracked and there is where hypnosis slips in.
Hudson, Law of Psychic Phenomena, 294, thinks that we have power to create visible phantasms, or embodied thoughts, that can be subjectively perceived by others.
Home about this time intended going upon the stage, but abandoned the idea to become the secretary of the "Spiritual Atheneum", a society formed for the investigation of psychic phenomena.
Eliott Coues, a learned investigator of psychic phenomena, "been metamorphosed into a Theosophist.
The science which has not examined the facts has, it is true, not admitted the contention, but its opinion is manifestly worthless, or at the best of less weight than that of the humblest student of psychic phenomena.
Mr. Funk, who is a critical student of psychic phenomena, and also the joint compiler of the standard American dictionary, narrates a story in point which could be matched from other sources.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "psychic phenomena" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.