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Example sentences for "encouragements"

Lexicographically close words:
encountred; encountring; encourage; encouraged; encouragement; encourager; encouragers; encourages; encourageth; encouraging
  1. Encouragements to well-ruling are peculiarly directed to Christ's officers.

  2. But the officers of Christ in the church have directions for church government, encouragements to well-ruling, and discouragements from ill-ruling, particularly and peculiarly applied unto them by the word of God.

  3. Encouragements in reference to well ruling, and, 3.

  4. With such encouragements as these, Ralph Nickleby walked to and fro, with his niece leaning on his arm; actually trembling beneath her touch.

  5. The king himself engaged to maintain, at his own expense, a certain number of such schools, and encouragements were held out to all cities which would found such schools.

  6. Its two great engines for enriching the country, therefore, were restraints upon importation and encouragements to exportation.

  7. So stipends and all outward encouragements are due to ministers of the gospel, who sow spiritual things, and should reap these carnal things, 1 Cor.

  8. But it is always wise to be frank in admitting the full strength of the opinions that we oppose; and encouragements to work will never tell if they blink difficulties or seek to deny plain facts.

  9. It is most melancholy to notice the few helps and encouragements to thrift and husbandry which our present condition allows the labourer.

  10. These encouragements would have the happiest effect anywhere else than in Russia, but there they have quite the contrary result.

  11. If the culture of the vine in the Crimea was induced by encouragements on the part of the government, then the landowners were grossly duped.

  12. All the efforts and all the encouragements of the government have hitherto been of no avail.

  13. He also entertains hard thoughts of God and Christ, and thinks former encouragements were fancies, delusions, or mere think-sos.

  14. The woman of Canaan also, that would not be daunted though called a DOG by Christ, and the man that went to borrow bread at midnight, were also great encouragements unto me.

  15. Thus the Lord won my heart to some desire to hear the word, to grow a stranger to my old companions, and to accompany the people of God, giving me many sweet encouragements from several promises in the scriptures.

  16. Deriving fresh strength from the encouragements his friends offered him by word and deed, he turned a glance round them, which seemed to say: "You will see what a son of the desert can do.

  17. I am forced to say that I let him do so, and saw no harm in it; far from that, these encouragements were a stimulant for me, and I always redoubled my efforts to deserve them.

  18. The dignities of magistracy are encouragements to ambition, with all the black train of villanies which attend that wicked passion.

  19. These certainly were great encouragements to the study of historical jurisprudence, particularly of our own.

  20. The other fish-oils are placed in a separate article; because, whatever encouragements we may hereafter obtain for whale-oils, they will not be extended to those which their own fisheries produce.

  21. Reflections on, and encouragements to, such trades.

  22. The other fish oils are placed in a separate article; because whatever encouragements we may hereafter obtain for whale oils, they will not be extended to those which their own fisheries produce.

  23. If rapine be abolished, one of the encouragements to war is taken away; and peace therefore more likely to continue and be lasting.

  24. I would then propose to form a treasury, out of which encouragements to seamen should be paid.

  25. Coudroy, "I have my theory to work out, and powerful encouragements have reached me opportunely.

  26. Compliments and encouragements showered in upon him from every side.

  27. They are generally obliged, therefore, to content themselves with petitioning for certain encouragements to exportation.

  28. The same annuity, and the same encouragements of all kinds, were given to the trade of those inferior chambers as to that of the great company.

  29. Of the materials of manufacture, review of the legal encouragements given to, 266.

  30. The value of children is the greatest of all encouragements to marriage.

  31. For I have the vanity to think, now you have made me proud by your kind encouragements and approbation, that the country girl will make 'em look about them, with all their genteel contempts, which they miscall praise.

  32. Mr. Müller was absent for five weeks, during which time he experienced many answers to prayer and encouragements to faith.

  33. The latter, I have long since endeavoured to prove would never have occupied any share of the attention of the colonists, had those encouragements which the government had at their disposal, been bestowed on the former.

  34. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "encouragements" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.