But the souldiers yet séemed to be verie desirous of battell, requesting him to bring them to it, protesting that nothing was able to resist the force of noble prowes.
At an other time hath appeared a man all burning in fire, or beraide with blood: and somewhile, his bowelles haue séemed to traile out, his belly being as it were ripped vp.
For he brought it to passe by his cunning, that he séemed to deuoure an armed man with his horse, and all his harnesse, and also a carte loaden with hay, togither with the horse and carter.
The Serpents that were brought foorth by the inchaunters rods, séemed to the Egiptians to be bodies, but the truth of =Moises= deuoured vp the Magitians lye.
The matters séemed vnto them, euen from the beginning, that it would take good successe.
Confined by space and time, man casts his eyes upward toward a Being who shall be infinite and eternal.
It is true that we cannot conceive the universe otherwise than as infinite in time and space, because both time and space are but human modes of apperception.
Each generation was to take to heart the words of Scripture as if they had come "this very day" out of the mouth of the Lord.
This secret lore seems to be patterned after the Zoroastrian or Mazdean system.
Love of good must be accompanied by hate of evil, or else it lacks the educative power which alone makes it beneficial to man.
All the forces of the universe are His servants, fulfilling His commands.
Amos, the prophet of stern justice, has not yet reached the idea of averting the divine wrath by the return of the sinner.
God according to his own intellectual and emotional disposition, and thus enter into communion with Him.
And should these forms no more exist, He still will rule in majesty; He was, He is, He shall remain, His glory never shall decrease.
Of course, so long as he is mentally a child and has no clear purpose, Providence acts for him as it does for the animal with its marvelous instinct.
Before Him "the nations are as a drop of the bucket," and "the inhabitants of the earth as grasshoppers.
Now bicause this happened in the winter time, it séemed against nature, and therefore it was the more noted as a foreshewing of some trouble and calamitie to come.
The Welshmen, whom he bringeth with him are little estéemed of vs, who pretend a naked rashnesse without any vse of armor, so that as men without any knowledge of martiall policie, they fall as brute beasts vpon the hunters iaueline.
For after their father was dead, they began to fall to their old idolatrie, which in his life time they séemed to haue giuen ouer, insomuch that now they openlie worshipped idols, and gaue libertie to their subiects to do the like.
Hengist at the first séemed strange to grant to his request, and excused the matter, for that his daughter was not of estate and dignitie méet to be matched with his maiestie.
On Friday a great number of them, estéemed to 20 thousand, went to the manor of Heiburie that belonged vnto the lord of saint Iohns, and setting fire on it, sought vtterlie to destroie the whole buildings about it.
The bodie of the moone in the meane time that was beneath, séemed to wrest and writh in resemblance like to an adder or snake that had béene beaten, and anon after it came to the old state againe.
These knights séemed to lament his case, as if alreadie they had séene naked swords shaken about his eares.
These séemed to be large offers, but yet they could not be accepted.
Diuerse bright strakes appeared to flash vpwards now and then, diuiding the rednesse, thorough the which the stars séemed to be of a bright sanguine colour.
Irchenfield, whome they led to their ships: but king Edward redéemed him out of their hands, paieng them fortie pounds for his ransome.
Some also he destroied which séemed to serue the enimies turne for harborough, as a castell at Temnesford, which the Danes builded and fortified.
At his comming backe to Beuerlie, he redéemed his knife with a large price, as before he had promised.
But the foundation of the vniuersitie of Oxford passed all the residue of his buildings, which he began by the good exhortation and aduise of Neotus an abbat, in those daies highlie estéemed for his vertue and lerning with Alfred.
But now by the aduise of an abbat called Aldred, they redéemed his libertie, and ordeined him king to rule both Danes and Englishmen in that countrie.
Robert Mendmarket séemed verie well to agrée with his qualities, which name he got by this occasion.
Waltheof the sonne of Siward; bicause of right it séemed to descend vnto him from his father, but cheefelie from his mother Alfreda, who was the daughter of Aldred sometime earle of that countrie.
Duke of Glocester, whose murther séemed to make frée passage to the said broile) are 72.
For as Patricke séemed to like well of the honoring of the dead, so Germanus being in Britaine repaired an old [Sidenote: Seuerus Sulpitius in vita Patricij.
Howbeit in these daies their estate remaineth no lesse reuerend than before, and the more vertuous they are that be of this calling, the better are they estéemed with high and low.
The persecution vsed by these Danes séemed more [Sidenote: Simon Dun.
But afore all things he vtterlie remooued and appeased such ciuill discord, as séemed yet to remaine after the maner of a remnant of those seditious factions and partakings, which had so long time reigned in this land.
And this one thing séemed onelie to disappoint the luckie fortune that was accustomed to follow Cesar in all his other enterprises.
I find that in apparell he loued to be gaie and gorgeous, & could not abide to haue anie thing (for his wearing) estéemed at a small valure.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "emed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.