In spite of her frankly expressed preference for me she had an elusiveness that made a continual appeal to my imagination.
Even though she had made an advance--and some elusiveness in her manner led me to doubt it I could not go to her now.
Their relative scarcity is only apparent, owing to greater secretiveness, and greater elusiveness when found.
Because of the differences in secretiveness and elusiveness between young and adults and between males and females, true sex ratios and age ratios are obscured.
He found himself thinking instead of the divine tenderness that was in her, yet at the same time of her elusivenessand the curious pain it caused him.
A Nemesis attends the woman who plays the game of elusiveness too often, in the utter contempt for her that, sooner or later, her old admirers feel; under which they allow her to go unlamented to her grave.
With the elusiveness of her curious double nature, however, Sue did not stand still for any further greeting, though it wanted some time to the burial.
Now, be it remembered, I am only adducing this case in illustration of the elusiveness of Weismann's theory.
I will give only one further example to show the elusiveness of Weismann's theory, and the consequent impossibility of finding any cases in nature which will satisfy the conditions of proof which the theory imposes.
A curious elusivenessshrouded the duty or work, and yet it kept hovering before her.
Her manner was so formal and old-fashioned, and she roused a sense of elusiveness that puzzled the young lady.