He slowly patrolled the bank below the broad, thin, crystal sheet, seeing naught but its rainbow hovering elusively in the sun, and its green and white skein-like draperies pendulous before the great dark arch over which the cataract fell.
Neither forget Villon, whose light ladies seem ever to move elusively in close-cut gowns of cloth-of-gold and incredibly tall steeple-hats.
For a day or two every tree-top waselusively vocal with the thin-drawn single notes of the migrating cedar wax-wings--notes which were mere tiny beads of sound.
It contained three large eggs of a dull greenish buff, clouded with darker tones, and blending elusively with the soft colourings of the nest.
The fairy fragrance came and went elusively across the pervading scent of moist earth and spicy balsam-tips, as the mild breeze pulsed vaguely through the forest.
His pictures do not waver or fade elusivelyas the mind seeks to realise them.
The man's face was vaguely, elusively familiar; if the lieutenant had not seen him before, he had at least seen his picture.
There was something elusively familiar about his expression; she was sure she had seen him before.
The introduction, credited in another column to Mr. Renshaw, is of graceful and pleasing character, recalling the elusively beautiful atmosphere of the Old South which is too soon passing away.
Hoag of Greenwich, New York, whose friendly sentences, written from the cumulative experience of 85 years of life, possess an elusively captivating quality.
The morning sun shone directly in the men's eyes, while the protective coloration of our fort blended most elusively into the background of somber forest.
His face, with its little black moustache and large dark eyes, was fine upon examination, but in some elusively foreign way.
A cruel foreknowledge of disaster overshadowed her; something unusual, elusively sinister, haunted her.
Like a faint fragrance of faded rose-leaves, a breath of this woman's charm seems to cling and elusively to peep out of the curt record of her crimes.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "elusively" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.