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Example sentences for "electrostatics"

Lexicographically close words:
electrons; electrophorus; electroplating; electroscope; electrostatic; electrotype; electrotypes; electrotyping; electrum; elects
  1. It appeared in the Cambridge Mathematical Journal in February 1842, and is republished in the "Reprint of Papers on Electrostatics and Magnetism.

  2. Reprint of Papers on Electrostatics and Magnetism.

  3. His early contributions to electrostatics and electrometry are to be found described in his Reprint of Papers on Electrostatics and Magnetism (1872), and his later work in his collected Mathematical and Physical Papers.

  4. Report, 1867, or Reprinted Papers on Electrostatics and Magnetization, p.

  5. Report for 1867, or Lord Kelvin's Reprint of Papers on Electrostatics and Magnetism, p.

  6. For further developments of the subject we must refer the reader to the numerous excellent treatises on electrostatics now available.

  7. The reader is also referred to an article by Lord Kelvin (Reprint of Papers on Electrostatics and Magnetism, p.

  8. See Lord Kelvin's Papers on Electrostatics and Magnetism, p.

  9. In the next place we must notice that electrification is a measurable magnitude and in electrostatics is estimated in terms of a unit called the electrostatic unit of electric quantity.

  10. To every proposition in electrostatics there is thus a corresponding one in the hydrokinetic theory of incompressible liquids.

  11. We have next to notice three important facts in electrostatics and some consequences flowing therefrom.

  12. With the aid of this apparatus, the principal facts of electrostatics can be experimentally verified, as follows:-- Experiment I.

  13. They belong to the earliest period of Professor Mach's scientific activity, and with the lectures on electrostatics and education will more than realise the hope expressed in the author's Preface.

  14. We see that Newton's law is no longer applicable to great velocities and that it must be modified, for bodies in motion, precisely in the same way as the laws of electrostatics for electricity in motion.

  15. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "electrostatics" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    hydrostatics; science; statics