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Example sentences for "electroplating"

Lexicographically close words:
electron; electronic; electronics; electrons; electrophorus; electroscope; electrostatic; electrostatics; electrotype; electrotypes
  1. Electroplating is a popular illustration of this definition, having been numbered among the industrial arts for nearly a century.

  2. In the processes of electroplating and electrotyping, current enters the bath at the anode, passes from the anode through the solution to the cathode, removing metal from the former and depositing it upon the latter.

  3. A vessel containing an electrolyte for electroplating purposes.

  4. The action of electroplating reverses this process and causes the current to flow from the copper to the iron (in this instance, the cathode).

  5. This is a more useful form of winding for electroplating purposes.

  6. In electroplating, the vessel or tank which holds the electroplating solution.

  7. The impure sheet is connected with the positive pole of an electroplating dynamo, and the thin sheet of copper is connected with the negative pole.

  8. It is a plate in an electroplating bath from which the current goes over to the cathode or negative plate or terminal.

  9. An interesting example of secondary action is shown by the common technical process of electroplating with silver from a bath of potassium silver cyanide.

  10. It should be mentioned here, however, that solutions which would deposit their metal on any object by simple immersion should not be generally used for electroplating that object, as the resulting deposit is usually non-adhesive.

  11. Electroplating and the telegraph are the only applications of the electric current that became factors in the world's industry before the dynamo, yet in long-distance telegraphy and in electroplating to-day the dynamo is used.

  12. It could not be used for electroplating or deposition, nor could it charge storage batteries, all of which are easily within the ability of the direct current.

  13. While the art of electroplating would naturally suggest itself as the means of making such a mold, an apparently insurmountable obstacle appeared on the very threshold.

  14. Electroplating became an art, and telegraphy sprang into active being on both sides of the Atlantic.

  15. The flake of nickel is obtained by electroplating upon a metallic cylinder alternate layers of copper and nickel, one hundred of each, after which the combined sheet is stripped from the cylinder.

  16. Large new works for electroplating and electrogilding were opened in Birmingham in 1841, and in the following year Josiah Mason became a partner in the firm.

  17. Electroplating is the art of coating metals with metals by means of electricity.

  18. The record is next placed in an electroplating bath until a copper shell one-sixteenth of an inch thick has formed all over the outside.

  19. It will be seen that these refining processes are very similar to electroplating methods.

  20. For electroplating of copper, anodes of metallic copper, having a surface equal to that of the articles to be coated, are used.

  21. How Electroplating and Electrotyping are Done, 60 IX.

  22. How Electroplating and Electrotyping are Done.

  23. Chemical changes are produced in the storage cells by the charging current just as they are in voltameters, electroplating solutions, etc.

  24. The art of electroplating being in advance of the science, it is necessary to be careful as to carrying out instructions in detail.

  25. The problem of electroplating aluminium which I have indicated as awaiting a solution has at last found one.

  26. An alternative method of soldering aluminium will be described when the electroplating of aluminium is discussed, § 138.

  27. Electroplating without a Tank Electroplating without a plating tank is made possible with the following easily homemade apparatus described in a German scientific magazine.

  28. Illustration: The Ends of the Cord are Held Tightly and the Winding Protects the Hands] Inlaying Metals by Electroplating Very pretty and artistic effects of silver or nickel inlay on bronze, copper, etc.

  29. He had stumbled upon the secret in his old electroplating shop on Telegraph Avenue in the city of Oakland.

  30. This occurred when he started his electroplating establishment--in Oakland, on Telegraph Avenue.

  31. In a short time his electroplating vat was put out of order.

  32. He started his electroplating establishment early in the spring of 1928, and it was in the same year that he formed the disastrous love attachment for Irene Tackley.

  33. It was an episode that had occurred in his electroplating establishment that suggested to him his unique weapon of revenge.

  34. Cameo cutting and incrustation; porcelain electroplating and moulding apparatus, and apparatus for making porcelain plates before drying and burning, may be added to the list.

  35. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "electroplating" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.