This series may not be taken as correct for all electrolytes, for different electrolytes alter somewhat the order of the elements in the series.
On the Dielectric Constant of Certain Frozen Electrolytesat and above the Temperature of Liquid Air," id.
Further Observations on the Dielectric Constants of Frozen Electrolytes at and above the Temperature of Liquid Air," id.
Note 1: A knowledge on the part of the student of the ionic theory as applied to aqueous solutions of electrolytes is assumed.
For the sake of accuracy it should be stated that the mass law cannot be rigidly applied to solutions of those electrolytes which are largely dissociated.
Faraday's law, electrolytes (conductors of the second order) are always decomposed in equivalent quantities.
The relative decomposing effects produced by the same current in different electrolytes are exactly expressed by the chemical equivalents of the electrolytes.
Many electrolytes have been studied, but none has been found which does not show this dissolution effect to a greater or lesser extent.
In electrolytic arresters all electrolytes dissolve the film when the arrester is on open circuit, the extent of the dissolution depending upon the length of time the film is in the electrolyte, and upon its temperature.
Therefore, feeder regulation by means of rheostats is practically the same in the case of alternating current as in that of direct current.
The coil is supported on two insulating columns made up of porcelain insulators, which, except for the end pieces, are interchangeable.
They are also sometimes used for indicating purposes.
For mechanical reasons it is necessary to have the aluminum rod of sufficient size to secure rigidity, consequently every coil has a capacity of 200 amperes and may be used on any circuit up to that capacity.
Two auxiliary windings are provided: one in series with each of the stationary contact points and so arranged as to assist in making the contact by increasing the pressure on the contact points at the instant of closure.
Disconnecting switches are used primarily for isolating apparatus from the circuit for purposes of inspection and repair; also for sectionalizing feeders.
At each end of the insulator board is an upright or lifting board which serves to lift the switching mechanism out of the tank.
This path is shown through H (resistance) and GS (gaps).
It is well known that with transformers, operating on high voltage lines and having large ratios of transformation, there may occur, on the low tension side, momentary voltages to ground greatly in excess of the normal.
A quick moving mechanism~ is used to accelerate the movement from one contact to the next, a very quick movement being necessary to avoid undue arcing.
This part of the arrester will safely discharge accumulated static and also all disruptive discharges of small ampere capacity.
Second,~ there are a number of gaps in series with a medium shunt resistance which will discharge disruptive strokes of medium ampere capacity.
The arrester, as just described consists of a number of cells connected in series.
All the direct measurements which have been made on simple binary electrolytes agree with Kohlrausch's results within the limits of experimental error.
The usual and most satisfactory method of measuring the resistance of electrolytes consists in eliminating the effects of polarization by the use of alternating currents, that is, currents that are reversed in direction many times a second.
These views of the decomposition of electrolytes and the consequent effect of discharge, which, as to the particular case, are the same with those of Grotthuss (481.
It is quite evident, that as water and other electrolytes can conduct electricity without suffering decomposition (986.
When I discovered the general fact that electrolytes refused to yield their elements to a current when in the solid state, though they gave them forth freely if in the liquid condition (380.
When the production of heat is observed in electrolytes under decomposition, the results are still more complicated.
In bodies which are electrolytes we have still further reason for believing in such a state of things.
One point is, that different electrolytes or dielectrics require different initial intensities for their decomposition (912.
It is even possible, that with different electrolytes or dielectrics the ratio may be considerably varied, or in some cases even inverted.
The identity of the force constituting the voltaic current or electrolytic agent, with that which holds the elements of electrolytes together (855.
It has been found, however, that in the case of electrolytes the boiling point is raised more than it should be to conform to this law.
The properties of electrolytes depend upon the ions present.
Moreover, it can be shown that the state of the system can be determined when the equilibrium constants of all the electrolytes which are present in the common solution are known.
Professor Ostwald has shown, in particular, how this hypothesis permits the quantitative calculation of the conditions of equilibrium of electrolytes and solutions, and especially of the phenomena of neutralization.
Solidified electrolytes which, at temperatures far below their fusion point, still retain a very appreciable conductivity, become, on the contrary, perfect insulators at low temperatures.
During gel-formation, electrolytes and other soluble substances which may be present in solution in the liquid may adsorbed out of the solution and appear in the gel.
A type of accelerating influence quite different from that of electrolytes is found in the effect of certain amino-acids upon enzyme action.
The general nature of these physical-chemical properties of the protoplasm and of the relation of electrolytes in solution to them may now be considered in some detail.
It is necessary ultimately to regard true solutions of electrolytesand other bodies as heterogeneous, though perhaps of a rather different order.
Like all electrolytes its presence decreases the adsorption of chromic acid.
Moreover, a study of the chemical relations of electrolytes indicates that it is always the electrolytic ions that are concerned in their reactions.
With other electrolytes similar phenomena appear, though the primary chemical changes may be masked by secondary actions.
The simplest and most important case is that of two electrolytes having one ion in common, such as two acids.
But when we pass to solutions of mineral salts and acids--to solutions of electrolytes in fact--we find that the observed values of the osmotic pressures and of the allied phenomena are greater than the normal values.
The contact differences of potential at the interfaces of metals and electrolytes have been co-ordinated by Nernst with those at the surfaces of separation between different liquids.
Electrolytes possess the power of coagulating solutions of colloids such as albumen and arsenious sulphide.
In the case of non-electrolytes and of all non-ionized molecules this analogy completely represents the facts, and the phenomena of diffusion can be deduced from it alone.
Diffusion of Electrolytesand Contact Difference of Potential between Liquids.
Our views of the nature of the ions of electrolytes have been extended by the application of the ideas of the relations between matter and electricity obtained by the study of electric conduction through gases.
This reverse electromotive force of polarization is produced in all electrolytes when the passage of the current changes the nature of the electrodes.
Faraday's next step was to pass the same current through different electrolytes in series.
Arrhenius pointed out that these exceptions would be brought into line if the ions of electrolytes were imagined to be separate entities each capable of producing its own pressure effects just as would an ordinary dissolved molecule.
The readiness and speed with which electrolytes react are in sharp contrast with the difficulty experienced in the case of non-electrolytes.
Many of the solvents employed in medicine, such as alcohol, glycerine, vaseline, and chloroform dissolve the electrolytes but do not dissociate them into ions, and these solutions therefore do not conduct electricity.
But they do undergo a chemical alteration, by the exchange of their electrolytes with those of the solution.
Solutions of electrolytes such as the ordinary salts, acids, and bases, which are ionized on solution, give values for the various constants of solution which do not accord with those required by theory.
These particles in suspension are precipitated by solutions of electrolytes in a manner similar to the coagulation of colloids.
The explanation most consistent with all the various results and conclusions is a kinetic one: That metals and electrolytes are throughout their masses in a state of molecular vibration.
Magnesium in particular, also zinc and cadmium, were greatly depressed in electromotive force in electrolytes by elevation of temperature.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "electrolytes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.