Soon after one o'clock the brig was anchored at about half a mile off the sandy beach in Hanover Bay, in eight fathoms (half flood) muddy bottom.
At five o'clock Lacepede Islands, which were seen by Captain Baudin, were in sight to the westward; and at sunset we anchored in eight fathoms, at about three leagues within them.
Departing from this island of St Mary on the 23d December, we came into the bay of Antongil on Christmas-day, and anchored in eight fathoms water, at the bottom of the bay, between a small island and the main.
Weighing on the 4th, we steered within half a league of Lackee in seven or eight fathoms; from the isle to the west point of Jackatra being E.
The anchorage, as they reported, was very good, being in seven or eight fathoms; upon hard ground.
We were twenty-eight days also in going down this river to Basora, though we might have gone in eighteen days, or less, if the water had been higher.
In this part, and to a depth of eight fathoms, I sounded repeatedly, and at each cast pounded the bottom with the broad lead, nevertheless the arming invariably came up perfectly clean, but deeply indented.
Here, moored to the shore, a ship may lie in eight fathoms, perfectly sheltered from any wind, the water as smooth as in a wet-dock.
We had shoaled rather suddenly to eight fathoms, upon which the anchor was immediately dropped, and on veering cable the depth was eleven fathoms.
On the 10th I left the bar of Surat, and came to Swally roads, where I anchored in eight fathoms at high water.
The 6th June we anchored at noon in the road of Pullicate, in eight fathoms on sand.
The method of curing the trepang is thus described by Captain Flinders: "They get the trepang by diving, in from three to eight fathoms water; and where it is abundant, a man will bring up eight or ten at a time.
From the anchorage the channel deepened from five to eight fathoms, and this depth continued tolerably even and regular for nine miles.
At the first suspicion of bad weather we dive to eight fathoms, or more if necessary.
The chief officer, although he would much rather have preferred to make all snug and dive to a depth of seven or eight fathoms, was not a man to quibble.
We are going to dive to eight fathoms," he announced.
Elated by this good fortune, he ran along the coast in search of some good harbour, and anchored at night near the shore in eight fathoms water.
In this river of Mares, the ships had room to swing, having seven or eight fathoms water at the mouth, and five within.
The beauty of this river induced me to go up a short distance, where I found from five to eight fathoms water.
And with that, marine life was all around him, there came a shock--and he knew that he had reached the bottom, eight fathoms down!
On the 30th of August, they cast anchor in eight fathoms water on a fine sandy bottom, near the shore, and opposite a village or town of the negroes, in the road of Sierra Leona.
Three leagues to the westward of this station we had twenty-eight fathoms water, and then steered W.
On heaving the lead, we found twenty-eight fathoms water, and the next cast, twenty-five.
At this time we were in forty-eight fathoms water, and about four leagues from the land, which extended from N.
The best riding is near the main-land, where the depth is seven or eight fathoms, clean hard sand.
The harbour of Porto affords good anchorage in from six to eight fathoms.
Off this cape the depth of water was from thirty-five to forty-eight fathoms.
It may be said generally, that at ten miles distance the soundings are from four and a half to six fathoms; at twelve miles, from six to eight fathoms.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "eight fathoms" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.