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Example sentences for "eight fathoms"

  • Soon after one o'clock the brig was anchored at about half a mile off the sandy beach in Hanover Bay, in eight fathoms (half flood) muddy bottom.

  • At five o'clock Lacepede Islands, which were seen by Captain Baudin, were in sight to the westward; and at sunset we anchored in eight fathoms, at about three leagues within them.

  • Departing from this island of St Mary on the 23d December, we came into the bay of Antongil on Christmas-day, and anchored in eight fathoms water, at the bottom of the bay, between a small island and the main.

  • Weighing on the 4th, we steered within half a league of Lackee in seven or eight fathoms; from the isle to the west point of Jackatra being E.

  • The anchorage, as they reported, was very good, being in seven or eight fathoms; upon hard ground.

  • We were twenty-eight days also in going down this river to Basora, though we might have gone in eighteen days, or less, if the water had been higher.

  • In this part, and to a depth of eight fathoms, I sounded repeatedly, and at each cast pounded the bottom with the broad lead, nevertheless the arming invariably came up perfectly clean, but deeply indented.

  • Here, moored to the shore, a ship may lie in eight fathoms, perfectly sheltered from any wind, the water as smooth as in a wet-dock.

  • We had shoaled rather suddenly to eight fathoms, upon which the anchor was immediately dropped, and on veering cable the depth was eleven fathoms.

  • On the 10th I left the bar of Surat, and came to Swally roads, where I anchored in eight fathoms at high water.

  • The 6th June we anchored at noon in the road of Pullicate, in eight fathoms on sand.

  • The method of curing the trepang is thus described by Captain Flinders: "They get the trepang by diving, in from three to eight fathoms water; and where it is abundant, a man will bring up eight or ten at a time.

  • From the anchorage the channel deepened from five to eight fathoms, and this depth continued tolerably even and regular for nine miles.

  • At the first suspicion of bad weather we dive to eight fathoms, or more if necessary.

  • The chief officer, although he would much rather have preferred to make all snug and dive to a depth of seven or eight fathoms, was not a man to quibble.

  • We are going to dive to eight fathoms," he announced.

  • Elated by this good fortune, he ran along the coast in search of some good harbour, and anchored at night near the shore in eight fathoms water.

  • In this river of Mares, the ships had room to swing, having seven or eight fathoms water at the mouth, and five within.

  • The beauty of this river induced me to go up a short distance, where I found from five to eight fathoms water.

  • And with that, marine life was all around him, there came a shock--and he knew that he had reached the bottom, eight fathoms down!

  • On the 30th of August, they cast anchor in eight fathoms water on a fine sandy bottom, near the shore, and opposite a village or town of the negroes, in the road of Sierra Leona.

  • Three leagues to the westward of this station we had twenty-eight fathoms water, and then steered W.

  • On heaving the lead, we found twenty-eight fathoms water, and the next cast, twenty-five.

  • At this time we were in forty-eight fathoms water, and about four leagues from the land, which extended from N.

  • The best riding is near the main-land, where the depth is seven or eight fathoms, clean hard sand.

  • The harbour of Porto affords good anchorage in from six to eight fathoms.

  • Off this cape the depth of water was from thirty-five to forty-eight fathoms.

  • It may be said generally, that at ten miles distance the soundings are from four and a half to six fathoms; at twelve miles, from six to eight fathoms.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "eight fathoms" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    before you; coming forward; eight children; eight companies; eight cubits; eight days; eight fathoms; eight members; eight weeks; eight wounded; eighteen hundred and sixty; eighteen miles; eighteen thousand; eighteen years; eighth century; eighth chapter; eighth part; eighths inch; eighty years; laid open; moral force; mule deer; other beings; perfectly smooth; proper place; wooden walls