It is of about the same size as the last species, but is perfectly smooth and of a bright-yellowish color, with dark rays over the central portion.
The outer surface of bivalve shells admits of infinite variety of sculpturing and ornamentation, ranging from a perfectly smooth to a heavily ribbed, nodose, spinous, or deeply decussated surface.
When the outer surface of a shell is devoid of any sculpturing and is perfectly smooth, one may assume that the mantle margin of the animal was simple.
It is much smaller, varying from two to three inches in length, lacks the crenulations of the sutures, and is perfectly smooth, save for a few spiral ridges about the base.
Boil these quite slowly until the mixture is perfectly smooth; then, to evaporate part of the moisture, let the boiling be quickened.
To each pound of the pulp obtained according to the above receipt for jelly, add one pound of white sugar; boil the whole until it is perfectly smooth.
Add the water gradually until the almond is perfectly smooth.
If you do not make jelly of your quinces cut them up in small pieces, add a pound of sugar to a pound of fruit, and as much water as will dissolve the sugar; then boil it till it is a perfectly smooth paste; stir it all the time.
Mix a quart of well-cooked oatmeal mush with a pint of water, beating it perfectly smooth; add a cupful of liquid yeast and flour to make a stiff batter.
Add to the yolk, when well beaten, one half of the milk, and sift in the flour a little at a time, stirring until the whole is a perfectly smooth paste.
Let the soup be cool when mixing, and do it perfectly smooth.
Cut the meat into small pieces, pound it well with the fresh butter, sprinkle in the spices gradually, and keep pounding until reduced to a perfectly smooth paste.
When reduced to a perfectly smooth paste, press it into potting-pots, and cover with clarified butter.
Mix the flour and the yolk of the egg with sufficient milk to make the whole into a very stiff paste; beat it well, and knead it until it is perfectly smooth.
The sauce should be a bright yellow color, perfectly smooth, and not very thick.
It is thickened with a roux made of one tablespoonful of butter and two tablespoonfuls of flour, seasoned with pepper and salt, and is then strained again, so it will be perfectly smooth.
It is made by drying the coral from a lobster, then pounding it quite smooth, with one ounce of butter, until it is a perfectly smooth paste.
Stir the sugar and the beaten white of eggs together just enough to mix, then by degrees add the grated paste, mashing with the back of a fork till it forms a perfectly smooth paste.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "perfectly smooth" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.