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Example sentences for "eclampsia"

Lexicographically close words:
echos; eciam; eclaircissement; eclaircissements; eclairs; eclat; eclectic; eclecticism; eclipse; eclipsed
  1. Under such a condition delay should not be too long, as the heart may become permanently disabled.

  2. As the disease continues, the internal elastic layer is lost, the muscular coat begins to atrophy, and then small calcareous granules may begin to be deposited, which may form into plates.

  3. The blood pressure, if taken in the arms especially, may appear excessively high, but really the actual pressure in the blood vessels may be low.

  4. The duration of an acute attack, that is, the acute pain, is generally but a few seconds, sometimes a few minutes, and rarely has lasted for several hours.

  5. Later small amounts of calcium and magnesium phosphate were added to the solution to be injected.

  6. It may not follow this course, however, but may be referred to the right chest, up into the neck, down toward the stomach, or toward the liver.

  7. It could of course be taken only in those cases in which there were more or less continued anginal pains; the true typical acute angina pectoris attack is over, or the patient is dead, before any blood pressure determination could be made.

  8. It often makes a heart with arteriosclerosis have severe anginal attacks.

  9. Sooner or later such a condition will cause attacks of angina pectoris and more or less pronounced symptoms of chronic myocarditis and fatty degeneration, as previously described.

  10. The ventricular muscle also aids in the conduction of the stimuli, but at a slower rate, 300 mm.

  11. When the left heart begins to fail, pendent edema readily occurs.

  12. Here there is a gradual failing of the heart muscle, with circulatory insufficiency, until the final heart pang occurs.

  13. Irving believes that with proper preliminary preventive treatment most eclampsia is preventable.

  14. He finds that the fluidextract of veratrum viride is valuable when eclampsia is in evidence or imminent.

  15. Eclampsia is a very grave complication of pregnancy, and it was formerly supposed to be uraemia.

  16. By far the majority of cases of eclampsia parturientium occur in primiparae: thus in thirty cases which occurred to Dr.

  17. The exciting cause of eclampsia parturientium is the irritation arising from the presence of the child in the uterus or passages, or from a state of irritation thus produced, continuing to exist after labour.

  18. I shall have a publication out very soon on the treatment of these tetanics and eclampsia with HCl.

  19. During eclampsia a child of three years should take five grains of this agent every five to ten minutes till the attack ceases, and then at longer intervals.

  20. The hydrate of chloral is a more powerful agent, and if the eclampsia be not quickly controlled, I commonly employ it per rectum, dissolved in one or two teaspoonfuls of water.

  21. Eclampsia sometimes occurs on the first day, especially in those predisposed to it, even when the subsequent course of the disease is mild and favorable.

  22. The eclampsia continued one hour, and were controlled by large and repeated doses of bromide of potassium, aided by clysters of five grains of hydrate of chloral in water.

  23. On June 30th the symptoms were all better; no more attacks of eclampsia had occurred, and the urine was more abundant and less albuminous.

  24. Properly administered and retained, it rarely fails to control the eclampsia within ten or fifteen minutes.

  25. Subsequently, occasional doses of the bromide should be given to prevent the occurrence of eclampsia while the measures described above are being employed to relieve the uræmic condition.

  26. The convulsive phenomena associated with dentition may take the form of general eclampsia or spasms of particular groups of muscles.

  27. The attacks of general eclampsia are usually sudden.

  28. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "eclampsia" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.