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Example sentences for "eber"

Lexicographically close words:
ebbeth; ebbing; ebbs; eben; ebenso; ebery; eberybody; eberyting; eble; ebon
  1. Then Eber Donn was exulting in his rage at the thought of putting the inhabitants to death; but the thought in his mind brought the storm again, and his ship went down, and he was drowned.

  2. Here again he hath left the holy line, which is from Eber to Abraham, and makes a stop upon Joktan's genealogy, and so comes down to the building of Babel.

  3. This Eber was a very godly man, the next after Shem that vigorously stood up to maintain religion.

  4. And unto Eber were born two sons: the name of one was Peleg; for in his days was the earth divided; and his brother's name was Joktan.

  5. Eber of Oxford and Sally Stone of Oxford Gore, Feb.

  6. Sally of Oxford Gore and Eber Gage of Oxford, Feb.

  7. Yas, you kin beat any pusson I eber seed.

  8. Oh, de folks up yere is de 'commerdatinist you eber seed.

  9. She nor my pappy ain't neber had no whippin's an' she said dat de wust thing she eber seed wuz a gal burnt.

  10. We been farmin' wid de white folks eber since, till we got so we couldn't work.

  11. Dey paid her wid shin plasters, which wus green paper money, an' de fust dat eber I seed.

  12. De maddest dat I eber git, an' de only time dat eber I cuss bad wuz when de Yankees come.

  13. Dat's de fust aigs dat eber I tasted, an' dey shore give me all I wants.

  14. A white lady, Mis' Douglas give me a quart of milk eber Sunday, but I had ter walk three miles fer hit.

  15. Dey stold de meat an' things from de smoke house, an' eber thing else dat dey can git.

  16. Bout de wust thing dat eber I seed do' wuz a slave 'oman at Louisburg who had been sold off from her three weeks old baby, an' wuz bein' marched ter New Orleans.

  17. You'se had my 'proval eber sence you took a shine ter Sissy.

  18. It don make any dif'ence to her how many widers dere is in de Norf an' she hab jes dinged her 'pinions inter young Missy eber sence she was bawn.

  19. Dat ar cake's gwine to be dough for eber mo', Missy Ella," she said.

  20. Young Marse Houghton sail dat boat, an' he beats any duck dat eber swum.

  21. Das true, massa, but you di'n't promise to wait for him for eber an' eber!

  22. Smedley; The Reminiscences of Levi Coffin; Sketches in the History of the Underground Railroad, by Eber M.

  23. For cases of arrivals of escaped slaves over some of the western New York branches, see Sketches in the History of the Underground Railroad, by Eber M.

  24. Nobody eber helps me into carriages, or ober ditches or ober mud-puddles, or gives me any best place.

  25. Porter, who said dat no Yankee eber would set his foot in dis yar city, had to cut for his life, and dat a Yankee slept in his bed last night!

  26. Rhys adopts the view that the race of Eber Find was not Milesian but a branch of the Ernai, and this theory has much in its favour.

  27. A battle was fought between the two brothers in which Eber Find lost his life.

  28. At the same time Ulster was left to Eber son of Ir son of Miled.

  29. Eber Find and Eremon did not remain long in agreement.

  30. In the line of mythical ancestors which extends without interruption up to Noah, the names of Fenius Farsaid, Goedel Glas, Eber Scot and Breogan constantly recur in Irish story.

  31. But wasn't I 'bout de sickest coon dat you eber seen?

  32. You is de bestest lill' lady dat I eber seed.

  33. Ef yer eber sees Massa Linkum tell him how we all lubs him, an' dat we am a lookin' fohwa'd ter resting in his bosom.

  34. Though from Eber Nicholson's narrative she could not have been much over thirty, she appeared to be at least forty-five.

  35. I come from Eber Nicholson," said I, fixing my eyes on her face.

  36. Rachel Emmons," I said, "you certainly know that you still continue to destroy the peace of Eber Nicholson and his family.

  37. Before taking leave of her, I succeeded in procuring from her a promise that she would write to Eber Nicholson, giving him that free forgiveness which would at least ease his conscience, and make his burden somewhat lighter to bear.

  38. I had heard his wife call him "Ebe," and did not doubt that he was the Eber Nicholson who, for some mysterious crime, was haunted by the reproachful ghost.

  39. Turning suddenly to the man, I asked,-- "Is your name Eber Nicholson?

  40. I was married, in the sight of God, to Eber Nicholson.

  41. After dat he built dis house and he been libin' heah eber sence.

  42. I've been alone here eber since," explained Victoria, not proof against his fascinations.

  43. Isaac and Ishmael buried him in the double cave by the side of Sarah; and he was followed to his grave by all the inhabitants of Canaan, and Shem and Eber went before the bier.

  44. And Eber lived four and thirty years, and begat Peleg.

  45. But Eber said, “Your sacrifices will be unavailing, unless you first believe.

  46. Nobody war eber hyar afore me; Pomp am de next; and you's de on'y white man eber seen dis yer cave.

  47. And Toby added, in a whisper expressive of great astonishment at himself, "What I eber took dat ar boy to keep fur's one ob de mysteries!

  48. But how de ol' critter eber found you out, dat am one ob de mysteries!

  49. So what does I do but go and pay it all to Barber Jim fast as eber you pays me.

  50. Who eber knowed you's sech a powerful smart chil'?

  51. I'se gwine to hab you well, sar, 'fore eber a soul knows you'se in de house.

  52. Eber lived four hundred thirty years after he became the father of Peleg, and became the father of sons and daughters.

  53. Eber lived thirty-four years, and became the father of Peleg.

  54. Eber sence I was fus' bawn dar was sumfin else to do, an' I spec's it'll keep on dat ar way till de day I dies.

  55. Nobody knows how dey come dar, no more'n how dey eber manage to git out.

  56. If Ah eber 'cumulates as much as dat, Ah'll buy a brownstone house in Pillumdelphy an' settle down dar to lib on mah income.

  57. Eber hear ob a coon what didn't hab a cent about him?

  58. Ah'ze known Marsa Frank eber since he was knee high to a grasseshopper.

  59. Soon's eber he got his head thu, de Jay pullt de chip out, an' de big stick fell right crossn his neck.

  60. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "eber" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.