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Example sentences for "easeful"

Lexicographically close words:
earwigs; eas; easdem; ease; eased; easel; easelie; easels; easely; easement
  1. It was not more than fifty yards away, and, easeful of mind, I sat down to munch a piece of damper.

  2. O morn, our loves that sunder'st, a sweet and easeful life Thou dost for me prohibit, with thy regard austere.

  3. The kings obeyed him and many were his troops and his grandees, and his subjects lived with him the most easeful and prosperous of lives.

  4. The more easeful that car the better he likes it.

  5. These people are easeful in their actions, make as few moves as possible and thereby lend an air of restfulness wherever they go.

  6. That over the wounds and anguish The easeful flood might roll?

  7. I, That deep in its easeful water My wounded soul might lie?

  8. And so he took her, not many days after the festivities were ended, with his son and little grandson, aboard a galley, and brought them to Lazistan, and there thenceforth the two lovers dwelt with him in easeful and lifelong peace.

  9. There were Martuccio and Gostanza wedded with all pomp and splendour; and there long time in easeful peace they had joyance of their love.

  10. The Ehrichs, the Wrays and the Palmers welcomed her as an old friend, and in their companionship she rode and camped and dined in easeful leisure, but I was on the move.

  11. She was not given to emotional expression, but she several times declared herself entirely content with our orderly easeful life and professed herself willing to remain in the homestead until spring.

  12. See how earth falls Easeful into silence: Let my moth-wing'd thought so fall on thee.

  13. To the Nightingale) Easeful death--it is a good word.

  14. From all soft, easeful beliefs and silken complacencies the last Irish poet breaks away in a book of insurrections.

  15. And said, 'I say you sickerly, There shall no perils that may be Drive me eftsoons into the sea; Mine adventure here take will I Whether it be easeful or angry.

  16. She was pausing a moment with that easeful sense of accomplishment which follows work done that has been a hard struggle in the doing, when she heard a woman's voice on the other side of the hedge say, anxiously, "George!

  17. From the cutting circle, it is needless to say, I was speedily exalted to a presidential chair of easeful observation and general vague superintendency.

  18. They's some folks just come in to inquire," continued Grandma, giving an easeful touch to the pillows.

  19. Rest thou not for a moment, seek thou to draw no easeful breath.

  20. He enjoyed not a moment’s peace, drew not an easeful breath.

  21. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "easeful" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    comfortable; commodious; convenient; cozy; cushioned; cushy; easy; friendly; homelike; homely; homey; luxurious; peaceful; relaxing; reposeful; restful; roomy; snug; soft; warm