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Example sentences for "earthworm"

Lexicographically close words:
earths; earthward; earthwards; earthwork; earthworks; earthworms; earthy; earts; earum; earwig
  1. The very fact that the actual earthworm fauna of New Zealand has led us on the whole to assign it to the Indo-Australian regions shows the inherent uselessness of the current view of zoogeography.

  2. There is no doubt that the northern island of New Zealand is much nearer to Australia in its earthworm fauna than is the southern island.

  3. Here in Patagonia and in neighbouring islands we have a different earthworm fauna.

  4. We will now attempt to map out the world into a series of regions characterised by their earthworm inhabitants and see how far these regions agree with those rendered necessary by the distribution of some other animals.

  5. But in the earthworm the colouring matter is not situated in corpuscles as in the vertebrate.

  6. For we must probably exclude Japan, whose earthworm fauna contains the characteristically Eastern genus Pheretima.

  7. On the other hand the West Indies are closely allied in their earthworm fauna to tropical South America, sharing with that region several forms of Geoscolecids belonging in both cases invariably to the sub-family Geoscolecinae.

  8. The earthworm fauna is again quite without Geoscolecidae and of course Lumbricidae.

  9. In this case the modern earthworm population which appears to be absent from large tracts of Canada will be simply due to involuntary migration.

  10. The remainder of the Asiatic Continent is not very well explored with regard to its earthworm inhabitants.

  11. This earthworm is a native of Guatemala and is some six inches in length with a diameter of perhaps a quarter of an inch.

  12. The reason for not ignoring these islands as we have ignored certain other islands of large size, such as Japan, will be apparent from the peculiarity of the earthworm fauna which they show.

  13. Thus I myself found the British and European earthworm Eiseniella (Allurus) tetraedrus in the River Plym in Devonshire, while it has been generally met with upon land.

  14. The world-wide distribution of the earthworm is to some extent owing to man's agency.

  15. A god who must die is no god, half or whole, Oro; the earthworm that lives on is greater than he.

  16. You ask me to abandon the certain for the uncertain, the known for the unknown, and from a half-god communing with the stars, to become an earthworm crawling in mud and lifting blind eyes towards the darkness of everlasting night.

  17. Early the following morning Uncle Mano and I set off for New College where Dr Sultan Ismail's Earthworm Institute is located and where I would spend the next fortnight studying earthworms and vermiculture.

  18. One, the epigeal or surface earthworm (Perionyx excavatus) which eats only organic litter which is present on the top layer of the soil.

  19. November: Ate a Perionyx excavatus earthworm in the morning.

  20. Field Notes on Vermiculture: Turning Garbage into Gold Vermicompost and vermiwash are the two earthworm products that have become very popular nowadays.

  21. The water will pass through the earthworm burrows and the organically rich soil will become liquid manure and can be collected at the bottom of the container.

  22. During my fortnight stay at the Institute I learnt a lot about earthworm environments, including determination of porosity of soil, moisture content and texture.

  23. Sir gave me a certificate for the earthworm course I had finished at the Institute.

  24. The big hall also had a mini library on earthworm related books at one end and it was a simple matter therefore to find the books I needed to read.

  25. I also set up the earthworm vermicompost pit in our backyard.

  26. Even the green-clad Earthworm cadets had been pressed into service as messengers.

  27. The enlisted spaceman, an Earthworm cadet who had washed out of the Academy but had re-enlisted in the Solar Guard, smiled.

  28. A substitute called in from the bystanders, an Earthworm cadet, had eagerly joined the Arcturus team for the last minutes of play but had been hopelessly outclassed by the teamwork of the Polaris unit.

  29. Of these our common earthworm is a good example, and near them belong the leeches.

  30. It was probably rather long and cylindrical, resembling a small and short earthworm in shape.

  31. Worms are represented in the minds of most people by the common earthworm or sandworm.

  32. Everything an earthworm does is controlled by the cells grouped in these ganglia, or scattered along the intervening connecting cords.

  33. Some animals are attracted to light and others repelled by it; the earthworm is an example of the latter.

  34. A moth, for example, will fly toward a flame, an earthworm will move away from light.

  35. An earthworm is repelled by light, is attracted by food.

  36. These rugs are leaves which the earthworm drags into his burrow, not for food but for house furnishing.

  37. The muscles that run lengthwise are not so very strong, for all they have to do is to help the earthworm swallow, but the muscles that run around the gizzard are wonderfully strong.

  38. Try counting the rings of an earthworm and then compare your figures with those given in the article in the "International.

  39. We have little brains in our finger-tips just as the earthworm has on the end of his nose.

  40. And--believe it or not--the earthworm actually makes his own millstones sometimes!

  41. And, as in human engineering and the work of the ant, the earthworm doesn't throw the dirt around carelessly.

  42. And the earthworm also knows something about Geometry.

  43. So we might have reproduced Corot's "Morning" as a kind of landscape the earthworm enjoys!

  44. Howard especially denigrated sulfate of ammonia and single superphosphate as earthworm poisons.

  45. If you plan to take a census in your own garden, keep in mind that earthworm counts will be highest in spring.

  46. This lecture illustrated the amazing churning effect of the earthworm on soil.

  47. When soil is damp and cool enough to encourage earthworm activity, an average of 700 pounds of worm casts per acre are produced each day.

  48. Gardeners can effectively support the common earthworm without making great alterations in the way we handle our soil.

  49. Rodale and Howard loudly and repeatedly contended that chemical fertilizers decimate earthworm populations.

  50. Study after scientific study has shown that the quality and yield of pastures is directly related to their earthworm count.

  51. The first half is an amazing survey of the role of the earthworm in soil fertility.

  52. Ultimately, soil fertility should be evaluated not by humus content, nor microbial populations, nor earthworm numbers, but by the long-term health consequences of eating the food.

  53. Highly fertile earthworm casts can amount to a large proportion of the entire soil mass.

  54. The Earthworm Book: How to Raise and Use Earthworms for Your Farm and Garden.

  55. Earthworm populations will vary enormously according to climate and native soil fertility.

  56. However, soil is supposed to become inhospitably hot and dry during summer (worm's eye view) and there's not much point in struggling to maintain large earthworm populations during that part of the year.

  57. The truth of the matter is that worms eat decaying organic matter and any soil amendment that increases plant growth without acidifying soil will increase earthworm food supply and thus worm population.

  58. Duke quoted directly from the Earthworm Manual, a book that was not prescribed learning in the Academy, but woe unto the Earthworm who did not know it by heart when questioned by a cadet upperclassman.

  59. Then, as Tom, Roger, and Astro sprawled on their bunks, grinning openly, the three Earthworm cadets began their simulated flight through space.

  60. There are cookies in her cookie-jar when I don't get home for meals, and she allows me to stake out earthworm claims in her back yard.

  61. The earthworm made wiggles, and Lucian Horace Ovid Virgil gave it pushes down his throat.

  62. I think being an earthworm must be an interesting life.

  63. She usually takes for her dwelling the tunnel of some Earthworm opening off a claybank.

  64. The most interesting phase of soil study is the discovery of what a work the humble earthworm does in mellowing and enriching the soil.

  65. It is rare that an earthworm is dug up that does not show earth pellets somewhere on their way through the long digestive canal.

  66. Germination is complicated with the bursting forth of a meteor and with the peck of a swallow cracking its egg, and it places on one level the birth of an earthworm and the advent of Socrates.

  67. Why does an earthworm seem so uncomfortable when it is too dry?

  68. What advantages are there in the frog's having a dorsal nerve cord instead of a ventral one, as the earthworm has?

  69. Cuticle, in the earthworm a delicate, shining cover over the body.

  70. In the earthworm these are set in the body wall at definite intervals, and aid in locomotion.

  71. Take a living earthworm to your table and keep it damp by placing it in a wet tray or upon moist paper.

  72. Compare this worm with the earthworm as to sense organs.

  73. Compared with a hydra, how much are the cells of an earthworm differentiated?

  74. Why does an earthworm need a system of blood circulation more than a hydra does?

  75. Summary of Important Points in Study of the Earthworm 1.

  76. What structure in an earthworm may be considered an exoskeleton?

  77. Compare the nervous system of the crayfish with that of the earthworm as regards efficiency.

  78. Why does a nereis need more respiratory surface than an earthworm does?

  79. Contrast a cross section of hydra with one of earthworm as to the number of cavities.

  80. Comparing earthworm and nereis, in what respects is the earthworm degenerate?

  81. The common earthworm is one of these; and most microscopic organisms are in the same condition.

  82. The earthworm pours out a secretion on the leaves, by which they are partially digested before they enter the body.

  83. But what entertainment Would old rich Earthworm give us, do you think?

  84. I could e'en laugh to hear Old Earthworm chide.

  85. I have seen your neighbour Earthworm In such a mood, as you would wonder at, And all that ever knew him heretofore.

  86. What may not come to pass, When Earthworm is a foe to avarice?

  87. Yet, I doubt, old Earthworm Would prove too subtle to be govern'd so.

  88. The worms form a large class in the animal kingdom and they do not all resemble the earthworm by any manner of means.

  89. The liver fluke is a flat, almost leaf-like creature, it is not ringed like the earthworm and, under the microscope, we can plainly see all its internal organs.

  90. This Earthworm had been out of his burrow only a little while, when there was a flutter and a rush, and Something flew down from the sky and bit his poor body in two.

  91. And to this day they are known as "the Earthworm half-brothers.

  92. At this very minute, who should come along but the Cicada, and one of the Earthworm pieces asked his advice.

  93. So there the poor Earthworm lay, in two aching, wriggling pieces, and although it had been easy enough to bite him in two, nothing in the world could ever bite him into one.

  94. Do not think, my dear child, that a wretched earthworm can prove nothing as regards other creatures.

  95. The earthworm also is a preparer, but in a peculiar way.

  96. One tramples an earthworm under foot, and there below one's heel lies a little revealer of secrets, whose organisation throws the most unexpected light upon one of the greatest mysteries in our own life.

  97. Macé has taken the earthworm for a more simply organised creature than it really is.

  98. Until it could be tested the earthworm as the cause of the disappearance of the dressings was also Darwin's idea.

  99. The best known of all worms, perhaps, because all boys are fond of fishing, is the angleworm or earthworm (Fig.

  100. Another peculiarity of the earthworm is that instead of hunting out food in the earth it swallows the earth as it meets it, allowing the animal matter to be absorbed within.

  101. There are terrestrial forms among the lowest worms, at least forms that live in earth that is damp; but the earthworm is in the strictest sense a terrestrial animal.

  102. We have already alluded to the part played by the earthworm in preparing the soil.

  103. The "worm-casts" formed by the soil that the earthworm has passed through its body may not have been noticed by everybody.

  104. Diagrammatic plan of section cut through an Earthworm to show the position of the three body-layers and the body-cavity (Grade IV.

  105. Reference has already been made to the labours of the earthworm and of the insects, and to their important effects upon the vegetable world.

  106. If the earthworm has been the ploughman the insect has been the more intelligent gardener, who has filled the world with bright flowers.

  107. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "earthworm" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.