The result is extremely beautiful, but it would require a very elaborate set of drawings to represent the machinery by which Mr. Locket produces it.
The limits prescribed for our plates will not admit of giving drawings of these machines, and the idea which could be derived from a verbal description would not be materially different from the cross cutting saws before mentioned.
I send you thedrawings of the lubricators, with a detailed explanation.
This kind of work is executed from drawings of the pieces to be moulded, without being at the expense of making patterns.
Thus the grist or fineness of the sliver may be modified in any desired degree; for, when the subsequent processes of the mill remain the same, the finer the drawings the finer will be the yarn.
When a coat of ox-gall is put upon drawings made with black lead or crayons, the lines can no longer be effaced, but may be painted over safely with a variety of colours previously mixed up with the same ox-gall.
His water-colour drawings are well represented in the National Gallery.
Girtin and I," says Turner, "often walked to Bushey and back, to make drawings for good Dr.
The barber was justly proud of his child, who very early displayed his genius, and the first drawings of Turner are said to have been exhibited in his father's shaving-room.
His oil paintings are "heavy and disagreeable in colour;" his drawings are better.
He, nevertheless, must be mentioned here on account of the many drawings he executed.
The National Gallery contains more than one hundred of his pictures, besides a large number of water-colour drawings and sketches.
His Nymwegen, in Holland, is at South Kensington, where there is also a series of sixteen of his drawings made in Portugal.
In spite of the marked progress of water-colour painting, there was as yet no adequate accommodation for the exhibition of drawingsproduced in that mode.
A collection of his drawings has been bequeathed to the South Kensington Museum by Mr. John Forster.
His most important work is a set of drawings for an anatomical atlas, in which special stress is laid upon the anatomy of expression.
It is a comparatively simple matter to fix the line screen into a camera of this description, the drawings Figs.
The beginner is advised to photograph only very bold and simple subjects, such as black and white drawings or enlargements.
Illustration] A simple and effective speed regulator devised by the writer is given in drawings 33 and 34.
This instrument has been so often described in the public prints that we will not attempt to do it here, for the reason that it would be impossible without elaborate drawings and specifications.
Very few of Cano's architectural works remain; a few drawings of this sort are in the Louvre which are simple and elegant in style.
Raphael was also interested in what was happening outside the world of art; he corresponded with scholars of different countries, and sent men to make drawings of places and objects which he could not go to see.
He was still quite young when he entered the studio of Rubens, and was soon so much trusted by the master as to be allowed to make drawings from his works for the use of the engravers.
He was made superintendent of the building of St. Peter's in 1514, and made many architectural drawings for that church; he was also much interested in the excavations of ancient Rome, and made immense numbers of drawings of various sorts.
But fortunately drawings have been made of nearly all these pictures before they fell into decay.
He had also portfolios full of drawings of castles and cathedrals, and of Swiss and Italian scenery, and of sketches by Claude and Titian.
It was afterwards returned to Bayeux, where it was visited by Mr. Charles Stothard, a clever and accurate young artist, and at the request of the Society of Antiquaries of London he made drawings of it, the work occupying him for two years.
The writer, too, wishes to thank the Library Committee of the City of London Corporation for permission to make drawings of objects in the Guildhall Museum, and Mrs. Ashdown for permission to make use of illustrations in her "British Costume.
The brilliant artist and archaeologist, Charles Stothard, when making drawings of the figure, found to his great delight that it was movable, and that the armour on the back was represented and finished as perfectly as on the front.
Every effort has been made to secure accuracy and truthfulness, both in the matter and in the six hundred and eightydrawings which illustrate it.
The Tudor period may be called the decadent period of brasses, for the drawings were often disproportionate and lightly cut, the figures crude, and the plates thin.
Notwithstanding this, our war department at Washington contains complete drawings of every important fortification, and charts of every important harbor in Cuba.
These drawings are made in public, and great care is taken to impress the people with the idea of their entire fairness.
The drawings for the pageant are still in the possession of the Fishmongers' Company.
Anderson, to the House of Commons, for leave to dispose of his paintings and drawings by lottery.
Then, as he put the drawings away in the portfolio he added, "And now we'll see how near we both came to the right thing.
Owing to the thorough work that had been done at Bermuda, and having the assistance of his capitalist friend, Mr. Collier speedily secured the specimens and the drawings he needed of the Florida reefs.
These plans were primarily intended to be used in the construction of large scale models, and consequently recorded an amount of information that could not be reproduced upon the published drawings without causing great confusion.
However, as the drawings above referred to indicate, there are many openings concerning the use of which there can be no doubt, as they can only provide outlook, light, and air.
As in former years, Mr. Holmes has superintended the preparation of drawings and engravings for the Bureau publications.
Therefore, after a restless night, the good monk arose in the first purple of the dawn, and instinctively betook him to a review of his drawings for the shrine, as a refuge from troubled thought.
So saying, the good monk drew his cowl over his head, and, putting his portfolio of drawings under his arm, began to wend his way towards the old town.
The inscriptions in churches should be accompanied with rubbings of all brasses; and, as far as possible, with drawings of the most interesting monuments.
Sufficient has already been said about them to enable the architect, assisted by the drawings given, to design them with convenience and economy.
Gives details of strata, and lists of fossils, with pencil drawings of fossils.
I wish to express my warmest thanks to Miss Maud Neal for the beautiful drawings of fossils which illustrate the book, and to Professor Grenville A.
Drawings of the reindeer, true to life, are frequent.
We admitted, however, that amongst our effects there was a great number of drawings and geographical maps, and that we had even a map of Thibet.
Under the pretext of inspecting his herds, the feigned Mussulman went freely about the country, making drawings and preparing his geographical charts.
At these words, the face of the Regent was suddenly contracted; but we hastened to add, in order to quiet him, that all our drawings and maps were printed, and that we were not their authors.
He would not take himself seriously: as an editor and draughtsman he was almost a practical joker, for one had, so to speak, to place his drawings under a microscope, and look at them upside down.
Padua crowns the landscape, with its towers and cupolas rising from a continued grove; and, from the drawings I have seen, I should conjecture that Damascus presents somewhat of a similar appearance.
Apart from these there are the thousands of drawings and studies disinterred from the tin boxes which have been arranged chronologically by Mr. A.
The fortune went to the next of kin, the pictures and drawings to the nation, and twenty thousand pounds to the Royal Academy.
It was at Brussels I met Verböckhoven, the great animal painter, whose drawings of animals were absolutely faultless.
The Cathedral and its precincts was one of the dearest spots on earth to him, and he did some excellent drawings on stone of the Cathedral and Canterbury in general.
He'd have assistants for that, and drawings and pictures and those sort of things could be forwarded to him here.
He tried to compose himself, went in where his sister was at work--absorbed in making the drawings of a new kind of chimney-piece she had been thinking out.
Pickersgill madedrawings for many of the fine art books produced under our care.
Upon this Millais requested Moxon to place the drawings in our hands, and so satisfied was he with our first performance, that all the remaining drawings he made for this edition of "Tennyson's Poems" were given to us.
He also made a few clever drawings for Buchanan's "North Coast Poems.
Much has been written about "The Golden Period of Illustration" as it existed in the early Sixties, represented by wood engraving and the admirable drawings done for that process by such artists as Sir John Millais, Fred Walker, A.
What occurred to me, however, was that perhaps the drawings of the 'procession' might be engrafted upon something else, of which it might form a part.
His progress in the matter merely consisted in his having commissioned the several artists named by Millais, with two or three others, while his actual purchase was three small drawings of minor importance.
The drawings here alluded to are by Thomas Dalziel, he having contributed about a dozen illustrations to the book.
FRYER Illustrated with 50 pen-and-ink drawingsby Roy L.
These drawings were done in variously coloured ochres--brown, red, yellow, and some black.
I have seen various facsimiles of such drawings published, but the subjects they were intended to represent have been seldom sufficiently defined to illustrate their original meaning.
On the 20th of July the firstdrawings were made, and by the end of the year about half a million of the drafted men, now called the National Army, were mustered in.
He wanted a picture for his rooms at Oxford, and water-coloured drawings were, as Tom had observed, suitable staple commodities for Miss Rivers.
Here we came across a tomb with an inscription, there upon some rude drawings on the wall by the early Christians, representing various sacred subjects.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "drawings" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.