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Example sentences for "flesshe"

Lexicographically close words:
fleshliness; fleshly; fleshpots; fleshy; flessh; flet; flete; fletu; fleur; fleurons
  1. Beefe is a good meate for an Englysshe man, so be it the beest be yonge, and that it be not kowe-flesshe; for olde beefe and kowe-flesshe doth ingender melancolye and leporouse humoures.

  2. Flesshe is flesshly 105 understandinge; flessh without grace and love naught is worth.

  3. Wherfore the wordes of trouthe acorden that my servauntes shulden forsake bothe +fader and moder, and be adherand to his spouse; and they two in unite of one flesshe shulden accorde.

  4. And therfore, he that 130 wol ben gentil, he mot daunten his flesshe fro vyces that causen ungentilnesse, and leve also reignes of wicked lustes, and drawe to him vertue, that in al places gentilnesse gentilmen maketh.

  5. Ninethly that thoughe the bread it selfe be chaunged into the very flesshe of Christe, and the wine into his bloude, that yet to all the sences thei remaine breade and wine, and neither flesshe ne bloud.

  6. And bi-highte to hym That us alle made, She sholde unsowen hir serk, And sette there an heyre, To affaiten hire flesshe That fiers was to synne.

  7. And whan it hadde of this fold Flesshe and blood taken, Was nevere leef upon lynde Lighter therafter, 770 And portatif and persaunt As the point of a nedle, That myghte noon armure it lette, Ne none heighe walles.

  8. For the fend and thi flesshe Folwen togidere.

  9. Ac this maister nor his man No maner flesshe eten; Ac thei eten mete of moore cost, Mortrews and potages Of that men mys-wonne Thei made hem wel at ese.

  10. Absteyne you as pylgryms from all desyres of [the] flesshe / the whiche dayly bataylleth ayenst the soule.

  11. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "flesshe" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.