As before stated, there were many tribes, consequently many languages, although some of them were near enough alike that members of different tribes could be readily understood.
There is great diversity, therefore, in the treatment of the insane in different districts and in different tribes.
It is worth remarking, however, that Gilder and Klutschak use both terms, and therefore I conclude that the natives themselves are conscious of belonging to different tribes.
Thus it may happen that Eskimo are known in different tribes by different names.
There were several thousand Indians of different tribes.
The beautiful and fertile valley of the Sun river has been the scene of many tragedies and bloody battles between Indians of different tribes.
Just as among the North American Indians husbands and wives are of different tribes [gentes], so in China husband and wife are always of different families, i.
When they agree in the systems of different tribes, and even of different families of mankind, as in the Turanian and Ganowanian, they establish their fundamental identity.
Specimens of ethnological interest were collected from the different tribes visited; the collection from the Penihings I believe is complete.
Mere synonyms have been taken for different tribes, and their history and language has been criss-crossed as if the facts had been heaped together with a pitchfork.
Nearly, or quite every expedition to the west of the Mississippi in the fur trade, this season, has been attacked by different tribes, and some have been defeated and robbed, and a great many lives have been lost.
In these publications they introduce the names of things in order to show the affinity of different tribes.
Europeans were thus enabled to collect information concerning the revolutions of different tribes, for several ages preceding their own arrival.
When first discovered by settlers from Europe, the degrees of culture were found to vary in different tribes.
Considerable discrepancy prevails in the descriptions, and apparently in the practice, as applied to different tribes; yet, on the whole, great reserve and propriety seem to mark this intercourse.
In the following statements we will give a series of examples of these local units, and the different forms they assume in different tribes.
Observations of the same author made on different tribes, provided that the author has pointed out the differences and that they are substantial enough.
These ceremonies differ only in details from each other in different tribes.
It varies in different tribes, being sometimes obsolete, as in the weevils (Curculio L.
The number of articulations or pieces that form the integument and its members in these animals, varies greatly in different tribes, genera, &c.
The situation of compound eyes differs in different tribes.
It will be conceived of by different tribes in one way or the other, according to the relative prevalence in one or the other tribe of the animistic or of the magical mode of explanation.
Savage ideas are generally so little thought out, and are so irregularly thought out by different tribes, that the relation of a thing to its soul-stuff varies widely from one tribe to another.
When two persons who have thus exchanged their umbilical cords belong to different tribes, they are used as inter-tribal messengers.
Bunjil, Daramulun or Baiame are not simple tribal gods; each of them is recognized by a number of different tribes.
This land is conceived differently by different tribes; sometimes different conceptions are found existing side by side in the same society.
The collection embraces a wonderful extent and variety of national history, likewise an exact and discriminating range throughout the different tribes.
Different tribes, and different ranks of the same tribe, have each their peculiar form of tattooing.
In case of a separation, if the parties belong to different tribes, the children go with the mother, p.
It is said that by these marks women of different tribes can be easily distinguished.
Another and most perplexing question has been the adjustment of the conflicting claims of different tribes of Indians to the same territory.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "different tribes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.