That these so-called determinants differ among themselves may be true, if they exist at all, which is just the point to be proved.
He goes on: "The determinants differ among themselves; those of a muscle are differently constituted from those of a nerve-cell or a glandular cell, etc.
These determinants control the parts of the developing embryo,--in what manner need not here concern us.
There is no doubt that the pleasure-producing stimuli are governed by special determinants which we do not know.
The differences in the results may be of a qualitative nature, but analysis shows that the differences in the determinants are only quantitative.
The main determinants for the woman's preference for the neuroses, especially for hysteria, lie in this change of the leading zone as well as in the repression of puberty.
These determinants are therefore most intimately connected with the nature of femininity.
The latter case is more frequent in girls and in the second half of childhood; its determinants are not well understood, but it often, though not regularly, seems to have as a basis a period of early active onanism.
Theory supposes that somatic modifications by means of hormones affect the determinants in the gametes.
The answer is that in the mutants the determinants for pigmentation are united with the determinants for the lower side of the fish.
If we state these facts in the terms of our present conceptions of chromosomes and determinants or factors, we must say that the factors for these characters are present in the chromosomes of both male and female gametes.
In this case the habits and the stimuli which they involve will be common to both sexes, and the hormones given off by the hypertrophied tissues will act upon the corresponding determinants in the gametocytes.
When the congenital tendency of the determinants on the lower side was overcome by the action of light, the white patch on the upper side also began to develop pigment.
Then he proposed his theory of germinal selection, determinants growing and multiplying in competition, some perhaps disappearing altogether, though this does not satisfactorily account for entirely new characters.
In the adult stage activity of the legs produces hormones which influence the same determinants in the gametes to develop legs, but again in the presence of the different hormones which are present in the body generally in the adult stage.
It is now easy to define functions of n^2 letters, arranged in a square array of n rows and n columns, with similar properties to those observed above in the case of determinants of the third order.
The theory of determinants is part of an elaborate attempt to explain the facts of heredity on a mechanical basis.
Determinants are very extensively used in higher algebra, co-ordinate geometry, and other branches of mathematics.
These determinants are supposed to be grouped together in ids, each of which is supposed to possess a complete complement of the specific characters of the organism and also to have an individual character.
Spencer said, "We cannot arbitrarily assume that wherever a missing organ has to be reproduced there exists the needful supply of determinants representing that organ," but Weismann made no such arbitrary assumption.
Spencer said that the hypothesis of a supply of determinants lying latent at or near the seat of injury, and able to reproduce the missing part in all its details, and to do this several times over, was "a strong supposition.
Why the everywhere present uniform physiological units that Spencer believed in should not replace them, we do not know; but if the distribution of regenerative determinants has been wrought out by selection, we understand the facts.
Here they part company from the germ-plasm, except in so far as it may be said that the development of the distributed determinantsis in part dependent on local conditions.
But those who assume heterogeneous determinants do not thereby exclude what truth there may be in this view that what an early blastomere does is a function of its inter-relations.
Putnam himself and most of us; and is not it true that, though the ethical determinants of behaviour are not auspicious for the average sexual satisfactions of man, yet are they not themselves forms of hedonistic satisfactions?
The alleged sources or determinants for this dream may or may not have played the parts you assign to them; the mystery of the matter must remain inscrutable.
Our lives contain determinants which we cannot range under the category of pleasure.
This factor only operates, so to speak, at the beginning, when it selects the determinantswhich are varying in the right direction, and again at the end, when it is necessary to put a check upon further variation.
But since all living entities vary, the determinants must also vary, now in a favourable, now in an unfavourable direction.
But there is one character of the determinants that greatly facilitates this complex process of selection, that, after a certain limit has been reached, they go on varying in the same direction.
But a residue of precisely similar determinants was reserved in the germ-cell (germ-plasm), for the purpose of determining a precisely similar spot in the next generation.
On the other hand, I do not see why Weismann should object to supposing that similar determinants compete among themselves for ontogenetic development.
This suggestion is that “Many climatic variations may be due wholly or in part to the simultaneous variation of corresponding determinants in some parts of the soma, and in the germ-plasm of the reproductive cells.
It would thus be necessary to assume that all the determinants of this germ-plasm are not active, and that only those take effect which determine the nature of the fruit.
That is to say, it is a group of determinants indissolubly united in phylogeny, and therefore transmitted by heredity as one complex whole.
He argues, indeed, that his new doctrine of determinants emphasizes this distinction: the argument, however, appears to me radically unsound.
In fact, he has himself laid no small stress on what he calls “the struggle of the determinants of the two parents in ontogeny,” and has even supplied a long section on “the Struggle of the Ids in Ontogeny.
But, if so, the theory of determinants is just as much pre-formative as is that of gemmules.
Probably the biophores also will be included under that head if the determinantsshould be adjudged utterly unproductive.
Nor will those, who demand a demonstration of "how the biophores and determinants are constituted in every case, and must be arranged in the architecture of the germ-plasm.
Now here, I think, my theory of determinants gives a satisfactory answer.
The gradual degeneration of organs grown useless may be explained, now, by the theory of determinants very simply and without any co-operation on the part of active personal selection, as follows.
Hence powerful determinants in the germ will absorb nutriment more rapidly than weaker determinants.
Now, as I take it, the determinants have had fruitful results, as their application to various biological problems shows.
In short, we have a group of determinants that are not even remotely connected with hereditary racial traits.
The extraneousdeterminants of culture summed up under the heading of ‘diffusion’ or ‘contact of peoples’ have been repeatedly referred to in the preceding pages.
If culture, even when uninfluenced by foreign contact, progresses by leaps and bounds, we should naturally like to ascertain the determinants of such ‘mutations.
In other words, they maintain that they are men who are forced by organic determinants originating in the germ to find that pleasure in the man which they cannot feel in the woman.
Minus variations are, however, supposed to rest "on the weaker determinants of the germ, such as absorb nutriment less powerfully than the rest.
This will enable the stronger determinants to deprive them even of the full quantum of food corresponding to their weakened capacity of assimilation, and their descendants will be weakened still more.
The latter, accordingly, will grow more slowly and will produce weaker determinants than the former.
Panmixia is the indispensable precondition of the whole process; for, owing to the fact that persons with weak determinants are just as capable of life as those with strong, .
The tests of courses of action to determine whether they fulfill the requirements of suitability, of feasibility, and of acceptability as to consequences take account of the usual included determinants as listed and explained below.
These factors, thus expressed in abstract form, are the universal determinants of the nature of the objective and of the character of the action to attain it.
Leading Determinants in the General Application of Machinery and Steam-Motor.
Let us look more closely at the determinants of a monopoly price.
Inherent resources of the soil, quality of land for agriculture, the proximity of large supplies of coal and iron and other requisites of the production of machinery and power rank as important determinants of progress.
Custom and Competition as determinants of Low Wages.
But since this ideal represents the goal of modern industrial progress, it is worth while to call attention to the chief determinants of the localisation of industries under free world-competition.
Sidenote: Determinants of routes in arid or semi-arid lands.
And these two facts are the chief determinants of our careers.
So many unit-characters seem to be involved in any single mental trait that it will be long before a complete analysis of the hereditary invariable determinants of any single trait can be made.
For in a gregarious creature, like man, fellow beings are the most powerful determinants of negative and positive vegetative pressures.
The determinants of the red and yellow have still to be worked out.
The reason is that attention brings a situation, its own situation, with it; the determinants of primary attention are, as we put it on p.
Repetition, we remember, is one of the determinants of attention (p.
This reference to sense-feeling reminds us of the doctrine, common to the associationist psychology and to modern popular psychology, that ‘pleasure and pain’ are the sole determinants of action.
We may indeed safely start from the assumption that impulse and habit, not thought, are the primary determinants of conduct.
They are much more important determinants of future sensations than is anything which can now be calculated.
Each cell has enough determinants in it for many individuals, and it seems to be more or less a matter of accident which qualities shall come out.
Each of these determinants may be fitted to produce slightly different results, but what decides which of them shall have its own way is quite uncertain.
This was filled with the determinants of the characters inherited from the mother.
These variations may not show until the animal has grown up, but they must have taken place among the determinants in the germ cell or they would not reappear in subsequent generations.
But however widely the term be stretched, justice is only one of the determinants of fate in the Drama: confusion on this point has led to many errors of criticism.
The first of the great determinants of fate in the Drama is Poetic Justice.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "determinants" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.