If their symptoms were those of a complaint likely to lay them up, or render them unfit for duty for several days, they would be "evacuated" to a neighbouring hospital and detained there for treatment.
They had been detained at Blackboy Hill a month after the departure of the "Ascanius," finally embarking on the "Boonah" on the 12th July.
Something detained him--Miss Folsom, probably, reasoned the engineer, as he stood there leaning on the gate.
The precious package for which so much had been risked was here--but what detained the command?
I wish she had never been detained in America after the time when she should have come to us," said Mrs. Lindsay.
I was at Mr. Marshman's last night, and they detained me this morning, or I should have been here much earlier.
I wished and intended to have gone to St. Clair and Fleury's, to get you some merino and other things, but we have been detained so long already that I think I had better go home.
The person caught hold of his arm, and, in spite of his efforts to disengage himself, detained him.
Tell him that I--his adopted son, Thames Darrell--am detained here by Jonathan Wild.
If it could, then it would become the duty of the court, provided it came to the conclusion that the President had decided incorrectly, to discharge those who were arrested or detained by the troops in the service of the United States.
When they wished to resume the journey, he detained them.
When Sergius came up, he was detained by a press of men and women in eager discussion; and following their eyes and the pointing of their fingers, he observed a brazen plate overhead curiously inscribed.
She detained him at the door to ask: "Only tell me, my Lord, did His Majesty send you with this notice?
The guard at the gate, viewing him askance, detained him until he could be reported.
I request to know what that charge is, and upon what authority I am forcibly detained to reply to it?
He remembered the same policy had detained them in the north in the year 1715, and he anticipated a similar termination to the insurrection as upon that occasion.
Here the Prince detained him some time, asking various questions about the great Tory and Catholic families of England, their connexions, their influence, and the state of their affections towards the house of Stuart.
He detained him with a firm grasp until the whole herd of deer had fairly run over them.
And there was room after all, for Mr. Shaloony was detained at the House.
A general inspection of my donkey next morning revealed the fact that he was badly "stove up," and the probability that I would be detained in consequence several days.
Detained by a thunderstorm, we passed a miserable night in close quarters.
And in case of any of the above-mentioned Ministers be impeded by sicknes, or otherwayes necessarily detained from this service; The Assembly ordains the Commissioners residing at Edinb.
It was the Greek, who had been detained on board pending his trial for treachery in connection with the thwarted attempt upon the non-existent petrol depot of Akhissareli.
The Greek who, fortunately, was still detained on board the Portchester Castle had deliberately misled the British.
When the king begged the commons for a further war subsidy, he was told that the navy had been ruined by his harsh impressment of seamen, and his refusal to give them pay when detained in port waiting for orders.
On landing at Fécamp he was detained by his old enemy Louis, then, by his father's death, King of France.
In October he laid siege to Rennes and was detained before its walls until July, 1357, when he agreed to desist from the attack in return for a huge ransom.
On his way he captured Simon's standard and horse-litter, and slew its occupants, though they were three royalist members of the city aristocracy detained there for sure keeping.
The marchers were in arms in the west, and were specially formidable because they detained in their custody the numerous prisoners captured at the sack of Northampton.
Bishop Bek, of Durham, was restored to his palatinate, and the road to return opened to Winchelsea, though ill-health detained him on the Continent for some time longer.
Scottish businessdetained the English king and court mainly in the north.
If convicted, they were to be detained in prison, until they had made their peace with the king, and found surely not to accept provisions in the future, and also not to seek their reinstatement by any process in the Roman curia.
Edward detained the lady at the queen's court, and gave some scandal to the stricter clergy by shutting up Amaury in Corfe castle.
Thus very reasonably, letters were detained until the agent of a ship had concluded his purchases--at least he had the privilege of detaining them.
All ships' boats passing the Custom-houses on the river must be detained and examined, to guard against guns, swords, or firearms being furtively carried in them.
For some reason, best known to himself, he did not credit my report, and detained me under arrest until he could ascertain the truth of the matter.
The Colonel detained me over night, and then passed me through.
In retaliation for the twenty-three American prisoners sent for trial to England, as deserters from the British army, the American Government had ordered that forty-six British prisoners of war should be detained in close confinement.
The plains were full of deep cracks and holes so that the cart wheels more than once sunk into them, and thus detained us for nearly an hour.
Heavy rain and fog detained us in the same camp this morning and I availed myself of the day for the purpose of laying down my recent survey.
The thought crossed Harding's mind when Owen left the room that it would be better perhaps to write saying that the proofs detained him, for to spend the evening with Owen would prove wearisome.
The occasion which called me detained me beyond the time I had calculated on, and it was not till after a fortnight I reached my home.
Some twenty youths received the envied honor at the hand of their sovereign this day, but our limits forbid a minute scrutiny of the bearing of any, however well deserving, save of the two whose vigils have already detained us so long.
He tarries long--merciful heaven, grant he be not detainedtoo late!
July, 1680, and, although detained by head winds on Lake Ontario, reached Mackinac during the month of September.
Now, detained for a day by head winds, the ship dropped slowly down the river, passing the famous highlands of the Hudson where the mountains looked as if there were some metal, or mineral in them.
The vessel had been detained about a week in the ice when the first signs of mutiny appeared.
You have willfully and falsely detained and imprisoned him!
Then in an audible whisper--"But I was detained by my publisher.
Mrs. Lockhart was confined to bed by severe indisposition, while Mr. Lockhart was detained in London by the alarming illness of their eldest boy, and both Captain Scott and his brother were absent.
The landlord was for withdrawing, but Stubbs detained him.
He had been detained at Lord Seabourne's, and in London; he had been occupied for days together with the crisis.
After this he appears to have had some idea of doing mission work in Syria; but being detained at Malta on account of the war, he occupied his time there in the study of Arabic.