About that time did the Welshmen destroie the prouince of Chester, but at last they were distressed.
Is it méet that the father should destroie the sonne?
Secondlie it was alledged, that the said Spensers as well the father as the sonne, had caused the king to ride into Glocestershire, to oppresse and destroie the good people of his land, contrarie to the forme of the great charter.
After which letter deliuered, & the keies receiued, sir Iames appointed the night next insuing to destroie them, deuising before and preparing the meanes.
You see also, what a number of beggerlie Britans and faint-hearted Frenchmen be with him arriued to destroie vs, our wiues and children.
For suerlie this rule is infallible, that as ill men dailie couet to destroie the good; so God appointeth the good men to confound the ill.
Wherefore like a valiant capteine he first determined to set on them, and either to destroie or to take them into his fauour, and after with all his power and puissance to giue battell to his mortall enimie king Richard.
The Welshmen hauing intelligence that the king was returned home, brake foorth againe as before into the English marshes, and not onelie tooke preies and booties, but went about to destroie with fire and sword all that stood in their way.
Héerevpon incouraged with hope of good successe, they entred into Yorkeshire, & there began to destroie the countrie.
The earle of Warwike hath beene at Tonings & Clerake, to take those towns, and at the making hereof was gone towards Mermande to destroie their vines, and all other things which he candestroie of theirs.
These can make a woman miscarrie in childbirth, and destroie the child in the mother's wombe, without any sensible meanes either inwardlie or outwardlie applied.
Bodin affirmeth in one place, although in another he saith, that they kill and destroie both men and beasts by their lookes).
Ah wo woorth him (quoth she) for he is one of them that laboureth to destroie me and my bloud.
For what should be the cause of such deadlie and vnnaturall hatred, that to destroie me, they should destroie themselues?
And in the morning, when they saw that if they shuld buckle togither againe, the one part should vtterlie destroie the other, they fell to agréement in moderating ech others demands.
And streightwaies throwing awaie the superstition of vanitie, required armour and weapon of the king, with a stoned horsse, vpon the which he being mounted, rode foorth to destroie the idols.
This doone, he went to Ponzaic, where he soiorned two moneths, sending foorth dailie his men of war to destroie the countries of Aniou, Traonnois, and Chatragonnois.
The duke of Summerset set foorth this matter the more vehementlie, bicause he knew perfectlie, that the duke of Yorke dailie imagined with himselfe, how to get the crowne, and to depose and destroie both the king and him.
Sirs, the king our souereigne lord will not be reformed at our beseeching ne praier, nor will not in no wise vnderstand the intent wherfore we be here assembled and gathered at this time, but onelie is in full purpose to destroie vs all.
For first this yeare, dame Eleanor Cobham, wife to the said duke, was accused of treason; for that she by sorcerie and inchantment intended to destroie the king, to the intent to aduance hir husband vnto the crowne.
Sir Baldwine Fulford vndertooke on paine of loosing his head, that he would destroie the earle of Warwike: but when he had spent the king a thousand marks in monie, he returned againe.
It was reported that he had conspired with the queene by sorcerie and necromancie to destroie the king.
Likewise sir William Courtneie did send his messenger to the maior, and required the gates to be opened and to giue him entrance: or els he would with sword and fier destroie the same.
His pretense was, to spoile anddestroie Westminster, and the suburbs of the citie on that side, and after to assault the citie it selfe, to trie if he might enter by force, and so be reuenged of the citizens that had refused to receiue him.
So that I now perceiue, that it is euen come to this point, that he willdestroie all the nobilitie; or else the nobilitie must shortlie of verie necessitie destroie and confound him.
The aunciente Capitaines, have also used divers waies, todestroie the Garison of the Toune, whiche thei have sought to take.
Againe, could they haue a more mischeefous meaning, than to burne and destroie all old and ancient monuments, and to murther and dispatch out of the waie all such as were able to commit to memorie, either any new or old records?
And then the house was in no small feare, by reason of a brute that was raised, how the king sought meanes to intrap and destroie them that followed not his purpose.
On Friday a great number of them, estéemed to 20 thousand, went to the manor of Heiburie that belonged vnto the lord of saint Iohns, and setting fire on it, sought vtterlie to destroie the whole buildings about it.
Constantine being now emperor sent Maximius his kinsman hither (in processe of time) to destroie the same Octauius, who in singular battell discomfited him.
And bicause the Ilanders were not able to ouercome them, Augustus was constreined to send an armie of men to destroie that needlesse brood.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "destroie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.