Liberals held the seat, which had always been regarded as safe for them, it was said that the deportations had caused the transfer from the Liberal to the Labour candidate of some 500 votes.
One effect of the deportations and the debates on the Indemnity Bill was to be seen in the stimulation of political activity among the Labour men, who gained a majority of one in the elections for the Transvaal Provincial Council.
Mr. Cresswell, the leader of the Labour party, condemned the deportations and accused the Government of a conspiracy with the capitalists to run the country in their own interests.
Speaking about the deportationsfrom France, the Archbishop mentioned the fact that children from two years upwards are now also being deported.
The greatest wave of deportations of German Jews and Christians of Jewish origin to Poland has been going on since the middle of October.
On May 23, instructions concerning the deportations from Sofia began to be received by the Jews.
In March, deportations from the occupied Greek and Yugoslavian territories started.
On July 6, Sztojay informed Veesenmayer that the Regent had given the order that the deportations should stop.
The Church of Denmark had prepared a public protest before the deportations started.
The Minister declared that the Prime Minister had promised the abolition of atrocities, the cessation of further deportations and that the isolation of the Jews would be carried out in a humane manner.
The last large-scale deportations were in the spring and summer of 1943.
In February, 1941, a general strike in Amsterdam and other places in the Netherlands was called as a protest against the deportations of Jews.
After mass deportations had begun, the members of the Cimade became more and more involved in "illegal" activities.
The Armenian deportations gave the Committee an opportunity of tightening its hold over the provincial officials as well.
In consequence of the Armenian deportationsthese debts are no longer recoverable.
This moral bankruptcy is more fatal to the future of Germany in Western Asia than all the material havoc which the Armenian deportations have caused.
The most famous of those deportations was carried out by Nebuchadnezzar after his conquest of Judah, about 600 B.
Another State Paper palliates the deportations by blazoning the descent of a solitary invader upon a remote island on the 12th of April, heralded by mysterious warnings from the Admiralty to the Irish Command.
The slanders of the hour recall those let loose to cloak previous deportations in days of panic less ignoble.
Being a member of the Court Martial, I knew thatdeportations meant massacres.
The Constantinople arrests were soon followed by thedeportations in the provinces and many acts of violence.
The object of the deportations is the extirpation of the entire Armenian nation.
One year later still, in October, 1916, thedeportations began.
And the deportations and executions, what of them?
He must, in fact, be deported, though not in the manner of the deportations at which he himself so often assisted.
The German chief of the General Staff telegraphed to Berlin that the 'military considerations' on which Jemal based his deportations did not exist, and Herr Cohn in the Reichstag drew the Imperial Chancellor's attention to this.
The same pretext was put forward for the massacres anddeportations from Thrace, from Constantinople, and from the shores of the Sea of Marmora.
Deportations also occurred, and all Greeks were removed from many villages in Anatolia, into the interior, presumably to 'agricultural colonies' such as those provided for Armenians.
How about the enslavement of women and girls in France, the use of poison gas, the deportations of the Belgians, the sinking of the Lusitania and the killing of women and babies by Zeppelins and submarines.
The deportations were a military measure, demanded by Ludendorff, who constantly fears a British landing on the Belgian coast.
April, 1916: Assurances given to the neutral powers after the Lille raids that such deportations would not be renewed.
God knows that the economic situation of occupied Belgium is bad enough, and the endless and tragic lists of condemnations and deportations are there to prove that her people are living under the most barbarous regime of modern times.
The same kind of argument is used at the present moment with regard to the wholesale deportations which are going on in Belgium.
We have seen how Germany is trying to throw the responsibility for the misery prevailing in Belgium and for the present deportationson the English blockade, which paralyses the industry and prevents the introduction of raw materials.
There is every reason to believe that the deportations were part and parcel of the German peace manoeuvre.
Incidents similar to this were of almost daily occurrence, scores of deportations taking place during the month of September.
But the prosecution failed to keep their word, and deputy Dave Oswald of the Pacific Hardware Company, who during the various deportations tried to have the I.
He detailed the story of the arrests, deportations and other similar actions against the striking shingle weavers and the I.
In pursuance of such policy there were mass deportations from all the Western and Eastern Countries for such purposes during the whole period of the occupation.
The news that Mr. Lansing had forwarded to Berlin a protest against the Belgian deportationswas received with great applause by the whole of the Press.
Even newspapers which express themselves in pretty harsh terms on the subject of the English illegalities condemn these deportations in no measured terms.
If the unhappy measure of the Belgian deportations had not been adopted, and particularly just as we had informed the President that we did not want to annex Belgium, the history of the world would probably have taken a different course.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "deportations" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.