Thus I meditate upon their fate, and meanwhile pray earnestly to my God to send the deliverer of my people; for the time is come when He will remember His promise to Abraham, and to our fathers!
Who shall be so blessed as to see thisdeliverer that is to lead them forth to the promised land?
The idea of God is less obscure in their minds, while their hope of a deliverer is bright and ever present.
Christianity sees in God a Father, a Redeemer, a carer for our minute wants, a deliverer from our sin.
Its unity in diversity--finding its central point in Christ the true servant of God and deliverer of his people.
Nightfall came and still they continued their route; Leofric enlivening the way with many a tale of the exploits of the great hero, whom he looked upon with confidence as the future deliverer of England.
Then it was that he stared at his deliverer, and his deliverer stared at him.
They preached Jesus as the Deliverer from the coming wrath, and gathered, through faith in Him, a Church living in God the Father and in the Lord Jesus Christ.
The apostolic preacher, who had announced the wrath to come, and awakened guilty consciences to see their danger, preached Jesus as the deliverer from it.
He is the Holy One, and an avenger in all these things; but He is also the God of Salvation, our deliverer from them all, who gives His Holy Spirit unto us.
Posterity will compare the virtues and failings of this extraordinary man; but in a long period of anarchy and servitude, the name of Rienzi has often been celebrated as the deliverer of his country, and the last of the Roman patriots.
In a quarter of the city which was inhabited only by mechanics and Jews, the marriage of an innkeeper and a washer woman produced the future deliverer of Rome.
After an exile of seven years, the first deliverer was again restored to his country.
We trusted that the same Deliverer would open the prison-door for the three thousand soldiers on the two islands in the Gulf.
At length a deliverer came, who found three hundred miserable, vermin-eaten prisoners, and set them free.
Almighty Deliverer than ever before, and praise his holy name forever.
There is no knowledge of it but with God and the secret lies behind the Banaspati,[21] in the hand of him of the budding lotus-flower, the Deliverer from Evil.
The Protestant princes only awaited the arrival of a deliverer to throw off his intolerable yoke, and openly declare for the Swedes.
The two dukes, with their delivererbetween them, and attended by a splendid train of princes, made a public entry into the city, which the joy of their subjects converted into an affecting solemnity.
Mary Sinclair had been unable to meet her deliverer without a thrill of emotion which communicated an air of timidity to her manner, whose usual characteristic was modest self-possession.
Heracles indeed, half-way on his road from the roaring reveller of the Satyr-play to the suffering and erring deliverer of tragedy, is a little foreign to our notions, but quite intelligible and strangely attractive.
From one man--the patriarch Jacob--did this great nation rise, and did not lose its national unity and independence until from the tribe of Judah a deliverer arose who redeemed the human race.
This end they seemed to appreciate now more than ever, and the idea that a great Deliverer was to arise among them, whose reign was to be permanent and glorious, was henceforth devoutly cherished.
Epiphanes, when Judaea was tributary to Syria, that those calamities and miseries befell the Jews which rendered it necessary for a deliverer to arise.
With speed he flew to my relief, As on a radiant dolphin borne; Awful, yet bright, as lightning shone The face of my Deliverer God.
He published his manifesto, whereby he set himself forth as the deliverer of the isles of the sea and vicar-general of all Oceanica.
At the time of the birth of Jesus, the coming of a great delivererwas at once the desire and the expectation not of Jews only, but of many nations.
In Old Testament times the Deliverer foretold as the object of faith and hope and love under the Gospel Dispensation was announced by a declaration of His name.
The deliverer chosen of heaven was the young peasant girl who walked that summer noon in her father's humble garden at Domremy.
Never before nor since had the need of a deliverer been so vitally felt.
For I fear, I greatly fear, lest the friends of Abuyah the Scribe may prevail over the friends of Jesus the philosopher of the New Kingdom and deliverer of the slaves.
For he looked up to heaven and offered up praise unto the Lord, the Deliverer of Israel, and he bade us join him in singing a portion of the great Hallel; for the singing of these psalms was according to the custom of the Passover.
Unbelievers were flouted with scorn because they supposed that the Promised Deliverer would confirm the authority of the Shahs.
The introduction of Darnford as thedeliverer of Maria in a former instance, appears to have been an after-thought of the author.
The introduction of Darnford as the deliverer of Maria, in an early stage of the history, is already stated (Chap.
Sir George and his lady invited our hero and Mr. Rhys to dine with them the next day at Ystrad Fîn, where the baronet said they would discuss in what manner he could repay the services of the brave deliverer of his lady.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "deliverer" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: deliverer; keeper; ranger; rescuer; saver; taxidermist