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Example sentences for "dehiscence"

Lexicographically close words:
degre; degree; degrees; degres; dehisce; dehiscent; dehiscing; dehorning; dehors; dehumanizing
  1. The dehiscence is even more regular than in the preceding species and approaches that of C.

  2. When opened by irregular dehiscence from above, the persisting cup-like base of the sporangium recalls Leocarpus fragilis; but then again the capillitium is different.

  3. The method of dehiscence is also different.

  4. Easily recognized by the short-stiped, ashen sporangia which before dehiscence indicate by delicate tracings the lines which subsequent cleavage is to follow.

  5. Physarum OO Sporangia vasiform or more or less tubular + Dehiscence by a lid or more or less circumscissile 4.

  6. Dehiscence circumscissile or by the breaking up of the upper wall of the sporangium.

  7. Sporangia ellipsoidal, clustered, stipitate; dehiscence by the falling away of the upper part of the peridium disclosing a persisting pencil of capillitial threads.

  8. In dehiscence and structure there is also some resemblance to some species of Diderma, and by Persoon and Fries the common species was so referred, but the capillitium is again definitive.

  9. In loculicidal dehiscence the valves naturally bear the partitions on their middle; in the septicidal, half the thickness of a partition is borne on the margin of each valve.

  10. Septicidal, where dehiscence is through the partitions, 123.

  11. Septifragal, where the valves in dehiscence break away from the partitions, 123.

  12. Diagram of septifragal dehiscence of the loculicidal type.

  13. Stamen with the usual dehiscence of anther down the side of each cell.

  14. In these the dehiscence extends all round, or is circumscissile.

  15. Dehiscence is loculicidal when the union between the edges of the carpels is persistent, and they dehisce by the dorsal suture, or through the back of the loculaments, as in the lily and iris (figs.

  16. When composed of several united carpels, two types of dehiscence occur--a longitudinal and a transverse.

  17. When the outer walls of the carpels break off from the septa, leaving them attached to the central column, the dehiscence is said to be septifragal (fig.

  18. By dehiscence the pericarp becomes divided into different pieces, or valves, the fruit being univalvular, bivalvular or multivalvular, &c.

  19. Sometimes the valves are detached only at certain points, and thus dehiscence takes place by pores at the apex, as in poppy (fig.

  20. Diagram to illustrate septifragal dehiscence, in which the dehiscence takes place through the back of the loculaments l, and the valves separate from the septa s, which are left attached to the placentas in the centre.

  21. The form, colour, structure and method of dehiscence of fruits and the form of the contained seeds are intimately associated with the means of dispersal, which fall into several categories.

  22. Diagram to illustrate the septicidal dehiscence in a pentalocular capsule.

  23. In this genus the sporangium is commonly obovoid, with a naked base which is confluent with the stipe and similarly colored; after dehiscence there is left behind the more persistent cyathiform portion standing on the substratum.

  24. Stamens 6; anthers shorter than the slender filaments, oblong, extrorsely attached above the base, but the line of dehiscence of the closely contiguous parallel cells lateral or slightly introrse.

  25. Dividing the partitions; -- said of a method of dehiscence in which a pod splits through the partitions and is divided into its component carpels.

  26. Breaking from the partitions; -- said of a method of dehiscence in which the valves of a pod break away from the partitions, and these remain attached to the common axis.

  27. The line of dehiscence of the sporangium of a fern.

  28. Defn: Dividing the partitions; -- said of a method of dehiscence in which a pod splits through the partitions and is divided into its component carpels.

  29. Defn: Breaking from the partitions; -- said of a method of dehiscence in which the valves of a pod break away from the partitions, and these remain attached to the common axis.

  30. Lemna; the dehiscence is then transverse.

  31. Stamen of a species of Nightshade (Solanum), showing the divergence of the anther-lobes at the base, and the dehiscence by pores at the apex.

  32. When the anther-lobes are rendered horizontal by the enlargement of the connective, then what is really longitudinal dehiscence may appear to be transverse.

  33. Another mode of dehiscence is the valvular, as in the barberry (fig.

  34. In these two genera the elaters are attached to a sterile group of cells projecting into the upper end of the capsule, and on dehiscence remain connected with the tips of the valves.

  35. Dehiscence takes place either by the upper portion of the capsule splitting into short teeth or falling away as a whole or in fragments as a sort of operculum.

  36. In the Jubuloideae, which in other respects form a well-marked group, the seta is short and the elaters extend from the upper part of the capsule to the base; at dehiscence they remain fixed to the valves into which the capsule splits.

  37. Their special function seems still somewhat obscure, and Boudier suggests that they may be excitatory organs for the dehiscence of the asci.

  38. In some specimens dehiscence appears to have taken place by a slit in one side, and, clay having entered into the interior, both walls of the spore-case can be seen.

  39. For the second time, a spontaneous dehiscence seems called for.

  40. Moreover, to tell the truth, it is not a dehiscence prepared by means of some dainty piece of mechanism; it is a very irregular tear.

  41. The dehiscence takes place elsewhere, at some point on the sides.

  42. The botanical name of Impatiens given to the balsam alludes to this sudden dehiscence of the capsules, which cannot endure contact without bursting.

  43. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dehiscence" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.