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Example sentences for "degrades"

Lexicographically close words:
degno; degradation; degradations; degrade; degraded; degrading; degre; degree; degrees; degres
  1. In every way it degrades the civil service and the character of the government.

  2. It destroys the independence of the separate departments of the government, and it degrades the civil service.

  3. It now has energy to spare and again degrades its valley, excavating its former flood plains and leaving them in terraces on either side, and at last in its old age sweeping them away.

  4. How it dominates man's mind, how it humiliates and degrades his soul.

  5. The theater, therefore, kills spiritually and degrades the moral life of the one who attends it.

  6. The one who flatters you despises you, and degrades both you and himself.

  7. He does not consider how he degrades his hero, by making him at fifty-nine the pupil of turpitude, and liable to the malignant influence of an ascendant mind.

  8. The representation of Jehovah with body or form degrades him to the level of heathen gods.

  9. Sabellianism degrades the persons of Deity into aspects.

  10. Brahmanism degrades woman, but it deifies the cow.

  11. Why does a cabman consider he degrades himself by acting civilly?

  12. It is false that Materialism degrades 106.

  13. It is false that Materialism degrades 107.

  14. That book unmans the politician and degrades the people.

  15. It degrades the citizen, debases the legislator, dishonors statesmen, and disarms the patriot.

  16. No longer is the human mind the vassal of Queen Truth, as Plutarch put it, but the autocratic ruler who degrades truth to the position of a servant.

  17. It elevates us by giving a great object to life, and making it serious and earnest; but it degrades us by making us constantly ashamed of ourselves, and keeping us in a perpetual state of humiliation.

  18. It degrades every soul that teaches it, or that accepts it, in the same way that idolatry degrades it.

  19. If the heathen worship degrades mankind because it is a superstition, with fear for its motive, how large a part of Christian preaching consists also of an appeal to terror!

  20. When Mr. Emerson and Theodore Parker compare in this way the Bible with the Vedas or the Parthenon, we often feel that it degrades the Bible, and takes away its special sanctity.

  21. If slavery degrades its subjects into brutes, then one would suppose that slaves are brutes.

  22. He has repeatedly asserted that slavery among us degrades its subjects into brutes.

  23. The abolitionists, with the most singular unanimity, perseveringly assert that Southern slavery degrades its subjects "into brutes.

  24. It modifies and degrades all religious sentiment and exercises; it changes the very nature of sin, of repentance and obedience, and gives us, what is a perfect solecism, a religion without God.

  25. Those who think that this identification degrades the divine, misapprehend the nature of spirit; and forget that it is of its essence to communicate itself.

  26. Hence the so-called religious humility, which makes God different in nature from His work, really degrades the object of its worship.

  27. Having elevated the ideal, he degrades the actual.

  28. A one-sided doctrine of immanence, thus, degrades both man and God.

  29. It degrades man, in denying to him a true personality, and so making him simply a thing.

  30. It degrades God, in making him the real responsible cause of all sin and error, and in making him treat possible persons as things.

  31. Existence is discovered by putting aside everything that degrades and diminishes it, ceasing to confuse it with inferior objects, and ceasing to form a false idea of it.

  32. Until the soul can manage to accomplish her return into the intelligible world, matter degrades what it has succeeded in abstracting from the soul.

  33. The Results of the Caste System Possibilities of Good It arrays Caste against Caste It narrows the Sympathies It degrades Manual Labour It opposes Commerce A Foe to Nationality A Foe to Individualism It is Unethical vi.

  34. It gives them a gross conception of personal attractiveness as well as a monetary value to beauty, which degrades the ideals of the country.

  35. The cause or reason of shame; that which brings reproach, and degrades a person in the estimation of others; disgrace.

  36. An unworthy behavior degrades and disennobles a man.

  37. We appear," began Hopkinson, "for an ancient and infirm man, whose better days have been worn out in the service of that country which now degrades him.

  38. We appear for an ancient and infirm man whose better days have been worn out in the service of that country which now degrades him.

  39. It is, according to him, a system more tyrannical than that of the feudal ages, a system of actual servitude, a system which destroys the bodies and degrades the minds of those who are engaged in it.

  40. Shall an insult offered to the Caesarean majesty be expiated by death; and shall there be no penalty for him who degrades to the rank of a creature the almighty, the infinite Creator?

  41. Their conduct, in its direct effect, degrades a long-suffering and deeply injured race; but it also degrades themselves.

  42. The poorest man finds his own importance and dignity in it, whilst the wealth and pride of individuals at every moment makes the man of humble rank and fortune sensible of his inferiority, and degrades and vilifies his condition.

  43. Any other rule attributes infallibility to human laws, places them beyond question, and degrades all men to an unthinking, passive obedience.

  44. It degrades and brutalizes the whole being, and does it purposely.

  45. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "degrades" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.