Various currents are then passed through the magnetizing coil, the galvanometer readings and the simultaneous magnetometer deflections being noted.
Again, Eschenhagen[76] detected magnetic anomalies in an area including the Harz Mountains in Germany, where deflections of the plumb line from the normal had been observed.
They are the fal- sities of sense, the changing deflections of mor- tal mind; they are not the eternal realities of Mind.
The measurement of the magnetic and electric deflections gave two independent relations between the unknowns, which could therefore be determined.
The deflections were in the same direction as if a voltaic current had been passed through the galvanometer, i.
Using the helix only, I could not obtain distinct deflections at x, due to the extra effect on making contact, for the reasons already mentioned (1088.
I constantly obtained deflections at the galvanometer, but they were very irregular, and were, in succession, referred to other causes than that sought for.
When the magnetic contacts were reversed the deflections were reversed.
On varying the length of the connecting wire of the circuit, Cumming found the deflections of the multiplier needle to be in a nearly reciprocal relation.
Such a value means that cell resistance limited the maximum deflections for the parallel-connected multipliers, while coil resistance fixed the limit in the series case.
Neither Poggendorf nor Schweigger seems to have ruled out, on logical grounds alone, the possibility of deflections greater than 90 deg.
Notable is the observation of needle deflections in circuits whose connecting wires are interrupted by pieces of graphite, manganese dioxide, various sulphur compounds, etc.
Nowadays we can hardly maintain this idea, because we see that, on account of the great deflections they undergo, the main drifts of air are approximately along parallels of latitude and not along meridians of longitude.
It is evident that there are many possible paths for the light rays through the sides and bases of such crystals, resulting in different deflections and corresponding differences in the forms and positions of the halos produced.
In order to throw light on this remarkable phenomenon, the latitudes of a number of stations between Nairn on the west, Fraserburgh on the east, and the Grampians on the south, were observed, and the local deflections determined.
Since local deflections of the plumb-line were suspected at Feaghmain, the most westerly station, the longitude (with respect to Greenwich) of the trigonometrical station Killorglin at the head of Dingle Bay was shortly afterwards determined.
In mountainous countries, as near the Alps and in the Caucasus, deflectionshave been observed to the amount of as much as 30", while in the Himalayas deflections amounting to 60" were observed.
On the other hand, deflections have been observed in flat countries, such as that noted by Professor K.
It is somewhat singular that the deflections diminish in all directions, not very regularly certainly, and most slowly in a south-west direction, finally disappearing, and leaving the maximum at the original station at Portsoy.
From the deflections thus produced by different gases, we can readily deduce the relative amounts of wave-motion which their molecules intercept.
To render these deflections more easily visible, a mirror m is attached to the system of magnets; a beam of light thrown upon the mirror being reflected and projected as a bright disk against the wall.
Indicator telegraph, a telegraph in which the signals are the deflectionsof a magnetic needle, as in the trans-Atlantic system.
Reflecting galvanometer, a galvanometer in which the deflections of the needle are read by means of a mirror attached to it, which reflects a ray of light or the image of a scale; -- called also mirror galvanometer.
Needle telegraph, a telegraph in which the signals are given by the deflections of a magnetic needle to the right or to the left of a certain position.
Sidenote: 1161b] In the deflections from the constitutional forms, just as the principle of Justice is but small so is the Friendship also: and least of all in the most perverted form: in Despotism there is little or no Friendship.
X Of Political Constitutions there are three kinds; and equal in number are the deflections from them, being, so to say, corruptions of them.
If the deflections are opposite, the point that has the same potential as binding-post, 2, must be between the two points touched.
The fact also that deflections from the text more easily catch the eye than undeviating rejection of deflections was greatly to the advantage of the opposite side.
The morality of telling the truth consists in a conscious conformity to the moral standard of honesty in the face of all deflections of inclination and particular situations.
Every ideal for which men attempt to find fulfillment in the world of action is subject to a thousand accidental deflections of circumstance.
The scale may be calibrated by means of standard candles, and the deflections of the index will then give absolute readings showing the candle power of the light being tested.
Nearly every church on the Isthmus has had its deflections and divisions, and anything like the modern movement toward unity and cooperation of the Christian program is a terra incognita to this enthusiastic individualist.
That his deflections from the straight and narrow path are much less concealed and by him are regarded as of small account is to be conceded.
If the deflections be the same in both cases, we know that the resistance has not varied.
The deflectionsare reduced by interposing a high external resistance.
We can, however, make the two deflections equal by increasing the amplitude of vibration of the less sensitive point.
The resistance of the electrolyte in the cell is thus relatively small, and the galvanometer deflections are proportional to the E.
By suitably increasing the amplitude of vibration of the less sensitive, the two deflections were rendered approximately equal.
We may however discriminate as to how much of the observed change is due to variation of resistance by comparing the deflectionsproduced in the galvanometer by the action of a definite small E.
It is always advisable to have a high external resistance, as by this means one is not only able to keep the deflections within the scale, but one is not troubled by slight accidental disturbances.
I have however adopted another method, by which all necessity of correction is obviated, and the galvanometric deflections simply give E.
In physical geodesy, gravimetric data are used for the determination of the geoid and components of deflections of the vertical.
The correction of errors in triangulation in mountainous regions due to the effect of the deflections of the vertical.
The plumb line is perpendicular to the geoid, and the components of angle between the perpendiculars to geoid and reference ellipsoid are deflections of the vertical.
The interpretation of the signals is according to the Morse code; the dot and dash being represented by deflections of the line to one side or the other of the centre line of the paper.
This development, it is true, was abnormal and consisted partly in increases in prices and temporary deflections in trade.
Neither of these deflections is in itself bad; in moderation, both are good.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "deflections" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.