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Example sentences for "deawn"

Lexicographically close words:
deaths; deathward; deave; deaved; deaw; debacle; debajo; debar; debark; debarkation
  1. Aw expected as it 'ud sit deawn ageean an' lay another.

  2. He said that he was forced to make every little spin out as far as it would; but it kept him bare and busy, and held his nose "everlastingly deawn to th' grindlestone.

  3. For two year aw hadn't a smite o' use all deawn this side.

  4. But, come; yo mun go deawn wi' me a-lookin' at yon main sewer.

  5. Aw make no acceawnt o' slotchin' up an' deawn o' this shap, like a foo.

  6. He inquired where they had been; and they told him that they had "bin to a bit ov a sing deawn i'th Deighn.

  7. Creawn a foo, an' folk'll goo deawn o' their knees to him.

  8. Aw brought him op a deep breawn jug, At a gallon did contain: He took it at one blessed droight, And laid him deawn again.

  9. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "deawn" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.