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Example sentences for "darter"

Lexicographically close words:
darse; darst; dart; darte; darted; darters; dartes; darting; darts; darum
  1. Neighbour Dearborne's darter married a gentleman to Yarmouth, that speculates in the smugglin' line.

  2. It had come to that, since Mrs. Darter had grown to take her soothing drops in every ailment--there was no surety that she either saw things straight or told them straight.

  3. Mrs. Darter opened her eyes; she gazed up at the eyes above her; her chin quivered and two tears slowly ran down her cheeks--the first tears seen on her cheeks during all her lamentations.

  4. Mr. Conner will have it she kep' old Captain Darter poor buying patent medicines.

  5. Mrs. Darter groaned more softly, a sign that she was distracted by something from her own griefs of mind or body.

  6. Mrs. Darter flared out: "You needn't make any coffee.

  7. Mrs. Darter from within--her bed-room adjoined the parlor.

  8. Will Mrs. Darter keep right on and not back-slide, think?

  9. But the minnit he died poor Mrs. Darter got nervous prostration, and she was a nervous prostrate for a year, and they had to spend money traveling, and of course Emmy couldn't git married.

  10. Mrs. Darter appeared to feel it through her eyelids; she winced, she ceased whimpering.

  11. Sally's darter was born on the tenth of June, in eighteen-four.

  12. Then I've one darter that's foolish and sickly.

  13. I shall, if my other darter continues so sick.

  14. P'r'aps you and him didn't break into this ship last night, jist to run off with my darter Rosey?

  15. Sister Parsons hez money enough to settle her darter Meely comfortably on her own land; and I've heard tell that you and Meely was only waitin' till you was ordained to be jined together.

  16. And there my darter was put upon buying one of those tudeling things herself; for she heard say as a young lady was come over from France, that learns all the quality.

  17. I presume you're the darter of one of these here Senators," he said; "one of the rich ones.

  18. They do say as how she was the darter of a baker in Chicago and used to run barefoot around the streets, but she looks as well as any of 'em now and she dines at every Embassy in Washington.

  19. H'after I'd h'arsked yer darter and she'd said 'yus.

  20. She's a dustpot, that's wot she is, my darter Grice.

  21. Yer'll 'ave a darter one day, don't yer worry.

  22. My darter Seraphiny will pay you when we get to her house.

  23. Then they cast out the mooring stones and made fast the hawsers, and so themselves went forth on to the sea-beach, and forth they brought the hecatomb for the Far-darter Apollo, and forth came Chryseis withal from the seafaring ship.

  24. But though a god of life and peace, the far-darter did not shun the weapons of war.

  25. The fiery force of the Far-darter was not felt by the monsters of darkness alone.

  26. How be I ever a-goin' 'bout 'mongst the folks at the settlement agin with my darter married ter a Kittredge?

  27. I humour the little gal, you see, for she's a good darter to me.

  28. Although so abundant and so brilliant in the springtime, the rainbow darter is known to few but naturalists.

  29. By taking the rainbow as the type of the darter and studying closely its habits, both in captivity and in the streams, much can be learned about a group which, in the words of Dr.

  30. You hurts me, miss, in my tenderest parts, as I never thought Master George's darter would 'a doed.

  31. And possession of his darter too, without so much as a Chancery suit.

  32. But her darter can be had to put a flour to a'most anything if my signs isn't grand enough to go into your hat, Master Cripps.

  33. Your darter might go farder and fare wuss!

  34. Your darter may git a better man, not a pyorer one.

  35. Percina phoxocephala# (Nelson) Slender-headed Darter The slender-headed darter was taken at all stations but was more abundant in the Neosho than in the Marais des Cygnes.

  36. The slender madtom and fan-tailed darter are more common in clear streams of southeast Kansas than in other areas of the state (Cross, personal communication and data of the State Biological Survey of Kansas).

  37. The stonecat, slender-headed darter and orange-throated darter are generally restricted to riffle-habitats, and are probably sedentary.

  38. When I was speaking of a jo-darter I meant you, so I was a liar.

  39. Jerusha Matilda Jenkins, the darter of Deacon Jenkins, and who went down to Port Roile to teech the contrarybands their primers, will also be there.

  40. I aint had a letter from Jerushy Matilda, the darter of Deacon Jenkins, sense she went off to Port Royil with that solem feller.

  41. The Deacon, you know, was with me in Washinton a short time, wen I first went there, and his darter Jerusha Matilda went down to Port Royal to teach the contrybands their primmers.

  42. I zent his little darter to the pits to-day, to tell 'un as how you knowed of it.

  43. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "darter" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.