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Example sentences for "darin"

Lexicographically close words:
dareth; darf; dari; daric; darics; daring; daringly; dariole; dark; darke
  1. Ich wanderte an einem Tag In einen wonniglichen Hag, Darin die Vögel sungen; Da kam ich unbezwungen Auf einem wonniglichen Raume 5 Zu einem dichtbelaubten Baume, An deren Wurzeln wundervoll Hervor ein kaltes Brünnlein quoll.

  2. It was some time before the idea flashed across our minds that this might indeed be the mysterious Ling Darin about whom we had heard so much.

  3. The Ling Darin was never before compelled to answer so many questions.

  4. The flowing Chinese garments which had been provided from the private wardrobe of the Ling Darin fluttered wildly in the breeze, as we rode out through the city at the appointed hour.

  5. The Ling Darin informed us that a can of this milk, which he once presented to Chinese friends, had been mistaken for a face cosmetic, and was so used by the ladies of the family.

  6. Gewarte darin Frieden--Await, or look for, therein peace.

  7. When Lien Darin received my letter from Raga-tasam, he immediately sent off two Chinamen fully authorized to come to an agreement with me about the route I was to take.

  8. I threatened to tear the Shigatse passport in pieces, and send off at once a courier to Tang Darin and Lien Darin, and wait for their answer at the foot of Targo-gangri.

  9. But I may as well say at once that this long epistle to Lien Darin was never sent.

  10. Tang Darin was as immovable as the State Secretary for India, Lord Morley.

  11. It was an irony of fate that a letter in most friendly terms and most liberal in its concessions, which I now received from Lien Darin by the hand of the Garpun, had not reached me until it was too late.

  12. In the evening I paid an equally long return visit to my valiant friend Pun Dorche Tsuen, and at night I consigned my letter to Lien Darin to the flames.

  13. And I concluded my letter with wishes for the happiness and prosperity of Lien Darin himself and peace to his forefathers' graves.

  14. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "darin" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.