They were coined on the scale of 3000 gold darics to one talent, each daric weighing normally.
The most ancient type of daric was thick and irregular in shape, and rudely stamped, but of remarkable fineness, the amount of alloy being never more than three per cent.
Instead of one daric per month to each soldier, he agreed to give a daric and a half.
He could guarantee that each soldier should receive a daric a month as pay, the officers double pay, and the generals quadruple.
By going with us therefore you will punish your enemy, and each of you will get a daric a month, the officers twice that sum, and the generals quadruple.
They only demanded an increase of pay, and Cyrus promised to give them half as much again as they had hitherto received--that is to say, a daric and a half a month to each man, instead of a daric.
The daric is equal to about a guinea or a louis d'or of our time, as the Chevalier de Jaucourt very well observes, and not ten francs, as Rollin says.
When Cyrus proposed to march them with his other troops to fight his brother towards the Euphrates, they demanded a daric and a half, which he was obliged to grant them.
The Greeks, though they still suspected a delusion, contented themselves with this answer in the face of their present difficulties, especially as Cyrus promised to raise their pay from oneDaric to one Daric and a half a month.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "daric" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.