Cudna ye be content wi the beuks wi'out the man, Dawvid?
Ye see I juistcudna bring mysel' to gang an' be speerin' for a man whan the folk says he's livin' in open sin.
This applies in general to her walk and voice and manner, but is it fear that prompts her eternal 'I cudna say,' or is it perchance Scotch caution and prudence?
Crutch awa he flang it, Clean forgot his hairms, Cudna stan' withoot it, Fell in Mally's airms.
I daursay, gien I war to try, I cudna at a moment's notice tell ye the names o' mair nor a twa score o' buiks at the ootside.
There didna leuk to be muckle royalty aboot auld John, honest man, wha cudna rule a wife, though he had but ane!
Ye cudnahae kent what ye was doin' whan ye gae 't, my leddy.
I cudnasleep a wink for wantin' to be back aside ye.
Of coorse, I wadna try for prizes; that wadna be fair to them 'at cudna affoord a tutor at their lodgin's.
But when Ah tried to get up, Ah fund the bane o' ma spine was so sair that Ah cudna stand straicht, and a' Ah cud do was to craw' and stagger alang.
The flash o' the burst o' the second salvo tellt me what havoc the first had wrocht, but by noo ma een was licht-blind and Ah cudna see weel.
She turned enough to keep frae rammin' us midships, but she cudna miss oor stern.
Whan I fund that there was no so mony funnels as Ah minded afore, and whan Ah cudna find the W.
I wantit to be your neebour, but I cudnawin at ye for the thieves; ye wad stick to them, and they wudna lat me du naething.
It wisna that I thoucht he wud be vext wi' me, but that I cudna bide onything to come atween me and him.
Maybe the bonny man cudna be aye comin to ye himsel, haein ither fowk a heap to luik til, and sae sent Phemy to lat ye ken what he would hae o' ye.
But I cam to ye the day, no to say onything aboot mysel, but jist 'cause I cudnadu wantin yer help.
Mortal wuman cudna carry a basket in sic a leevin snaw-drift!
Surely it wasna--it wasna 'at the puir wee thing cudna forget me!
There cudna hae been a hole there afore the weicht o' my fit cam doon upo' the spot and ca'd it throuw!
Ye saw it cudna be agreeable to her to hae ye aboot her no that weel washed, and wi' claes ye didna keep tidy and clean!
Gien I was you, I wudna daur to say what he cudna du!
To hear ye, mother, a body wud think I cudna ride!
Ow ay, but she luikit sae angry at me, I cudna speyk.
An' I cudna thole men-fowk to wait upo' me: I wad be clean affrontit.
You cudna guess the real reason why Mary hated him so much.
Rabbie cudnalove a wumman because he loved the wumman in himsel.
I never saw him again; five mile, and hecudna find his way hame!
It was a' siller an' company--company 'at cudna be merry ohn drunken.
Gin there war a God, wadna it jist be sae--that wecudna prove him to be, I mean?
Duv ye think 'at God cudna save a man gin he liket, than, grannie?
But I cudna help thinkin' aboot my mother; for I was born in this room, mem.
A gude-hertit crater, but ye cudna lippen till him.
The fac's jist this: I cudna bide ahin' ye ony langer.
Grannie cudna bide me to touch 't,' So determined was he, that Miss St. John was forced to yield.
But lay nae consequences upo' him, for he cudna stan' unner them.
Ye cudna hae said as Little Rathie was a weelfaured man when he was i' the flesh.
A' wud raither gang as sune as a' cudna manage masel, but.
A' cudna hae changed her, but a' micht hae made her meeserable.
Ye cudna hae said as Little Rathie was a weel-faured man when he was i' the flesh.
It is a peety they cudna be shaken a bit in their nerves.
She "cudna thole yon godless loon" or his theories or his works.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cudna" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.