At Roche-Foulon are numerous rock-caverns still inhabited, and at the Roche du Pignon begins a series of curiously weathered and crumbled rocks, most weird and bizarre.
It is surrounded by a deep fosse, now herbage-grown and half-filled, and its walls are crumbled and covered with lichen and moss.
The churches point to their decayed saints and their crumbled popes and say, "Do you know more than all the ministers that ever lived?
Above the hollow, droning sound Of waves that filled the watery round, She heard a distant shout and din-- The levees of the upper land Had crumbled like a wall of sand, And the wild floods were pouring in!
The 'dobe dividing wall on that side, which once had separated the Mission garden and the Seed ranch, had long since crumbled away, and the boundary between the two pieces of ground was marked only by a line of venerable pear trees.
The tower or "keep," which was the fortified part of the building, is almost intact except the floors, but the residential portions have crumbled and fallen away.
Nor dare he in the daylight prowl about those crumbled ruins.
All through that morning the camels had jolted slowly up the gulley of shale between red precipitous rocks, and when the rocks fell back, between red mountain-heaps all crumbled into a desolation of stones.
Mather walked on, mounted a few rough steps to the crumbled archway of the entrance, and passed into the unroofed corridors and rooms.
It was the potter looking for his dead daughter as the debris of the old wall, beneath which she had been buried sixteen years before, crumbled away bit by bit before the furious stream.
Sound to sight and touch, yet six good quarts of milk spilled on the ground, as it crumbled like sand ere a body could get a hand to it.
But the earth crumbled under his feet, and, already exhausted, the doomed man sank on his knees, and looked wildly round for help.
Fifty yards beyond the outer fringe of those crumbled heaps a little stream flowed, a shattered willow here and there marking its course, and from the opposite bank the ground rose to what had once been a thick wood.
To have given one's soul an abiding expression to wake the souls of other men thousands of years hence--to bring a lump into the throat of some human being long after one's bones have crumbled to dust.
He stood at the sick man's side, rocking on his heels, fighting a purely physical battle, then suddenly crumbled up on the edge of the bed, his shaking hands to his face.
The softer limestones may easily be crumbled and powdered for examination under the microscope; the harder kinds should be treated with acid.
For a few minutes he gazed astonished, then the form of the dead man vanished almost like a ghost, for it crumbled into dust under the influence of the fresh air.
From graves near by, thrown out on the roadside by the spades of workmen loading their carts with sand, the author has seen Indian bones, more crumbled than the silly beads and rusty scissors buried with them, which they bought so dearly.
Whenever the old one crumbled away, a new one was erected to replace it.
As we approached the Shimerdas’ dwelling, I could still see nothing but rough red hillocks, and draws with shelving banks and long roots hanging out where the earth had crumbled away.
The earth was warm under me, and warm as I crumbled it through my fingers.
It was like a miracle, but before our very eyes, and almost in the drawing of a breath, the whole body crumbled into dust and passed from our sight.
He crumbled the wafer up fine and worked it into the mass between his hands.
As I stood there on the parapet of Sumter, and looked out over the battered and crumbled fortress, I realized how it had become, even in ruins, well nigh impregnable.
Battered and crumbled almost to shapelessness, it rose before us like some vast monster in the centre of the harbor.
I see shattered irons, crumbled Bastilles, thrones and altars in dust, and crowning the ruins of the old world a scaffold, the reckoning of Kings!
The water-tank leans against the station no longer, and they have repaired the crumbled walls.
It has crumbled to one-third of the height given by Xenophon.
Ahead was what we called the 'Second Median Wall,' a crumbled wall some twenty feet high, which ran across the front of the mounds.
Much of this soil had crumbled down, but a great deal of it still retained the form of castings.
The castings moreover were more sandy, and in collecting them during dry weather they sometimes crumbled into dust, and much was thus lost.
The immense empire of Tamerlane crumbled to pieces after his death.
Enormous grass-grown mounds, enclosed bycrumbled ramparts, alone mark the sites of the great cities of the Assyrian kings.
All these tower-temples have crumbled into vast mounds, with only here and there a projecting mass of masonry to distinguish them from natural hills, for which they were at first mistaken.
These ramparts are still, in their crumbled condition, about fifty feet high, and average about one hundred and fifty in width.
The framework of his nature, originally strong and massive, was not yet crumbled into ruin.
Leaning against a twisted tree in the old drive, Dan watched her until her black dress fluttered beyond the crumbled wall.
He was standing before the place that he called home, and where the hospitable doors had opened he found only a cold mound of charred and crumbled bricks.
The shingly beach, no less deserted, was thick with tangled seaweed, and the innumerable shells crumbled under the feet that trod them.
Perhaps such stones had crumbled or were thrown outside when near disintegration.
It was not possible to uncover the wall in shape for illustrating; portions of it continually crumbled as the looser material piled against it was removed.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "crumbled" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.