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Example sentences for "another city"

  • Going a days journey from thence, I came to another city named Aiaz, which is built on two hills, having a large plain between them, in which is a noted fountain, where various nations resort as to a famous mart.

  • Three days journey from thence I came to another city named Zioith or Zabid, half a days journey from the Red Sea.

  • Departing thence, after three days journey we came to another city named Coulan, about twenty leagues from Caicolon.

  • Continuing my journey along this river by the left hand, I came in three days journey to another city named Schyra[56], subject to a prince who is a Persian Mahometan, and is independent of any other prince.

  • One day she was thrust into a taxicab, taken on a boat, landed at another city, etc.

  • Once, in another city, in connection with his appearance in court, Adolf was seen by a psychiatrist who suggested that he was a case of dementia precox, but nothing in our long observation of him warrants us in such an opinion.

  • John had been held in another city on a charge of rape, but without much evidence, for he was allowed to go.

  • The latter river empties itself into the Cophes,[358] near Plemyrium, after passing by another city Gorys, in its course through Bandobene and Gandaritis.

  • Athens has a population of but little more than a hundred thousand, and it is doubtful whether there is another city of its size that can boast of as large an expenditure of private capital in public buildings.

  • One Chinaman of prominence, in another city, went so far as to intimate that such discrimination would not be permitted if China had a large army and navy and was able to enforce her rights.

  • I found in China that the notes issued by a bank in one city would be discounted when presented at a branch of the same bank in another city.

  • So she set out and walked until she came to another city.

  • He led her a long ways to another city, where he turned down a street and opened the first door he met.

  • She was very much astonished, but Catherine did not return, but hastened on until she came to another city.

  • THEY came afterwards to another city, and had a mind to lodge there.

  • But going forward on the morrow, they came to another city, and saw three women going from a certain grave with great weeping.

  • And being then furnished by the people with provisions for the road, they departed and went to another city, in which they were inclined to lodge, because it was a famous place.

  • She could go to another city, but there was no use in that either.

  • He left shortly after writing the article, and went to another city.

  • From that city men go to another city that is clept Gethe, that is a journey from the sea that men clepe the Gravelly Sea.

  • And a little thence is another city, that men call Dispolis, but it hight some time Lidda, a fair city and a well inhabited: there is a kirk of Saint George, where he was headed.

  • And from that city passing many journeys is another city, one the greatest of the world, that men clepe Cassay; that is to say, the 'City of heaven.

  • And after that they pass an arm of the sea, and then they go to another city that is clept Golbache.

  • United States assistant treasurer certificates, and clearing-house loan certificates; and (5) by draft on another city.

  • In others settlements are made exclusively by drafts on another city.

  • If he say the infantry and cavalry have hastened to another city, why then remain ye until his army come, and fight even as he shall say.

  • From that city men go to another city, called Bethe (Beth-Germa?

  • A man who deserted his wife and family was reported to have gone to his brother in another city.

  • In still another case, reported by a different agency, a man who had deserted his family was known to be receiving mail through the general delivery of another city.

  • They quarreled and he went to relatives in another city.

  • From thence he proceeded to another city, where he was received with great homage by the most illustrious of the nation.

  • A more striking instance of the deference paid by Ur-NinĂ¢ to the god of another city may be seen in his relations to Enki, the Sumerian prototype of the god Ea.

  • Opis is mentioned after a number of Sumerian cities, is no indication that the city itself, or another city of the same name, was regarded as situated in Sumer, as suggested by Jensen (cf.

  • There's no way out of it--unless you skip to another city.

  • To fly to another city--that meant another Palmer, or the miseries of the unprotected woman of the streets, or slavery to the madman of what the French with cruel irony call a maison de joie.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "another city" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    another called; another cause; another church; another edition; another feature; another form; another gospel; another half; another language; another layer; another mind; another order; another part; another piece; another plant; another proof; another race; another second; another state; another stewpan; another subject; another time; another visit; another when; church wedding; good judgment