Councell of Japon, sent by our jurobasso, COE JUAN, to the Emperours courte at Meacoe for the tyme beinge.
Ferando in Japon, sent by our jurobasso, COE JUAN, to the Emperours courte now at Meacoe.
To theCourte agane repares the Erle of Anguss, and his brother Schir George.
And this was done of many to maik courte thairby; for all man esteamed the Governour to have bein the most fervent Protestand that was in Europa.
The raige of those bloody beastis proceadith so that the Kingis Courteit self eschaipit nott that danger; for in it diverse war suspected, and some accused.
God gladlie and orderlie for conscience sake, not coldlie, and somtyme for maner sake, you carie all the Courte with yow, and the whole Realme beside, earnestlie and orderlie to do the same.
London dailie to be watched, let all good men beside do euerie where what they can, surelie the misorder of apparell in mean men abrode, shall neuer be amended, except the greatest in Courte will order and mend them selues first.
Bon Il la fait courte et bonne = He is having a short life and a merry one.
L’herbe sera bien courte s’il ne trouve à brouter = It will go hard if he does not pick up a living; He would live on nothing.
L’herbe sera bien courte s’il ne trouve à brouter = He would live on nothing; It will go hard if he does not pick up a living.
Gett he in-to the courte auctorite He wyll precell Quintyn and Kennedie.
Than to the kyng and courte of Scotlande Scho markit hir[188], withouttin more demande.
Fra tyme he gat the purs in hand He kyndlie ‘Cousin’ callit me, And baid me gar him understand My buseness all haillalie, And swair that he My trew and faythfull friend sould be In courte as I pleis him command.
Th'inhabitantes a bought Brest have layd siege therunto, and goten the Base Courte of the Frenshmen or the departyng of our said pursivaunt.
And Further I desire yowe of your good Answere in this behalf the morowe Folowing your next Courte Day by yowe to be holden at your halle Endd.
Strangwissh continually cryeth and maketh exclamacion in the courte of you insomoch that the lordes of the counsaill haue determyned to wryte vnto you in that behalf wold to our lorde your grace were rid of that man.
Russhe I spake with him also at [the] courte if I then had knowen your pleasure I could now haue sent you answere of the same.
It is Ordered, sentenced and decreed, that to the aforesaid Courte of Election the severall Townes shall send their deputyes, and when the Elections are ended they may proceed in any publike searvice as at other Courts.
Comissioners for the Matathusetts presented to the Comissioners of the other Colonyes a writeing from a Comitee of theire Generall Courte desiering that a dew Consideracion may bee had thereof, in answer to the Severall pticulers.
Also the Generall Courte in September shall be for makeing of lawes, and any other publike occation, which conserns the good of the Commonwelth.
Courte or Assemblie of themselves, for the better ordering and directing of their affaires.
Ariobarzanes that day fared as though hee were besides himselfe, voyde of ioy and mirth, where all the rest of the Courte spent the tyme in sport and Triumph, the Ladies and Noble women together with the kynge and Queene themselues.
His courte was replenished with Concubins, for he still mainteined three hundred, and threescore that belonged to Darius, and amonge them were flocks of Eunuches accustomed to performe the vse of women.
When he came to the Courte and appeared before his victorious enemie, he blushed for shame of his ouer throwe.
A narrative of the proceedings of the court of Common Councell held in Guildhall, London, the thirteenth of January, 1648, humbly presented by the order of the said courteto the honorable the Commons of England assembled in parliament.
The great lady in her own home appears to far better advantage than her compeers at court, who are thus caustically described by a writer of the second half of the sixteenth century-- “The women of the Courte have also their vices.
Yt was aunswered him that thecourte sate not to trye matters of religion, but a matter de facto, that whether he browght the said slaunderous bookes into the realme, and whether he had disparsed them.
Quarter Sessions Records, Michaelmas, 1636: "Fforasmuche as thisCourte is informed that Overhinton (?
Item to the xiith we knowe not where the Courte Rolles, Rentals, or customaryes of the manor are remayning or in whose custodye.
The Princely Pleasures at theCourte at Kenelwoorth.
These were the magistrates at a session entitled "A particular courte in Hartford upon the tryall of John Carrington and his wife 20th Feb.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "courte" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.