Here was the incipient idea of couplers and buffers improvised by practical men, and for a third of a century it remained almost unimproved upon, except by the introduction of a spring upon which coupler and buffer played.
Mount the loose coupler at the back of a board on the left-hand side and the variable condenser on the right-hand side.
A better scheme is to use a loose coupler formed of two or three honeycomb or other compact coils, while a variocoupler or a variometer or two will produce the maximum regenerative action.
Differing from the ordinary loose coupler the variometer has no movable contacts while the variometer is provided with taps so that you can connect it up for the wave length you want to receive.
Begin by connecting the leading-in wire of the aerial with the binding post end of the primary coil of the loose coupler as shown in the wiring diagram Fig.
Wiring Digram of Intermediate Wave Receptor with One Vario Coupler and 12 Section Bank-wound Inductance Coil Fig.
In 1883 the Massachusetts Commissioners expressed the hope that the Master Car Builders' Association would at its convention agree upon some type of couplerfor freight cars.
In 1887 the Executive Committee reported in favor of the Janney type of coupler and all other forms that would automatically couple with it under all conditions of service.
This turned the attention of the Association from the coupler to the dead block.
Couplers are provided with a swinging carrier casting to allow side travel to the coupler and bring the coupler to the center by gravity.
A coupler has been made in which this danger no longer exists; in truth, there has been a great advance in this direction.
The old-fashioned car-coupler was a very dangerous device, and many a poor fellow has been crushed between cars when trying to couple them.
The coupler being brought on and off by a pedal, sforzando effects could be produced, or the first beat in cadi measure strongly accented in the style of the orchestration of the great masters.
Shortly after the introduction of pneumatic action, an organ with an occasional octave coupler, that is a coupler which depressed a key an octave higher or lower than the one originally struck, was sometimes met with.
Stops marked ** can be played by Coupler in Sub Octave.
An octave coupler without such extension is incomplete and is no more honest than a stop which only goes down to Tenor C.
By this means an organist is enabled to build up the tone of his organ from the softest to the loudest without having to touch a single stop-knob, coupler or combination piston.
Apparently all the manuals can be coupled to the Grand Choeur; the Grand Orgne and the Grand Choeur to the Pedals; and each manual has a suboctave coupler on itself.
An excess of coupler in the bath does no harm, but a deficiency may lead to poor and weak shades being developed.
Solidogen A is a new coupler that has latterly been applied.
They give a body a chancet to git something done in the forenoon without havin' Mahlon in and out every coupler minutes askin' when a body's goin' to git dinner over.
A big spark flew over acrosst to where Dundee was layin' by the door there a coupler weeks ago and he'd have took fire on his tail if I hadn't happened to be in here.
Guess I'll haul her off a coupler points an' try the whistle again.
Gimme a coupler gallons o' distillate and some waste, somebody.
We might lend him a coupler hundred bones at ten per cent.
Coupler is of our club, and I have frequently heard him declaim upon this subject, and assert, that the marriage-settlements which are now used have grown fashionable even within his memory.
When the work demands a greater delivery than one of the larger tanks will give, two or more tanks may be connected with a special coupler such as may be secured from the makers and distributers of the gas.
The coupler body carries a pressure gauge and the valve for controlling the pressure of the gas as it flows to the welding torches.
These couplers may be arranged for two, three, four or five tanks in one battery by removing the plugs on the body of the coupler and attaching additional connecting pipes.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "coupler" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.