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Example sentences for "counterparts"

Lexicographically close words:
countermining; counteroffensive; counterpane; counterpanes; counterpart; counterplot; counterplots; counterpoint; counterpoise; counterpoised
  1. The incomes and living standards of lay workers are comparable to, or somewhat better than, those of counterparts who work in the city of Rome.

  2. US business firms enjoy considerably greater flexibility than their counterparts in Western Europe and Japan in decisions to expand capital plant, lay off surplus workers, and develop new products.

  3. Certainly these legends have their close counterparts in Norse mythology; the two series only require to be stripped of local colouring, and some unessential details, to display very clearly their common brotherhood.

  4. Teuffel and English bibliographers, Mr. Lewis has confined himself to the briefest of introductions, and been content to bestow most pains on apt and parallel English counterparts to the expressions and idioms of the Latin.

  5. These towers are in reality of such vast bulk that they outflank the nave considerably, as do their smaller counterparts at Wells, though here at Cologne the great transepts overflow the width even of these great towers of the facade.

  6. It need only be added here that the diphasic variations as exhibited by metals are in every way counterparts of similar phenomena observed in animal tissues.

  7. We have already treated of all the normal effects of the stimulus of light on the retina, and their counterparts in the sensitive cell.

  8. By what I have said, we may conclude, Men and Women were made as Counterparts to one another, that the Pains and Anxieties of the Husband might be relieved by the Sprightliness and good Humour of the Wife.

  9. They act the Counterparts of a Confucius or a Socrates; and seem to have been sent into the World to deprave human Nature, and sink it into the Condition of Brutality.

  10. All natural objects are visible analogues and counterparts of mind.

  11. Ideas, spiritual entities, were the counterparts and necessary antecedents of the natural objects and actual facts of life.

  12. Here you see them with crosses upon their crowns,[561] the religious counterparts of our Irish shamrocs!

  13. The pagodas of India have their counterparts in the round towers.

  14. It has counterparts enough, and though they may be traced to a class of society less notorious than that with which she moved, are generally kept in the dark chamber of hidden thoughts.

  15. The two chief incidents of the myth, namely the pulling of the mistletoe and the death and burning of the god, have perhaps their counterparts in popular ritual.

  16. I have pointed out counterparts of the following at Rome and elsewhere in Folklore of Rome.

  17. With a great fireplace at the end of the room, lighting up its darkest corners as no candle could, the taverns along the Cumberland Road where the stages stopped for the night, saw merrier scenes than any of their modern counterparts witness.

  18. Such an experience as we have had to- night, while having its counterparts not infrequently, take the world over, is by no means common.

  19. They are wholly of earth, and seem the counterparts of those wild outbreaks of human passion from which I and so many poor women in the past have suffered;" and a low sob shook her frame.

  20. But the significance of these figures cannot be discerned without an examination of their counterparts on the British side of the account.

  21. The Whiteboys of the south and west were the counterparts of the Protestant Steelboys and Oakboys of the north, and even in the south and west there were Protestant as well as Catholic Whiteboys.

  22. We shall find his Canadian counterparts later in the figures of Mackenzie and Papineau.

  23. He has to deal with the male counterparts of Bridget and Catharine, as porters, laborers, sometimes as cooks and waiters; but he has no trouble.

  24. The counterparts of the Coblynau are found in most mining countries.

  25. The latter two are almost counterparts of each other, although the downy is the more common.

  26. Roman towns sprang up which had no counterparts in Ireland, and usage and custom developed an entirely new condition of life.

  27. There are certain pieces that speak decidedly of Costa Rican influence and others that find their counterparts in the Colombian states to the south.

  28. The central feature of the rather complicated structure is a grotesque human figure, much like the preceding, and having counterparts in both clay and stone.

  29. Their natural counterparts are the "Industrial Bases".

  30. In Aristotle's view, it was quite unnecessary and unwarrantable to postulate the existence in the Mind of ideal forms or counterparts of the substantial forms of Reality.

  31. Players assume that their counterparts maintain a realistic and stable sense of self-worth based on intimate knowledge of their own strengths and weaknesses.

  32. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "counterparts" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.