The gushing, loud-voiced heiress he might have coped with.
Without being really deaf, she usually failed to hear any opening speech, and this Diana coped with very summarily.
The energy of the commanding officers coped successfully with these weaknesses, and the retreat on Nancy was carried out in good order.
He had got beyond the range of his experience; defence, denial, tears, he could have understood andcoped with.
I have warred with a world which vanquished me only When the meteor of conquest allured me too far; I have coped with the nations which dread me thus lonely, The last single Captive to millions in war.
Her journal was her companion as she copedwith life.
Inside of this came a broad stripe of very brilliant red, which was coped by lines of white; both inside and outside of this red space were narrow stripes of a still deeper red, intended probably to mark its boundaries.
In the western wall of the cloister are two arched recesses for monuments, one of which has a coped tomb, with eight steps to the foot of the cross, which is carved upon its lid.
I read in the year 1244 that Anne of Lodburie was drowned therein; this pool is now for the most part stopped up, but the spring is preserved, and was coped about with stone by the executors of Richard Whittington.
How Kirkby, the one mechanic, coped at that time, always with a cheery smile, will never be known.
I had never copedwith fish before, so after holding them for some time under the tap till they seemed clean enough, put them on to fry in butter.
In stone and brick houses the gable wall rose above the roof, and was coped with stone to prevent the wet penetrating into it.
This wall was sometimes high and solid, and sometimes coped "leaning height," as John Thorpe has it on one of his plans, or sometimes pierced with ornamental patterns.
There were clothes to be sorted, there were people in their hundreds to be fitted with coats and trousers and shirts and underlinen and skirts and blouses, and the thousand and one things to be coped with in the Clothes-room.
She who had coped with disasters that left us gibbering imbeciles, and had laughed her way through vicissitudes that reduced me, at least, to the intelligent level of a nerveless jelly-fish!
When the three bull ourang outangs closed upon Bulan he felt no fear as to the outcome of the battle, for never in his experience had he coped with any muscles that his own mighty thews could not overcome.
It was about eleven feet high, with a coped top, and they told me there was a deep and wide dry ditch on the outside.
The situation was too serious to be coped with alone.
But we are just beginning to acknowledge that, though drunkenness is the great cause of misery, there are other causes behind it which must likewise be coped with.
Either incident alone she could have coped with, but it was a distinct imposition to expect her to manage both at once, and on Sunday night into the bargain.
And as for being "sent to Coventry", well, Hal and Lorraine easily coped with that through the twopennyworth system.
With this formidable obstacle, then, the three members of the Supreme Council strenuouslycoped by exercising to the fullest extent the power conferred on the victors over the vanquished.
The hubbub was enervating, and in the air was a stench of liquor with which the sea-breeze coped in vain.
To win her, he told himself, one must needs be a conqueror, one who has coped with dangers and could flaunt new triumphs as his lady's due.
He struggled with it in a conflict that out-lasted hours; but presumably he coped in vain.
Moreover, at Fort Yukon was the trained nurse who had coped with the epidemic there and at Circle, while we had virtually no experience with the disease at all.
There has never been this kind of rush to be coped with anywhere, but the Germans must be having worse.
I had my Tent Section of eighty beds nearly full, and we coped in a broiling sun till we sweltered into little spots of grease, finishing up with five operations in the little operating tent.