Allen, who points out that the abundance of Copepods is determined by the abundance of the Diatoms and other minute vegetable organisms of the plankton.
If the animals are contained in 50 cubic centimetres of water it suffices to add from three to six cubic centimetres of carbonated water to make all the copepods energetically positively heliotropic.
When we observe a dense mass of copepods collected from a freshwater pond, we notice that some have a tendency to go to the light while others go in the opposite direction and many, if not the majority, are indifferent to light.
Marine copepods can be made positively heliotropic by the lowering of the temperature alone, or by a sudden increase in the concentration of the sea-water.
The writer has shown that the experiments on the effect of acids on the heliotropism of copepods can be repeated with the same result in Volvox.
The eyes ofcopepods are of interest, in that they suggest the paired ocelli of the Harpedidae and Trinucleidae.
The similarity in position of the paired ocelli of trilobites and the simple eyes of copepods has perhaps a significance.
In the copepods the modification is in the direction of reduction, both endopodites and exopodites usually possessing fewer segments than the corresponding branches in the trilobites.
The non-parasitic copepods have typically ten (eleven) free segments, including the telson, and the four abdominal segments are much more slender than the six in front of them.
The Feeding Habits and Food of Pelagic Copepods and the Question of Nutrition by Organic Substances in Solution in the Water, by Calvin O.
The Occurrence of a Rhythm in the Geotropism of Two Species of Plankton Copepods when Certain Recurring External Conditions are Absent, by Calvin O.
When feeding upon copepods the movements of the herrings are less impetuous.
In arctic waters the copepods are so abundant that they form the principal part of the food of certain fishes and of the whalebone whales.
The copepods are the most numerous probably--little things only a fraction of an inch in length, but amazingly abundant, and the principal users of plant food.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "copepods" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.