It's tedious, too, being cooped up here not being able to go anywhere for fear of being taken ourselves.
In the latter case, let them be closely cooped for a few days, and bean-meal or oatmeal be mixed with their ordinary food.
Brood ducks should be coopedat some distance from any other.
Had Washington allowed himself to be cooped up on Brooklyn Heights he would have been forced to surrender; and whatever was left of the war would have been a game played without queen, rook, or bishop.
The British were cooped up in Charleston till the end of the war, protected by their ships.
Thence he made his way to the mainland, where on landing he was compelled to lie in concealment for two days cooped up within a line of sentries.
Upon my word I am so sick of beingcooped up for four days in this wretched den that I regard your coming as a godsend.
His excited fancy painted dozens of them not far away, waiting to be shot, and there he was, cooped up on that narrow ledge, with a broken gun, unable even to get a look at them.
He was naturally impatient at being thus cooped up, and bitterly complained that traitors on shore, by means of "blue lights," warned the enemy whenever at night he prepared to break out of his imprisonment.
But the main German fleet was cooped up in Heligoland and in the Kiel canal by the British blockade, which, in itself, was proof positive of Great Britain's naval supremacy.
The French, with the Austrian fleet cooped up in their base in the Adriatic, had little to do but to see that the Austrians were not allowed to escape.
Still, it is pretty tough for him to be cooped up for the next few years.
I don't want to be cooped up in Berlin for the next few years if I can help it.
Then the three of us are safely cooped for those savages to work their will upon.
When there be none better, but now we have other victims sent us by the Sun, all Français, and you two cooped up here to be added to the others.
What misery these poor creatures must have endured, cooped up for twenty-one days in that circumscribed space!
Chickens and pigs, which were the private property of the negroes, were cooped up just behind the cabins.
General Sandford might well be ignorant of the state of things in the city, for he wascooped up in the arsenal, intent only on holding his fortress.
The absurdity of not moving until he received orders from his superior officer, cooped up in the arsenal, where he remained practically in a state of siege, was so apparent that he refused to countenance it.
If I had lain down and gone to my long home eighteen months ago, when you were cooped up in Gueldersdorp with my husband, it would have suited you both down to the ground!
But I guess you weren't hunting for a chance to spend two days cooped up in a cabin that measured six feet by five.
You are an officer in authority; I am answering you, though I protest strongly at your manner; but I don't tell my affairs to prying strangers because we are cooped up on the same boat.
Is it fair that they should be cooped up in a London lodging when their father belonged to this place?
It was comparatively easy to abstain from wine and to wander over wide pasture lands instead of living cooped up in cities--far easier than to attain to the great ideals of Deuteronomy and the prophets.
We may as well look matters in the face, And that we are cooped and cornered is most clear; Clear it is, too, that but a miracle Can work to loose us!
At two o'clock in the morning the thousands of cooped soldiers begin to cross the bridges, producing a scene which, on such a scale, was never before witnessed in the history of war.
The weather being so hot and the dust so great, it must be terrible to be cooped up in it with fat people and thin smokers and others.
The colonists, heartily weary of being cooped up in the boats so long, were only too glad to be put out upon the solid land.
The Iroquois now called upon the parched Hurons cooped up within the wretched hole to give themselves up and receive good quarter.
The inhabitants werecooped up within the fortress or in the Hôtel-Dieu for fear of the Iroquois.
Blest if I didn't often say so to myself when I was cooped up in that cursed prison, Josh!
Our six hundred men, which have lain cooped up in the river till they had contracted diseases, are at last gone to Ostend.
I have about land enough to keep such a farm as Noah's, when he set up in the ark with a pair of each kind; but my cottage is rather cleaner than I believe his was after they had been cooped up together forty days.
These eighteen thousand four hundred and fifty-four men were cooped up on less than thirteen acres of ground, making about fifteen hundred to the acre.
At the same time they enlarged upon the beauties of the desert air, which they said would be so good for those who had been cooped up in the stifling city for so long.
All through the long, hot June day she has been cooped up in a tiny room, and as sunset approaches her friends and relations go to dress her and to decorate her from head to foot with jewellery and finery.
It must bore you to be cooped up here--baking cakes!