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Example sentences for "convicting"

Lexicographically close words:
conveyor; conveyors; conveys; convict; convicted; conviction; convictions; convicts; convictus; convien
  1. It is insufficient to justify you in convicting the defendants, that the evidence disclosed that Patrick H.

  2. It was claimed that the jury stood eleven to one in favor of convicting all of the defendants, and that the one man in question had been "fixed" by the defense.

  3. No English jury could help convicting me, and I will never plead insanity.

  4. If so, there was nothing for it, except to make him incapable, by convicting him of felony.

  5. He went deeper into the subject, got a trace of some of the stolen property, ascertained a connexion between it and the suspected person, confronted him with the owner of the trunk, and finally succeeded in convicting him of the theft.

  6. In the first place, give me the means of convicting Jackson of having received the stolen property.

  7. The officers were convinced, challenged them with the theft, and succeeded in eventually convicting them of stealing two gold eye-glasses, and several jeweled rings.

  8. Despairing of convicting Jesus on a political charge, they deliberately revived a religious one, and presented to Pilate substantially the same accusation upon which they had tried the prisoner before their own tribunal.

  9. And there is the Spirit of Holiness, the flames of that mighty fire spreading on every side, convicting and judging as the Spirit of Burning, and then transforming into its own brightness and holiness all that it can reach.

  10. To discredit the testimony of witnesses who insist upon convicting themselves, would be an anomalous scepticism.

  11. I shall use no evidence which I become in possession of as an agent of this Company for the purpose of convicting liquor sellers.

  12. The Holy Spirit Convicting the World of Sin, of Righteousness and of Judgment.

  13. On the contrary, the zeal which could begin so onerous a work, and prosecute it thus far, could not now remit without convicting its past ardor of cowardice lurking under its temporary semblance of bravery.

  14. If whatever I do is wrong, then you're only convicting yourself; you're not convicting me.

  15. Again were the government defeated; the second jury like the first refused to agree to a verdict of guilty, and were discharged without convicting the prisoner.

  16. It is clear that if they had not believed in the truth of his assertion, they would not have lost such an opportunity of throwing discredit upon him by convicting him of falsehood.

  17. He tells us, in the Platonic Apology, that he felt himself under a divine mission to go about convicting men of ignorance, and that he had prosecuted this vocation throughout many years of a long life.

  18. The Spirit under the preaching of a man filled with the Holy Ghost will often come upon a congregation like a wind, and heads will droop, eyes will brim with tears, and hearts will break under His convicting power.

  19. Facing the question in private again, he obtained four different solutions in an hour; it was John Orgreave who ultimately set him right, convicting him of a most elementary misconception.

  20. The prostrate and unconscious body, all crooked and heaped in the shadow, intimidated the three men, convicting them of helplessness and lack of ready wit.

  21. This did not avail him, and although the jury in convicting him strongly recommended him to mercy he was sentenced to death.

  22. Not, indeed, that I would desire to prosecute these gentlemen upon that charge, if I could count upon convicting them and send them to the dungeon instead of myself.

  23. These and such-like confessions could never embody the experience of a heart on which the bright beams of Jehovah's throne had fallen in convicting power.

  24. All who have been really brought to Jesus have experienced the convicting light of the throne and the peace-giving virtues of the altar.

  25. And be it carefully noted by the reader that the prophet when under the convicting light of the throne is not occupied with what he had done or left undone.

  26. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "convicting" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.