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Example sentences for "conteined"

Lexicographically close words:
contar; contayne; contayned; contayning; conteine; conteineth; conteining; contemn; contemne; contemned
  1. These I did in Englishe the rather because at that tyme men ware not so geuen all to Englishe, but that they dyd fauoure & maynteine good learning conteined in tongues & sciences, and did also study and apply diligently the same them selues.

  2. The Chauncelle (in the whiche is conteined the highe Altare and the Quiere) directe full into the East, representeth the heade.

  3. Further that all these commodities conteined in these verses folowing should happen vnto those that worthely eate it.

  4. To this and much more conteined in the kings answer, the duke replied, and the king againe reioined, not without tawnts and checks vnfitting for their estates.

  5. Thus were those confines in most miserable case, for no house nor other thing was in safegard, but such as were conteined within closure of strong townes and fortresses.

  6. To conclude, he said, "that he would answer the letters of the king and commons, as touching the points conteined in the same.

  7. From thence I departed vhto a certaine citie named Chilenso, the walls whereof conteined 40.

  8. This same kingdome conteined Northfolke and Suffolke, hauing on the east and north parts the sea, on the northwest Cambridgeshire, and on the west saint Edmunds ditch with a part of Hertfordshire, and on the southside lieth Essex.

  9. The countrie of the Northmercies conteined in those daies 7000 housholds.

  10. Here is confirmed the Right that Soveraigns have, both to the Militia, and to all Judicature; in which is conteined as absolute power, as one man can possibly transferre to another.

  11. Will ye not, according to the graces and utterance that God sall grant unto yow, profes, instructe, and mantene the purity of the doctrine, conteined in the sacred Word of God?

  12. I verely beleve the same, and do abhorre and utterly refuis all Doctrine alleged necessary to Salvatioun, that is not expressedly conteined in the same.

  13. So we placed other men in the roomes of those that we lost, and set saile.

  14. The Louteas are an idle generation, without all maner of exercises and pastimes, except it be eating and drinking.

  15. They haue books also that intreat of things and causes naturall, but herein it is to be supposed, that aswell their books as ours do abound with errors.

  16. More we tooke out one hogshead of Aquauitæ.

  17. A letter to the right honourable William Hareborne her Majesties Ambassadour with the Grand Signior from Alger.

  18. The 28 day we fell with an Iland called Bona vista, which is from Cape Verde 86 leagues.

  19. Also we went from Cape de las Barbas Southsouthwest, and Southwest and by South, till we brought our selues in twentie degrees and a halfe, reckoning our selues seuen leagues off: and there were the least sholes of Cape Blanke.

  20. Hee brought mee to the kings Court, and into the presence of the King, to see him, and the maners of the Court: the King doeth onely beare the name of a king, but the greatest gouernment is in the hands of the souldiers.

  21. This is done once a yeere: who so escapeth that day, may be sure that he shall not be put to death all that yeere following, and so remaineth at the kings charges in the greater prison.

  22. They haue very faire wheate, the eare whereof is two handfuls in length, and as bigge as a great Bulrush, and almost foure inches about where it is biggest.

  23. In this most large kingdom are conteined 15 prouinces, euery one of which were in it selfe sufficient to be made one great kingdom.

  24. I Abdel Rahman el Catan, interpretour for his Maiestie, haue translated and turned out of the Arabian into Spanish word for word as is conteined therein: and in witnesse thereof haue subscribed my name as aforesaid.

  25. The loue of Amadour and Florinda: wherein be conteined mani sleightes and dissimulations, together with the renowmed chastitie of the said Florinda.

  26. It conteined in it such a heape of woonders, as I could not without great astonishment looke vpon it.

  27. In the above-mentioned French Tract there is also conteined M.

  28. For his Proposal of amendments of some inconveniencies in this way, I return him my thanks; but as to his first I believe, that the matter may be conteined as wel in the Concave Tool, as on the convex Glass.

  29. This Oracion is called a common place, because the matter conteined in it, doeth agree vniuersally to all menne, whiche are partakers of it, and giltie of thesame[.

  30. The reasonyng of the thynges conteined in this Fable.

  31. After that you shall declare, his educacion: the educacion is conteined in thrée poinctes.

  32. What things soeuer are necessarie for vs to know, are conteined in the holy scriptures: those things which are not expressed in them, we must not curiously enquire of, as things profitable for our saluation.

  33. When the Apostles liued here, many notable miracles were done, but now for certaine good causes, they cease and fall away, for whatsoeuer is necessary for our saluation, is expresly conteined in the word of God.

  34. We find therefore for the first, how that Wales had hir thrée seuerall kingdomes, which being accompted togither conteined (as Giraldus saith) 49.

  35. Ile after the comming of the Saxons (for to saie truth, it conteined little aboue 7000.

  36. Wulmannus, who made a distribution of the psalmes conteined in the whole psalter, and appointed the same dailie to be read amongst the prebendaries.

  37. England vpon the shore (where the beating of the sea had washed awaie the earth from the stone wherein it laie) and when it was taken vp it conteined 50.

  38. Beda noteth it in times past to haue conteined 600.

  39. Christ) and conteined that countrie which we now call the bishoprike.

  40. Illustration] To make that the water conteined in one vessell, shal ascend into another vessell placed above it.

  41. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "conteined" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.