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Example sentences for "conceiued"

Lexicographically close words:
conceited; conceitedly; conceites; conceits; conceiue; conceiuing; conceivability; conceivable; conceivably; conceive
  1. All men for the most part agree, that this marriage was the onlie cause, why the earle of Warwike conceiued an hatred against king Edward, whome he so much before fauoured.

  2. This Roderike pretended to be the chéefe king of Ireland, and therefore kept continuall war with the other rulers, which was partlie the cause wherefore they submitted themselues so soone vnto king Henrie.

  3. Item, he remitted his wrath conceiued against those which were in exile for the archbishop Thomas his cause, so that they might returne againe into the realme.

  4. The emperour vpon displeasure conceiued against the bishop of Liege, which latelie had atteined to that benefice contrarie to the emperours pleasure, who wished the same rather to an other person, [Sidenote: The bishop of Liege murthered.

  5. King Richard this yeare pardoned Hugh Nouant bishop of Couentrie of all his wrath and displeasure conceiued toward him, and restored to him his bishoprike for fiue thousand marks of siluer.

  6. Notwithstanding nothing could perswade them, nor remoue that opinion which they had conceiued of vs, that wee should be Gods.

  7. Afterwards, for the opinion conceiued of his holinesse, the foresaid Oswald was canonized a saint, and had in great worship [Sidenote: Will.

  8. This same was she which commonlie is called saint Audrie of Elie, had in great reuerence for the opinion conceiued of hir great vertue and puritie of life.

  9. On the other side, diuers of the Nobilitie of Normandie, finding their Duke without iudgement to rule, had no disposition to obey; but conceiued a carelesse contempt against him.

  10. But the King hauing conceiued some displeasure against him, refused to admit him to his presence.

  11. When he was throughly recouered of his sicknesse, then he tolde all other things which euery one of them had sayd or done: and also he called to mind the imaginations which he conceiued of the tediousnesse of the minstrels.

  12. The Friers preachers affirmed, that she euen as other men also was conceiued in originall sin, that the =Franciscans= denied and stoutly denied.

  13. The thirde, the same beinge conceiued of the holye ghoste, to haue bene borne of the Virgine Marie.

  14. Which made her husband Amadour diligent many times to write again vnto her, but in al this doing Florinda conceiued nothing, but that he loued her with such like loue as the brother oweth to the sister.

  15. Howbeit like a wise and prudent personage he dissembled his conceiued gryefe, expecting occasion for remedye of the same.

  16. And where before he conceiued hope and assuraunce to be welcome, now he was brought in despaire for retourning in so vnhappy state.

  17. At length the said bishop vpon greefe conceiued that the king should be so heauie lord vnto him, got into a ship at London, and stale awaie into France, where he was well receiued of the French king, and greatlie cherished.

  18. The archbishop continuing in his conceiued displeasure, went to Oxenford, and there on the morrow after saint Nicholas day, renewed the same cursse in solemne wise before all the learned men, students, and scholers of the Vniuersitie.

  19. Notwithstanding all which noble indowments concurring in him, he was banished out of France, vpon displeasure, which Blanch the queene mother conceiued against him.

  20. And so thereby king Henrie as well as his father king Iohn, was oftentimes deceiued of his vaine conceiued hope.

  21. The Ambassadour of the French king heretofore enioyed the like: but of late yeeres by meanes of displeasure conceiued by Mahumet then Viceroy, it was reduced to sixe crownes the day, beside the prouision of his Esquire of his stable.

  22. But now that the two cheefest heads were prisoners, there was good hope conceiued that God had so wrought it, whereby might grow some ouerture of talke, to quiet such troubles by fréendlie peace and agreement.

  23. Wel knew the Scholler by hir voyce, hir weake estate, and sawe besides the most part of hir body all tosted with the Sunne: by the viewe whereof, and humble sute of hir, he conceiued a little pitty.

  24. In the meane space I wil marke and espye if that his alteration be conceiued for any matter against vs, and wherefore his wonted lookes haue put on this new alteration and chaunge.

  25. Chosen and selected out of diuers good and commen- | dable Authors.

  26. Thou straunger of Athens, is our felicitie in such litle reputation with thee that thou doest preferre before vs these priuate men?

  27. Thou doest goe into India, and nowe thou extendest thy vnstable and gredie handes vppon our cattell.

  28. He has many times besought his honour to accept of his serviceable endeavours with regard to his duty concerning the indirect government of the office of ordnance, the entries into the books &c.

  29. Grant in reversion of John Grenewaie of the office of Clerk of the Ordnance, with a fee of 8d.

  30. For which cause his hart began to throbbe, and felte a desire to see his doughter, and to cherishe her with like affection, as thoughe he had neuer conceiued offence and displeasure.

  31. Wherof the mother and brethren of Violenta being aduertised, conceiued like sorowe, as accustomably they doe, that see the honor of them that be issued of their owne bloud vniustly and without cause to be dispoiled.

  32. And followed Brutus, as their captaine, in his conceiued purpose.

  33. Notwithstanding nothing could perswade them, nor remoue that opinion, which they had conceiued of vs, that wee should be Gods.

  34. For mankinde they say a woman was made first, which by the working of one of the gods, conceiued and brought foorth children: And in such sort they say they had their beginning.

  35. For seeing that I refused so to doe, they greatly doubted that they were discouered, and sought by all meanes to remooue out of my minde that euill opinion which I had conceiued of them.

  36. By reason of the great depth and bredth of the gulfe, and change of the lands, (M102) we conceiued hope that we should finde a passage, like vnto the passage of The Castles.

  37. And this was thought to be partlie the cause of the malice that he conceiued against the duke of Orleance, supposing that through him (enuieng his glorie) he was thus disappointed of his purpose.

  38. So by his great wisedome was the wrongfull suspicion which his father had conceiued against him remooued, and he restored to his fauour.

  39. This done, and hauing conceiued good hope of victorie, he alighted on foot, and putting his horsse from him, he stood before the standards as one not caring for anie danger that might happen.

  40. King Ericke hauing alreadie his people in armor through displeasure conceiued heereof, and desire to be reuenged, hasted foorth to incounter his enimies: and so they met in the field, and fiercelie assailed ech other.

  41. But to conclude, such was the opinion conceiued of his holinesse of life, that shortlie after his decease, he was canonized amongst the number of saints, and named Edward the Confessor.

  42. What the foolish people dreame of the hell Kettles, it is not worthie the rehearsall; yet to the end the lewd opinion conceiued of them may grow into contempt, I will saie thus much also of those pits.

  43. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "conceiued" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.