Sweete mistresse where as I loue you nothing at all, Regarding your substance and richesse chiefe of all, For your personage, beautie, demeanour and wit, I commende me vnto you neuer a whit.
The Poetes also wyth great lawdes commende and exalt the noble folowers of vertue ascribyng to euery man rewardes after his merytes.
And shortly to say, the intencion of al Poetes hath euer ben to repreue vyce: and to commende vertue.
The slaues when they went to their sacrifice, were apparelled in the habite or deuise of the Idol vnto whom ech of them did commende himselfe: and moreouer they decked them with feathers, garlands and floures.
The Souldyers on the lande dyd hyghly commende hys courage, but the Sea menne woulde giue no eare vnto him, so that it is thoughte that the offer came not to the Emperoures knowledge.
Any thing commende of only wil, that wil neyther is constrayned ne defended thorow any other thing.
I cannot but commende the stout courage of Timoclea.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "commende" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.