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Example sentences for "comicality"

Lexicographically close words:
comforts; comfy; comic; comical; comicalities; comically; comick; comics; comida; comin
  1. She never realised the comicality of her contradictoriness, or even its existence in her character, though it qualified every act and impulse of her daily life.

  2. He had, from the beginning, recognised that she was no fool, that her remarks owed their comicality to her phrasing of them, and that essentially they were shrewd, her acrobatic intellect swinging easily across the gaps in her education.

  3. Mr. Romfrey was elevated by the extraordinary comicality of the notion of the proposed apology to heights of humour beyond laughter, whence we see the unbounded capacity of the general man for folly, and rather commiserate than deride him.

  4. The comicality of her having such remarks addressed to her provoked a smile on Rosamund's lips.

  5. I saw a scene of mingled comicality and seriousness at his funeral some weeks ago, which has choked me at dinner-time ever since.

  6. He is an immense humorist and his comicality is sometimes colossal; but his most striking quality is the one on which M.

  7. In all these things the comicality is of the exuberant and tremendous order, and yet in spite of its richness and flexibility it suggests little connection with high animal spirits.

  8. There was much ghastly comicality mingled with the horror in several of the places we visited on those two nights.

  9. He is an immense humorist, and his comicality is sometimes colossal; but his most striking quality is the one on which M.

  10. Of all the comic actors I have seen he is the least trivial--at the same time that for richness of detail his comicality is unsurpassed.

  11. In all of these the comicality is of the exuberant and tremendous order, and yet, in spite of its richness and flexibility, it suggests little connection with high animal spirits.

  12. The comicality of this was really intense and savory.

  13. May you find again in these pages that sadness which makes lofty souls laugh, that comicality which makes them weep.

  14. In presence of this disaster, and in spite of the prodigious comicality of these faces, my first feeling was one of compassion.

  15. She looks such a fragile creature possessed with such an angry spirit that Chetwoode, in spite of himself acknowledging the comicality of the situation, cannot altogether conceal a smile.

  16. It is not very easy to conceive any thing in which sadness and comicality are united, except Tristis Amator, a sad lover.

  17. Comicality has heretofore been evinced only, as it were, in isolated sparks and flashes, instead of that full blaze of meridian splendour which now pervades the entire mechanism of society, and illuminates all the transactions of life.

  18. He it was who first proved to the world that philosophy and comicality are, in fact, one science; and that the more we learn the more we laugh.

  19. Much comicality was displayed in the Middle Ages, in the proceedings of the knights errant, the doings in Palestine, and the mode adopted by the priests of inculcating religion on the minds of the people.

  20. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "comicality" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.