But this forced humour did not satisfy him long; he let comicalities alone, and became the serious observer of the people.
At a time when painting was forced to address itself to a public which was uneducated in art, and could only appreciate anecdotes, such comicalities had the best prospect of favour and a rapid sale.
He had the secret of displaying his comicalities with great aptitude, and of mocking at the ridiculous eccentricities of the Philistine in an obvious and downright fashion.
The vocal comicalities of the infant in arms are exceedingly laughable, but we are unfortunately unable to spell them.
The Comicalities of verbs consist in certain liberties taken with their numbers, persons, moods, and tenses.
A reissue of the famous pictorial comicalities which were so popular thirty years ago.
For many years past the sayings and comicalities of "Josh Billings" have been quoted in our newspapers.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "comicalities" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.