It was not uncommon for some growers to put on anywhere from 6 to 15 lead sprays in a season in order to control codling moth, as they used to do in certain apple orchards, particularly in the West.
Examples of such insects are the pecan or hickory shuck worm, the walnut husk maggot, and the codling moth.
The Codling (2) is not the Apple now so called, but is the general name of a young unripe Apple.
Not yet old enough for a man, nor young enough for a boy; as a Squash is before 'tis a Peascod, or a Codling when 'tis almost an Apple.
Not yet old enough to be a man, nor young enough for a boy; as a Squash is before 'tis a Peascod, or a Codling when 'tis almost an Apple.
In such cases spraying usually given for other insects, as the codling moth, serves to keep the curculio well under control.
To get rid of the codling moth worm you use the arsenate of lead.
From the experiences of last year with apple scab and codling moth, more thorough spraying is to be done.
This spraying kills many of the germinating spores of such things as apple scab and also is the important spray for codling worm as well as for the plum curculio and for leaf eating insects.
The codlingmoth egg hatches shortly after the bloom falls, and the little worm instinctively goes into the blossom end of the apple, because that is the only place it can enter the apple at that particular time.
The spray just immediately after the bloom in addition to fungous is a codling moth spray.
Mr. Dyer: What pressure would you recommend in spraying for codling moth where arsenate of lead is used?
It has been said that if you spray thoroughly at that time, that that is the only spray you really need for the codling moth worm.
The cotton-boll weevil, which destroys so much of the cotton, is, like the codling moth, an insect imported from another country.
The codling moth, whose larva is the little apple worm, causes an immense loss in our fruit orchards.
Role of woodpeckers in control of the codling moth in Nova Scotia.
Woodpeckers as predators of the codling moth in Nova Scotia.
Several of the insects mentioned in this survey, like the last-named codling moth, are occasionally double-brooded.
But old Codling and the village men just took it for granted, and as many of the farmers and even my father came in conveyances there was soon no lack of tracks all over the road.
The men of the village mustered about the police office--not because of any help poor old Constable Codling could be to them, but because the very place gave a kind of legality to their proposed doings.
I did this because I knew it was the proper place to go--not because old Silver-buttons Codling was the least good.
I think I had suspected everybody for miles round in turn--from Mr. Codling the policeman to the vicar himself.
We hear of instances of codling moth on apples where DDT doesn't seem to be as good as it was in the beginning.
Mr. Codling did not attend, and Mr. Gooch withdrew.
Mr. Day moved and Mr. Codling seconded an amendment that a third ballot paper be sent out, stating that Messrs.
Codling and Mr. Herbert Day, met the men at Trunch in the evening and thoroughly discussed the cause of the dispute with them.
What Codling may have thought about his own conduct on that evening no one can say, but he evidently resented Hawthorn's freedom of speech most bitterly.
But before this noble plan of out-manoeuvring an enemy could be carried out, the Vicar and Thomas had encountered each other, and Mrs. Codling had to rush to the defence of her husband.
Strange to say, he had more than once seen Adelaide Codling since that night at the theatre, and somehow that always gave him hope.
So Codling cursed Wanless for his crime, and the doom-stricken labourer passed from his sight.
Perhaps this self-condemnation was not quite reasonable, for Mrs. Codling provoked Wanless most unjustifiably.
The inquest on the body of Adelaide Codling was held in the upper room of a low-class public house in Upper Thames Street.
This Parson Codling you will perceive had become tame.
Her own motive in running away after Adelaide Codling was not very clear even to herself.
Codling was standing, and with trembling hand stirring a large tumbler of hot brandy and water.
A mere twelvemonths' labour at reforming the morals and refining the minds of the rustics by means of the schoolmaster was not quite enough to bring young Codling to a proper sense of his position.
It was Mrs. Codling who, brave to the last, and woman-like, gave the parting shot.
The codling moth attacks the apple and often causes a loss of from twenty-five to seventy-five per cent of the crop.
Note on a parasitic nematode from codling moth larvae, Carpocapsa pomonella (Lepidoptera, Olethreutidae).
Dutky and Hough, 1955): This nematode, found in codling moth larvae, is close to Neoaplectana chresima Steiner but apparently is a new species.
In this state and in the arid sections where walnuts are commercially grown, the codling moth, the well-known apple pest, has turned its attention to the walnut, and under some conditions does serious injury.
We have had complaints of severe injury to walnuts in California from the codling moth and walnut aphids.
Having studied out the processes of an apple's development and the codling worm's method of attack, they prepare a death-trap for an insect that is as yet unborn.
Then I asked if it would be possible to capture a codling moth at this time of the year.
Before I had added them up, I collapsed like a torn balloon and curled up like a codlingworm that has sampled the arsenate.
What the codling worm leaves, the caterpillar will destroy, and so on, and so on.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "codling" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.